Doing his job well.
Yes. That looked pretty bad. She took him out at the knees!
The long haired lawyer seems extremely tired - his short-term memory seems shot.
Thankfully the most dire predictions seem to have been false - at least for now. Hopefully those saying that you may be in the clear if you are fine a certain period of time after taking the vaxx.
The immediate devastation of the sudden deaths has been bad enough.
He couldn't answer because he knows that the only answer he can give is his own sentence.
Yes. OP should know better than to post something like this without a link to the original study.
Non-InfoWars source:
This is true. Once that information is released, there will be NO debate about the credibility of the information.
I like Dr. McCullough a lot and consider him a hero for what he has done over the past few years.
I understand his strategy of just wanting to get the message out by any means possible, and this means using channels that he would never have dreamed of using 5 years ago.
But I don't want to share anything from InfoWars because that is a tainted source of information. Dr. McCullough does many interviews which cover similar ground, which is why I suspect that somewhere out there is another non-InfoWars clip of him providing the same information.
I wonder if there is a non-InfoWars clip of him saying the same thing.
You got caught by the bait and switch too?
I'm glad that I wasn't the only one!
Another example of some truth presented with some falsehood with the result of destroying the credibility of ALL of the information along with the credibility of anyone who passes this along.
It is very difficult to get a good read on where the people are at. My fear is that too many are deeply sleeping - although the truckers did make clear that the awakened population is not insignificant.
This is misleading and partially incorrect. The reality is bad enough, and there is no need to fabricate.
It seems C21 and C11 are federal bills.
C36 is a provincial bill in BC, and it applies to regulated health professionals in the province. The bill proposes to allow the government to require vaccination - whichever vaxx the government deems necessary - as a condition for maintaining a licence to practice.
The proposal is to make it illegal for a medical professional to speak out against such types of treatment, and the government could go in secret to obtain a court order against anyone who does speak out. That person could then be subject to search and seizure, a fine up to $200,000, and jail up to 6 months.
I don't think there is anything about being declared mentally insane in this bill.
Is the map in question showing these secret tunnels?
Are those DUMBs what is shown on the map?
Are you suggesting that the preferred method for transporting missing people is lugging them through hundreds of miles of tunnels rather than stuffing them into the trunk of a car?
Before the invention of the printing press, most Europeans could not read and were uneducated. Those people could also be considered stupid (and they were).
It wasn't until the printing press made it possible to create many copies of the Bible in the language of the people that it became necessary for people to learn how to read, and once literacy improved in the general population, science advanced rapidly.
Longing for justice is not wrong. I would even say that it is righteous.
Vengeance, on the other hand, is another thing entirely.
I don't want to see it, but I think that I MUST see it. I think that it would be terrible but at the same time good and right.
That is true. Taking personal vengeance is wrong.
However, the state has the responsibility to carry out justice. Don't forget that while the symbol of the Christian is the cross, the symbol of the state, according to Paul, is the sword.
Was the story actually in the news cycle?
I've been concerned about the dryness in the west as well.
First they say a pandemic is coming. Then it comes. Then we find out that they actually created the pandemic.
Then they say a climate crisis is coming. Then we have a drought. Then we find out...
If you think it is bad in the USA, try being in Canada where almost all of the media is funded by the government!
Truth < what you can convince someone to believe.