Foletado 2 points ago +3 / -1

One thing Q believers ignore is where he refused to use PGP signatures, claiming it wasn't considered secure by some secret requirement. Yet, he used the board insecure hash system, which let people crack several of Q passcodes.

Foletado 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nick has had a sort of funky, playful attitude. Nick received and read out a caller question about 'baking cookies' and responded to it. The Jewish lobby pressured people to disavow and condemn Nick for contradicting their lies on the matter. Wendy refused to disavow him.

About The Holocaust™

Something else used against her was that she stated something about traitors or criminals facing justice or being hung or some such and they said that she was threatening violence against her fellow congressmen. In truth, it could only be interpreted that way for the criminal congressmen.

Foletado 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, that is due to redistricting? Maybe that is why Kelly has turned against Wendy.

Foletado 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kelly Townsend has been a problem recently focusing on taking down outspoken allies and Trump supporters rather than getting work done.

I'm glad there is someone with the backbone of Wendy Rogers who we can rely on to not cave when special interest groups are putting pressure on. AZ needs people like Wendy, not Kelly.

Foletado 1 point ago +1 / -0

Executive order


Otherwise written


'leets' as in the 'elites'. To empower the elites?

Foletado 1 point ago +1 / -0

She must be suffering from 'internalized misogyny'. ;-)

I like to see the feminists crapping their drawers over transsexuals.

Foletado 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Twitter alternative which is most free by design is ActivityPub federated microblogging, which has thousands of networked servers. Try and get your favorite content creators onto it. Information at the link

Chat, Wiki, and Infrastructure. Originally for Stop The Steal.

Election fraud you say? That is in the wiki in abundance.

TheDonald / patriots.win is censoring too much also.

Foletado 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, this rule is built to be abused. The new CEO sent a tweet considering calling all white people racists.

The Twitter alternative which is most free by design is ActivityPub federated microblogging, which has thousands of networked servers. Try and get your favorite content creators onto it. Information at the link

Chat, Wiki, and Infrastructure. Originally for Stop The Steal.

TheDonald / patriots.win is censoring too much also.

Foletado 1 point ago +2 / -1

The Twitter alternative which is most free by design is ActivityPub federated microblogging, which has thousands of networked servers. Try and get your favorite content creators onto it. Information at the link

Chat, Wiki, and Infrastructure. Originally for Stop The Steal.

TheDonald / patriots.win is censoring too much also.

Foletado 1 point ago +1 / -0

the crematoria that CODOH admits they had.

Their number of crematoria are known to be inadequate. That is another simple calculation and another basis of debunking the myth.

you'd think Wikipedia would mention if

I don't know why i would expect a propaganda site to do such a thing.

There is the claim about Rothbard:

Libertarian Chris Tame witnessed Rothbard claim the Holocaust was just propaganda made up to justify WW II after the war.

Foletado 1 point ago +1 / -0

How about listening to or reading the materials before you try and rebut them? That way I don't need to repeat everything here.

We know of the masonry produced the chemical they checked for (I think one of them was Prussian blue, but am unsure) because the masonry of the delousing chambers were full of it. Also, there was a German chemist who produced a report only about chemical reactions of cyanide and stone or mortar. His report showed that the chemicals absent in the fake killing chambers were indeed produced by cyanide gas contact. He did not reference anything about the Holocaust. His report was only about reactions of chemical gas and yet he was prosecuted for violation of the Holocaust censorship law. All you need to do to not fall for the Holocaust industry lies is available from the links I provided.

Foletado 0 points ago +1 / -1

I haven't looked into that because I didn't think it important.

Foletado 1 point ago +1 / -0

Watch the Leuchter Report. Leuchter is the engineer who evaluated the claimed gas execution chambers for a Canadian court case. They did not delouse people using Zyklon B. They used it to delouse textiles. People had their heads shaved and took showers.

Foletado 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is not disputed that Germany and the USA put people of ethnicities associated with enemies into concentration camps. USA pressured them to renounce their citizenship.

As for the numbers in German camps, we do have some things to estimate by, as in the links I provided. That includes British decodings of of Enigma machine transmissions, which relay the number of deaths each day in the camps and their causes. We also know something of the amount of coal delivered to the camps and have searched them for mass graves. We know the number and type of crematoria. There is also circumstantial evidence of policy -- such as a camp director being investigated and convicted by the NSDAP for an unwarranted execution of 2 Jews.

Foletado 2 points ago +2 / -0

Zionism was in part justified by the Holocaust hoax, enforced by thuggery.

Holocaust/Shoah of WW2 and censorship

Foletado 1 point ago +1 / -0

His father got independent of the banks and was killed. Maybe a connection? Better luck to the son.

Foletado 35 points ago +35 / -0

Should read "Fake news propagandist for international crime organization ..."

Myanmar with so many wins recently.

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