the truth is, your comment history shows you only joined to promote george as being legit
put your money where your mouth is and make a george win site if you really believe they are legit
you won't bc you know they are grifters, and for some reason, you are ok with being their mouth piece
don't be a parasite
if you truly believe george is legit, go make a .win for george
the only reason why parasites hook onto places like ga is bc they know their bs can only be sold on the backs of actual info/truth
thank you
i can't believe how gullible people are
if Q didn't recruit us, i swear all the win sites would be just one steaming pile of lies being echo chambered
Those darn copyright violations are a crime against democracy.
Communist China will fall once the copyright violations are addressed.
Good to know our tax dollars are working on something important, instead of auditing that stupid election fraud and investigating the corruption of government branches and alphabet letters.
y'all need some bill cooper knowledge
he predicted back in 2000 the governments of the world will use threat of aliens as optics to unite under their new world order
if you don't think this is too outrageous for normies to believe, we just had an election stolen, mountains of evidence, and some how Biden is still seen by normies and the rest of the world as a legit potus
if the tech for deep fakes exist, what prevents TPTB from pulling another moon landing style optics with aliens instead
think about that
It's blatantly freemasonology
their logo is a blatant in thy face square and compass
MTG threw Q and anons under the bus in order to keep her gov position during her GOP interrogation
nationalfile is anti Q
2 + 2 = nationalfile using her as a poster child for making Q and related optics look as bad as possible
this always happens
too many people are thirsty for directions right now, and don't know how to be patient until actual Q start posting legitimately
by the time actual Q posts come around again, I wouldn't be surprised if george news attack them in order to keep their revenue
if you have to keep pushing a narrative to get people to believe it, it is not self verifiably legit
not-self evidently legit means it's weak on it's own merit
ccp promoted simple chinese text and moved away from the traditional
now you have 2 groups of chinese people: those that can read old chinese documents and those who can't
i wouldn't be surprised if today and ebs alert came on to announce that the purpose of gov funded pub school curriculum was/is/always will be to make kids illiterate, especially in historic documents
link to post and comment? handshake and all.......
Anyone claiming to be an insider of "Q" is lying.
Qs entire movement is to disseminate red pills and teach people to see the world properly, not to promote a priest class that are "in the know."
If you look at all the high rate names associated with Q movement, they are all humble people, NOT trying to gain followers like the so-called "insiders", but instead trying to fight against the lies, psy ops, etc, waged on the American public.
wow, this is bioshock level art of articulation
someone needs to hire this guy to be the lead concept director for games
no, q is not a quantum computer, it's military op by the "white hats"
i dunno how many times Q has to say this as well as other military intels that talk about Q being a group of mil intel before people go, "oh, I guess Q was intel, just like Q's been saying all along"
I mean, they say they are patriots, but when you start attacking God, it's kind of a countdown before implosion.
Case in point, every form of socialism, communism, and marxism (whether feudal or modern) as examples.
thanks for pointing out the obvious, cucker
may be next time, you can screw over MAGA and then talk about other boogeymen the dems push, so you can get some of your audience back for fox, so fox can call texas for dems in the next cycle
in related news, Hunter is still his BFF
MSM is gonna keep datefagging to discourage hopium addicts
and then their manufactured failures are going to play into their narrative, just like they manufactured the "no evidence consensus" for the election fraud and are still playing that narrative despite every evidence contrary to their narrative
if people don't understand that is info/psychological warfare after being here, i dunno if there's any hope for these people at all
if they release the name, and then lawsuit, discovery, it would expose the entire false flag
releasing either her physical body or her alleged shooter is suicide for the narrative
"valid concern"
like everyone, you have post and comments history
basically an open book if you read your own threads and comments
YOU think this place is "an echo chamber of hopium" bc you don't understand anons
and if you think that, you really don't get what this forum is about, nor why Q involved us in the first place
"can we get doomers to join now and talk about how 'we' are all wrong about Q fellow anon guys?
may be this time it'll work"
ironic, that satan with capital S would trend, but they refuse to have much to do with God or stop lying, on a platform for lefitists (who they say are the good guys and trump/conservatives are the "immoral guys")
i think what's really going on is, it looks like their doing some form/kind of incantation witchcraft invoking Satan's name to hex those they name, and they're making it trend so other participants do the same, like how once twitter banned Trump, that was a signal to trend other companies to purge Trump and conservative voices
well, at least you kow Jack Brewster brewse through this forum or tdw
XD she already knows who tapper's source is
they can just replace the word "basement" with "pedo child trafficking sex ring" and both those quotes will become more to the point, an invitation
now you know he was making an invitation when MetroWeekly published that article about the "tomatoes every year" that he harvest and store in their "basement"
interesting, Limbaugh called him the most dangerous radio host
and I money is on Cooper being right