Shocked pikachu
Commenting here in the hopes someone will reply with sauce.
Sounded pretty damn smart to me🐸👌
That's awesome🐸 Please post a pic of them hangin' together if you get one!
How am I just now finding out that this exists?😁💖🇺🇸
What a gift!💝🐸👌 & unrelated... Who else watched Die Hard on Christmas?
I miss those stylin hats guys used to wear🐸
Looks like one of those weird, old ads that would've been on Wendy's tables back in the day🐸
Ooo, I love thinking about the panic he creates when posting things like this🐸
Aenima should be playing in the background🐸
WW could take them all down🐸
Talk about not giving a crap what anyone thinks. He's the epitome🐸 & I love how obsessed he is with his cat... & was with his former cat.
Second only to Elf in my world!
After watching Three Body Problem, that scene is all I'm going to be able to think of when anyone mentions the Panama Canal😳🐸
Omg, don't get me started!💖
Lol, I saw one of those "camouflaged" towers right outside of Vegas. Surrounded by only palm trees🐸
Nice👌 My final straw was all the ads when Hillary & Obama were going at it before those primaries.
He's pardoned everyone else, might as well🐸