FlySciFiGuy 0 points ago +2 / -2

So people who don’t put blind faith in politicians are doomers now?

Johnso has already announced that his first order of business is to launder more of our money to Israel. Is it too much to ask that American officials put their own country first?

FlySciFiGuy 1 point ago +1 / -0

This theory would certainly explain why Trump is publicly backing Netanyahu. They were both setup by their intelligence agencies.

FlySciFiGuy 9 points ago +11 / -2

We don’t know, because he isn’t here to tell us.

Is it so hard to evaluate each issue on its own merits instead of invoking a dead fascist’s opinion?

FlySciFiGuy 5 points ago +5 / -0

So stilettos are bad because they vaguely resemble obelisks?

FlySciFiGuy 3 points ago +3 / -0

So worshipping Mother Earth isn’t dogma and propaganda isn’t evil, but worshipping God is. Cool.

Woe unto those who call good evil, and evil good.

FlySciFiGuy 4 points ago +4 / -0

Good, hopefully that means they’ll reevaluate their worldviews and voting habits.

It’s a long shot, but the shock they’re experiencing is a necessary first step.

FlySciFiGuy 3 points ago +4 / -1

Mother Earth isn’t about respecting the earth, it’s about worshipping it as the ancients worshipped Gaia. Mother Earth and Gaia are the same false god in a different skin.

God created mankind to rule over and subdue the earth. Mother Earth/Gaia cultists turn that directive on its head and claim that man needs to be subservient to the earth. That is the fundamental philosophical drive behind the environmentalist hysteria we see today.

FlySciFiGuy 14 points ago +16 / -2

Did Jesus deport anyone?

Haha, nice try. Jesus was talking on the level of individual people. He never addressed government policies.

There is nothing unbiblical about sending back (and stopping more from coming in) illegal invaders. Just like there is nothing unbiblical about self defense.

FlySciFiGuy 13 points ago +15 / -2

“Look to Twitter, exactly this, “My fellow Americans…””

Q isn’t done. We still haven’t gotten the Storm Tweet.

FlySciFiGuy 4 points ago +4 / -0

Rand Paul Ron Paul (getting a little old but he’s still got it) Gen. Flynn Matt Gaetz Anyone from the Q team (assuming Q is multiple people)

Those are some of my top picks, in no particular order.

FlySciFiGuy 1 point ago +1 / -0

I am in a community where we are supposed to analyze dubious claims with the appropriate level of skepticism. Not taking everyone’s hare brained “prophecy” and trying to make it fit into current events.

Trying to equate this nonsense with Q is utterly laughable.

FlySciFiGuy 7 points ago +7 / -0

Flynn: a patriot who refutes the idea of Q because no operator is going to divulge what is actually going on. No military person is ever going to come out and say “yes, Q is legit, just sit down and let the military save your behind.”

Dr What’s-her-name: a grifter latching onto the Q movement. Claims of inside intel are always a red flag, and running with Charlie Ward types is a double red flag. Trump only retruthed her rebuttal of a left wing reporter; that’s not an endorsement of the rest of her unsubstantiated claims.

FlySciFiGuy 5 points ago +11 / -6

Come on, really?

Make enough vague statements about the future and some of them will come to pass. Especially when you take the convenient liberty of having your statements interpreted metaphorically.

We're better than this.

FlySciFiGuy 1 point ago +2 / -1

It’s either complete snake oil “proven” via confirmation bias or it’s demonically powered.

Attempts to get people to open up their mind to external psychic messages or influence is one of the devil’s oldest tricks. Eastern religions, New Ager’s, Free Masons, and Gnostics are notorious for it.

FlySciFiGuy 13 points ago +13 / -0

In Trump’s voice: “We have the best and most supportive cults!”

We’re so cultish we ask everyone to think for themselves.

FlySciFiGuy 4 points ago +4 / -0
  1. The Bible is divinely inspired and one of the most highly corroborated historical records in history.

  2. The Old Testament goes into great detail about the moral failings of the Israelites, going as far as to call them spiritual harlots. It talks more about how the Israelites rejected God and were punished by Him than any of their victories. This verifies the Old Testament’s reliability; Jewish propaganda wouldn’t address these subjects.

  3. Paul echoed the sentiment that the Jews were God’s chosen people despite facing fierce persecution from their religious leaders and the Jewish people’s widespread rejection of the gospel he preached.

FlySciFiGuy 3 points ago +3 / -0

America shouldn’t have any military obligations to any other nation other than itself.

by sol7
FlySciFiGuy 3 points ago +3 / -0

How is it a moot point? Precise definition and usage of terms is vital, especially when accusing another country of war crimes.

FlySciFiGuy 5 points ago +8 / -3

This article is a good starting point for why the Jews are God’s chosen people:


Note that this status as God’s chosen people also means extra responsibility and accountability to God, not just the perks of being “favored”. The fact that the Jews fall so far short of God’s (pretty reasonable) expectations means that they will face harsher judgment front God than otherwise. To whom much is given, much is also expected.

You correctly point out that the Jews have rejected God by rejecting His Son Jesus Christ. However, this exact same pattern occurs through out the Old Testament. The people of Israel routinely rejected God and tried to do things their own way. God’s response every time was two-fold: to punish them for their wickedness, but also to bring them back to Himself.

God used the prophet Hosea to illustrate His love for Israel by having Hosea marry a harlot. The harlot naturally cheats on Hosea at every available opportunity, but God commands Hosea to keep loving her and keep trying to reconcile with her. Gos used this as a picture to illustrate His love for the very people who continually rejected Him.

For the past two thousand years the Jews have been spiritually blinded due to their rejection of Christ, but there is coming a day when God will turn them back to Himself one last time. This will occur in the Tribulation and continue into the Millennial Reign of Christ afterward.

That is the situation in the spiritual realm. In the political realm, there is not much we can do other than pray for and work toward the exposure and removal of corrupt Deep State assets in every government; both theirs and ours.

by sol7
FlySciFiGuy 4 points ago +4 / -0

You can’t cleanse an ethnicity that doesn’t exist.

Palestinians are indistinguishable from Syrians, Lebanese, or Jordanians. Prior to 1948 they were all Ottomans.

“Palestinian” is an arbitrary invention. Israel is not ethnically cleansing anyone; they are invading and annexing new territory. Their killing civilians to do it, which is terrible, but it is not ethnic cleansing.

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