Fujddjjs -1 points ago +1 / -2

But but her faggot nfl boyfriend is going to turn so many hilbillies that love football

Fujddjjs 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope it doesn’t stop there. All the fucking h1b and clearly foreign Chinese need to go I don’t care how much fucking money they have. (I’m Asian American btw). All foreign nationals not American should fucking go unless they’re on a less than 6 month vacation

Fujddjjs 1 point ago +1 / -0

for the sake of argument, how does one know these are not psyop? it's a video of a woman crying about it but there's no other context. Who is she, verified citizen? where's picture of the dog head showing a street sign or geo location etc?

Fujddjjs 1 point ago +1 / -0

When vance got chosen I basically said I’m not gonna start swooning for him all of a sudden like the left for Harris. Esp cuz of the love letter he wrote to bummer and then the whole accusing trump of hitler thing. Got banned on my other account

Fujddjjs 6 points ago +6 / -0

100%. My first language isn't English but it is my primary. English first, America First on every single thing. I'm so fucking sick and tired of feeling like a foreigner in my own country. Every where I go I hear either other languages being spoken all around me or heavy fucking accents, it's disgusting. I get that at least the heavy accents are speaking English but I'm tired of it tbh. I want it to be back to native English that I don't have to bend over backwards to understand wtf you're trying to say.

Fujddjjs 1 point ago +1 / -0

You’ve just made the far fetched even more far fetched.

Fujddjjs 6 points ago +8 / -2

Me too but this is pie in the sky stuff. What “land out west” are we talking about? The desert? We should simply take homes away from foreign owned. Homes should only be owned by American citizens and a primary home and one vacation home in non residence areas only. No more investment speculation bulkshit on primary residences.

Fujddjjs 4 points ago +12 / -8

Where I’m from this is called “a stretch”. Thanks for wasting my time

Fujddjjs 5 points ago +6 / -1

Meh I honestly didn’t think so. I was hoping for him to really dive into detail of what the Germans suffered through Weimar and the details of concentration camps if they really gassed or not. He just glosses over the subjects and goes more into blacks in Jonestown for a bit and then about migration. A bit of a let down tbh

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