Flowerpotz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, these are the kind of things I have thought about....yes, it is very dark, but if all that has been revealed about the danger of the so called mRNA "Vax" proves true then it may be in our future.

Would seem to fulfill the "It will be Biblical" theme...end time losses.

It has occurred to me that CDC and WHO and all those involved in pushing the covid plandemic can afford to "back down" now on their requirements because the damage is already seeded in. Birx admitting various things in her book for one example.

I have read that the danger of different batches varies and that some were saline...certainly hope and pray that this was true. As he said, Dr. Malone is most emphatic that even one vax indicates early death. Others have indicated that some of the expression of the spike proteins can be suppressed.

Yes, quite interesting which countries had lower vax rates and thus lower death rates.

This person tried to factually address as tactfully as possible what it would really be like to lose so many people so fast .

I have heard of Deagle before, but don't really know either if it is legit. he seemed to think it is. A quick search brought up both confirmation and allegations that it is fictional.

He didn't address the aspect of faith, but surely, if people are able to even begin to consider these possibilities, it will be one more thing that will hopefully send them to our Father in repentance and humility, rather than shaking their fists!

So for all believers in the God of Israel, those in Israel's bloodlines and those grafted in by faith in Messiah, it is surely time to be seeking out His plan for you and yours...however it all plays out.....and maybe this could be an example of how believers might prayerfully, strategically map out a local or regional response? The Word says these kinds of things will happen...and there will be a remnant.,,until it is time for Messiah to come for His own.

Flowerpotz 3 points ago +3 / -0

well, it is pretty inclusive of all that has happened, but I would have been more impressed if it had come quite a bit sooner than this!

Flowerpotz 7 points ago +7 / -0

Perhaps the first beast system...but one must still be wary of the second beast...the luciferian style deceit.

Flowerpotz 1 point ago +1 / -0

I recall hearing that there was someone of importance aboard, who I suppose we would say now, wasn't cooperating and playing the game. Sorry, do not remember name...congressman?

Flowerpotz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Perhaps it is our "clue" of just how much events through history have not really been spontaneous or random, but under the influence of the "powers that be."

Flowerpotz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Would have been good if article also include the recent history, in which Trump cooperated with their requests, and greeted them as they searched. When they asked him to put a padlock on the room, he did so. Then they came to break in while he was away??? Optics, I suppose...in this case, bad ones as far as those who support constitutional law and order.

Flowerpotz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, Isaiah 11: 1-2....but even though this part is verifiable from Scripture, much of it is questionable. From a Theosophist view, not a Christian worldview. A puzzle as far as Flynn is concerned..."Probably Alexandra.com" has the clip of him leading an audience in repeating this "prayer" showing how closely worded it is to a clip from Elizabeth Claire Prophet.

Flowerpotz 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think Jesse Ventura left the country later, too. Yes, I think this guy said it out loud...what Bill Gates said in his TED talk...

Flowerpotz 3 points ago +3 / -0

P.S. Rooftoptendie, I think you missed the intended humor in my first comment, just fyi! Should have found one of those emoticons to make it more clear...but, too, I really don't like to see overgeneralizations.

Flowerpotz 5 points ago +5 / -0

You know, I was thinking a year or two ago, that if "they" had just waited maybe another 15-20 years to make their "big play" for final control, many of the people with this historical and institutional knowledge you mention would already be gone or not well enough to put up any fight at all. But God has His plans and will deal with the kings of the earth: I suspect that He may have "drawn them out" with "hooks in their jaws" before they were really intending/fully prepared as part of the way to overcome them.

One example: I will turn you around, put hooks into your jaws, and lead you out, with all your army, horses, and horsemen, all splendidly clothed, a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords. Eze: 38:4 NKJ

Flowerpotz 2 points ago +2 / -0

Efforts to generalize can be taken too far! So much nicer to see evidence of those from every generation working together. You are being flippant i think, but do you really find any of this madness "fun?" (Rhetorical question...no reply needed.:-) )

Flowerpotz 9 points ago +9 / -0

I beg your pardon! I am at the very tail end of the boomers and I have been "awake" and "watching" and fighting this corruption since before internet became so viable. I lost friends in the 90's when I cautioned them about the Bush dynasty... And yes, the internet ramped up our ability to research BIG TIME. Please don't try to categorize people by generations! There are always exceptions!

Flowerpotz 6 points ago +6 / -0

So this is focusing on results of military physicians report per Ron Johnson's panel... but there have also been announcements of this same rate increase from, I believe, two different insurance companies about a month ago. Really, a 40% increase is a pretty frighteningly high number for this age group...well, maybe ANY age group.

Flowerpotz 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was just thinking lately, too of all the life insurance companies paying out so much more than expected. Are they at risk of losing so much that they no longer maintain their contracts?

Flowerpotz 5 points ago +5 / -0

She apparently also admitted it in her book. I did see the interview but don't have the link. Sorry. Truly horrifying that she knew and did it anyway: definition for realistic guilt FYI.

Flowerpotz 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry about YT link...I was sorting through my library and found this 2007 Book which prompted this interview in 2007. She outlined much of what we are seeing happening today.

She apparently has a second book that provides encouragement for taking back the country, if we act(ed) soon enough.

And here is a link to a 2021 article she wrote

I warned that would-be tyrants, whether they are on the left or the right, always use a map to close down democracies, and that they always take the same ten steps. Whether it’s “Invoke a Terrifying Internal and External Threat,” “Create a Thug Caste,” “Target the Press,” or the final step, “Suspend the Rule of Law,” these steps are always recognizable; and they always work to crush democracies and establish tyrannies. At that time, the “global threat” of terrorism was the specter that powers invoked in order to attack our freedoms.

We – my brave publisher, Chelsea Green, and I — are releasing the first and last chapters of The End of America now, in 2021, for free, and I am calling the sequel to this book, which I am now writing, Step Ten – because as of March of last year, we have indeed, I am so sad to say, arrived at and begun to inhabit Step Ten of the ten steps to fascism.

Interesting that her bio info says that she was a Rhodes Scholar....I usually associate that with those who are on board with this "new normal."

Flowerpotz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, in the midst of the crazy convoluted "restructuring reality" responses, it was nice to hear a journalist press a good question, and he didn't appear at all to be buying her response. They really DO seem to think that if they can spin facts around, the facts will change to suit them and no one will notice. NOT.

Flowerpotz 2 points ago +2 / -0

trying to duplicate theme without really understanding the pattern????

Flowerpotz 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sounds rather like a campaign speech for sure.
Doing the "hard" things, that need to be done for the wellbeing of all...such an unpopular message with those who want to see America fall.

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