Thanks bud. You do realize he was found innocent on all charges on November 19, 2021. You might want to refresh your news feed.
You can't have it both ways.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
I got it fixed I. If you us a VPN make sure it is in the US. Thanks though.
iPad. I use my Samsung to get spied on.
Frond the problem. I’m a dumbass. Don’t use a vpn from another country.
I apologize, lol.
Doesn't seem crazy at all Fren....thanks for the read.
First rule of Fight Club is don't talk about Fight Club. Pretty sure if you are an elite sniper you just don't go around telling everyone your plans. Definitely doesn't add up. Probably comms.
Thank you for your insight Fren. I know we are watching a movie but I'm still scratching my head as to how this will be fixed. God Bless.
If you needed to distract the DS what better way then with a set of tig ol' bitties.
Here is the video link.
You are very welcome.
Did Justin Castros photographer take this? Asking for a Fren.
Louis CK is funny as fuck. Besides they were just tortured, Kamala spoke there.
Add to that list :
Sandy Hook 9-11 Oklahoma bombing
Congratulations on becoming just like the enemy......CANCEL CANCEL CANCEL. If you want to donate, donate if not shut the fuck up.
Worked fine just a minute ago. is hands down the biggest red pill ever on the moon landing hoax. If you want a deep dive this is the site Frens.
The Fentanyl flop.
Toyota back pedaled after the backlash. Quick video from Steve Lehto a lemon law lawyer, contributer to and author.
I’m not gay but my boyfriend is.