Interesting. May I ask who that is?
Yep. Came here to find out if any autists had discovered who was on the plane...
Interesting. Any planefags here to say if this is unusual or not?
Lol, I love this, "we're sitting in a snow globe on God's coffee table."
Ooo, it's a beautiful still frame of Brad Pitt's bod from Fight Club🐸💖
And California finally has water🐸
Interesting stuff
It's beautiful🐸
Upvoted for tiddlywinks🐸
Much appreciated👌
Oh that's a good idea. Where do you order yours?
Well said. Did you accidentally or deliberately channel Dr Seuss with that statement? 🐸
Had to look up this artist. Good stuff...
Really sweet how in awe he was🇺🇸💖
& I think he asked Susie to find out & let him know.
Lmao that one on the right!🐸👌
She's beautiful as always, but her dress last time was prettier. Ivana's dress was gorgeous💖
Wtf, sorry that happened to you