May I have you direct me to your source? Unfortunately most searches I've done land me on statistics from the Obama years indicating upwards to 80% of dual citizenship from Congress was to Israel. This was not to mention those in the Pentagon and in other positions within the Federal Government. Thanks ahead of time friend!
Look at the date - October 2016 & in Mexico. Everyone was basically a Never Trumper - and Rogers, my name is Comms, Waters is a poster bearer. That said, white house is charade with Wizards and Warlocks. -Signal vs Noise.
Waters has written shit like the Gunners Dream. Gilmore the Division Bell. One acts like Satan and the other one invites the MK Boomers to question the government, Israel and who actually won WW2.
Don't they know that Hitler was likely a puppet of the National Bank Chews that killed the local bank chews in Germany? Yeah where did that evil.chew cabal money go to and come from again? That's the real psyop - thinking (US)CIA, Nazi Germany and Israel are different.
This guy ^^^ gets it. Also makes John Ward's last video a little more relevant.