FreedomFan1975 1 point ago +1 / -0

OMG all of you on this post are hilarious!!! I'm reading over all your comments just laughing to myself at my desk - thanks for making a dull Monday morning so much better! :)

P.S. - what's with all these democrats shitting their pants?? Nadler, Swalwell, and now Biden?

FreedomFan1975 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honestly I think that's most definitely the hottest debate on this topic - whether he can be blamed for his lack of knowledge on the topic. My husband holds the same position, that he was told it's unloaded, handed a "cold" gun, etc. I happen to disagree. Same as a police officer will tell you that ignorance of the law is no excuse to break it, ignorance of guns and how they work is no excuse to kill someone. If Alec Baldwin didn't sit up on his high horse and look down upon all us "flyover hicks" for wanting to keep our guns and protect our families, if Alec Baldwin bothered to learn about gun safety and gave a shit about anyone but himself, that woman would still be alive. Bottom line - all it would have taken was a few seconds to check and verify the gun was indeed empty. So yes, I can blame him, and I do. You don't have to, but mark my word - more information on this will come out and show that he's not as innocent as he's trying to make himself look right now. But until then, this is what Alec Baldwin gets for being such a pompous, self-centered, self-righteous asshole. Zero sympathy for that asshole.

FreedomFan1975 4 points ago +4 / -0

What a dumb cluck. But then he's a Democrat,

But you repeat yourself... :)

FreedomFan1975 1 point ago +1 / -0

No argument there. But he seemed pretty intelligent, and probably aware that if he tried to expose them, they'd probably silence him in some way that nobody would ever see the truth of.

FreedomFan1975 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think you inferred some confrontation that just wasn't there - sorry if I didn't tell that right, but like I said, I asked the nurse why. I didn't get in her face about it. I then let her know that it's on the CDC's own website, which I didn't get into in my comment above. And no, she had no idea what I was talking about. I am informative as much as people allow me to be. Most people don't pay attention, but you would think medical professionals would pay attention to things that affect their industry. Also I don't watch the news, nor am I on facebook or twitter.

FreedomFan1975 2 points ago +2 / -0

Having a lot of trouble feeling sorry for this traitor. I can only imagine what they did to him, his friends at al qaeda happily do to innocent people on a daily basis. What goes around, comes around.

FreedomFan1975 2 points ago +2 / -0

It doesn't - and I didn't know that at all - thank you for the history! :) Very interesting.

FreedomFan1975 0 points ago +1 / -1

**No offense to Catholics here **- but nobody can deny how much pedophilia exists within the priesthood, it's been documented pretty extensively - I can't help but think that if priests were allowed to marry, there wouldn't be as much scandal and child abuse involving them. Is there another sect of Christianity where the holy men are not allowed to marry? I know the pastor of my church is happily married with 4 kids, and one of my best friends' dad is a pastor, she's one of 5 kids, they not only marry but they multiply pretty well. And they seem happy. I've just never understood what the problem was with priests getting married either.

FreedomFan1975 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know about that...at least I hadn't heard anything. No I think once he got in, and the "good ol' boys" started explaining things to him, he must have decided this wasn't for him. I just think he is actually a real man of God and wouldn't involve himself in such corruption. Again this is just my theory.

FreedomFan1975 2 points ago +2 / -0

I honestly believe Pope Benedict was actually TOO holy and Godly a man to continue in such a corrupt position. Just my theory. But why else would a pope quit his job?

FreedomFan1975 8 points ago +8 / -0

I'll see your death penalty and raise you a military tribunal to arrive at that death penalty - that way he can't tie up the next ten years worth of tax dollars appealing his death sentence. The world needs rid of him quickly.

FreedomFan1975 6 points ago +6 / -0

I don't think necessarily that he had the motive, or that he stood to benefit directly in any way. But I don't believe he's completely innocent in this either - it might come out he was doing someone a favor, or maybe just didn't care, or it could be something will come out about the woman who died that she might have been a threat of some type of a group of people that included him. I just think there's more to his involvement than what's being let on, that's all.

FreedomFan1975 11 points ago +11 / -0

Well the deniability is so plausible when an actor can say "I was handed the gun and told it was empty" - gee he's so innocent. The minute this came out, I knew it stunk to high Heaven.

by lordvon
FreedomFan1975 10 points ago +10 / -0

indiamart.com - it'll take a few weeks but you can't beat the price. Tablets for humans. I got 200 12mg tablets for $70 including shipping.

FreedomFan1975 1 point ago +1 / -0

You ARE a handshake. Look at the little handshake icon by your handle. That is fact. I'm no shill, handshake. Anyone here who has conversed with me can back that up. Now go back to mommy's basement where you belong.

FreedomFan1975 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah I'd like that option - I've heard about it but nobody seems to want to do it that way. Just curious - why brandy?

FreedomFan1975 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's hilarious! Sharing far and wide!!

FreedomFan1975 41 points ago +41 / -0

Good God...and I'm being required to take this damn test so that I can have a needed surgery. I asked the pre-op testing nurse why they're requiring a PCR test that has been recalled by the CDC already because it's not able to tell the difference between flu and covid. She had no idea what I was talking about. Not surprised.

FreedomFan1975 1 point ago +1 / -0

You couldn't be more right - put a handle on that soapbox and carry it around. This shit needs to be said. I actually had a doctor tell me he couldn't look at a disc of x-rays of my neck because they didn't have a computer with a disc drive in it. ????? They don't make enough money for a computer with a disc drive in it?? It wasn't on a floppy disk, for Pete's sake, it was a CD-Rom! Yeah there's such obvious mismanagement of money in the medical industry.

FreedomFan1975 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fair enough, that can always be taken out. You're right.

FreedomFan1975 4 points ago +4 / -0

I saw that earlier - absolutely sickening. It will be common enough if they start vaxxing these kids, so yeah they're doing their best to make it seem like no big deal! That plus all the "public service" ads lately about mental health, normalizing the use of anti-psychotic drugs to push more drugs for the tardive dyskinesia side effects of said anti-psychotics.

FreedomFan1975 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right? But even funnier than that, is the idea that Al Sharpton somehow decides how much power the VP has in America. It's all up to him, apparently.

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