Framus 12 points ago +12 / -0

I suppose some Americans that just don't like Indians and that's their business. I also suppose there are Indians that don't like Americans as well. No big deal to me.

I don't like Indians taking the jobs of Americans, not because they are Indians but because American jobs should be available to Americans first. To bring some kind of racism angle into it just clouds the issue with an unnecessary distraction and so does assuming "the right" is splitting into factions over "tech".

Framus 2 points ago +2 / -0

OK Mr. Judge, this guy has had you Deep State whores on his back since before the escalator ride and you want to really piss him off just before he takes over the Presidency of the United States for his final time? Great plan!

Framus 2 points ago +2 / -0

The International Astronomical Union dindu nuffin.

Framus 7 points ago +7 / -0

MAGA has a grip and doesn't like to be told to 'take a step back and FUCK YOURSELF in the face'. It wasn't a deep state 'op' that said that, it was a person.

I've been taking deep breaths and waiting for four long years while foreigners were put ahead of citizens by the current administration's bureaucrats and policies. Not willing to do it again for the next one.

That's not wrecking MAGA. That is MAGA.

Framus 1 point ago +1 / -0

If the tweet is real, that's what he said.

I now notice that he also is implying that the HB1 is what is behind America being strong.

Framus 4 points ago +4 / -0

Do other countries open their doors and let Americans in to participate in their dreams (war doesn't count)?

How much have they sent to us for hurricane relief? Flood relief? Are they selling us super cheap oil until our reserves are full again so we can use it to protect their sh!t? Don't try to sell me on this "other countries" baloney. We owe them nothing.

I say America and Americans first and no compromise.

Framus 5 points ago +5 / -0

"Take a big step back and go FUCK YOURSELF in the face".

There. The discussion is rolling. Don't miss the part where the richest guy in the world said he would go to war in order to keep the cheap labor flowing in.

Framus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Got proof of any kind? A drop, an event, anything? Because having this guy tell me to go fuck myself in the face at the same time everything else is going on doesn't build my trust in him, you know?

Show me this is a "white hat alliance op" and while you are at it, what the Hell is a white hat alliance? Where did that come from? Please explain if you have the time.

Framus 9 points ago +10 / -1

I feel that way about Ramaswamy. Never trusted him, never will.

Framus 8 points ago +11 / -3

Trust Sessions. Trust Wray. Trust Kansas. Trust Pence too while we're at it, right? If there is a plan that Ramaswamy and Musk are part of them a little bitching won't hurt them like their insults towards us aren't helping them.

I'm done taking insults and rules from unelected bureaucrats of any political stripe, even ours.

Framus 9 points ago +9 / -0

I think it's great that people on our side are making a stink about things we don't like. I hope it's a trend that grows yuge and if it causes division so be it.

Frankly, MAGA needs to be divided from the same-old same-old blind trust and cult of personalities that got us here. If not it won't be long until Trump is gone and everything goes right back to the deep state, and worse because MAGA won't even be a threat if we go along to get along now.

Framus 43 points ago +49 / -6

We don't want a 'healthy debate'. We want America First and that includes our own workers, from picking crops to tweaking the 'tech'.

Framus 2 points ago +2 / -0

He needs to be charged with hundreds of counts of attempted murder by poison.

Framus 0 points ago +1 / -1

What would the people be shown by this? It's business as usual and it has been for many many many decades or even longer. Ho-hum.

The fact is, Johnson is a POS. I for one said it from the day he took the chair and I'm not alone. Nothing new here. If this kind of crap was going to make people suddenly wake up and pay attention they would have done it with Paul Ryan, and they certainly would have with Nancy Pelosi at the helm. How about four years of giveaways to Ukraine, Big Pharma, the MIC, Ecuador (WTF?), Pakistan gender studies, college loan bailouts (or attempts to), and on and on. If people don't see it by now they won't so what is being gained by another screw job to we the people?

And IMHO one photo doesn't mean sh!t.

Framus 4 points ago +4 / -0

I hope Trump doesn't keep arming Ukraine because it would mean that Biden was doing the right thing all this time and most of us don't think he was. GEOTUS also said he would have this settled before he even took office, so I'm going to wait and see on this one.

Also, to Hell with NATO. I think it should be reconfigured or replaced like NAFTA was at the very least and with a provision that Europe can kiss our ass. Otherwise who needs it.

Framus 3 points ago +3 / -0

Relax, if Biden and Harris can't do the job they would tap Speaker Johnson to be POTUS so we would still have a Democrat for President. See? All is well. /s

Framus 3 points ago +3 / -0

We have no clue who Ramaswamy really is except a guy that fast talked his way into a participation trophy job and likes to copy Obama. Not popular I know but we do have a few hundred million people to choose from and maybe shouldn't just go with the new shiny object. No offense meant, just my opinion.

Framus 6 points ago +6 / -0

Trump should fire back by proclaiming that Dems refuse to help hurricane victims because they won't give up on their self-given pay raises at a time when people are struggling through Christmas season.

Framus 1 point ago +1 / -0

You assume that either full or empty is a default position for water in the glass. It could be that half-full is right where it's supposed to be.

You are taking verses out of context in order to make them fit what you want them to say IMHO. That takes the fun out so I'm done here.

Space is already filled. It's filled with space.

Framus 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is corny. Jesus is right there but Boris Johnson and that other guy are praying to each other.

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