did i read this correctly, those with dual citizenship (congress critters) arent us citizens?
i thought it was funny. it triggered all the right people.
It’s worth it, even if I’m dealing with someone from India.
buying a product for the first time? call their support. if pajeet answers, get a different brand.
saving israel for last.
hes muslim
hes a scam artist
has a trafficker
satan - the accuser
synagogue - a place of worship
Quick reminder to GAW heres some misinformation for anyone who isnt following the case and dumb enough to believe what i say at face value.
Are all the things that are good attributed to "God" and all the things that are evil attributed to the "The Devil"
there, i ftfy.
some people can see actions for what they are, either good acts or bad acts.
if you ask How did this smart phone get here?, is that a philosophical question, or a technical question. i would presume youre asking a technical question. but time travel?
are you really looking for an explanation for these coincidences? i have a technical answer and im sure that answer will make me look stupid
Even though its true, it's dismissive and never asks how or why.
some questions are so stupid that they should be dismissed. do you want to explain your how or why this is possible? if its time travel, you have to extend the how and why all the way down.
you have a valid point but you picked the shittiest hill to stand on.
well thats the hard part, stumping them before it gets to the court. an audit is the best opportunity to do so.
if you cant argue against their audit, you'll certainly lose in court.
by changing his w2, he has now admitted to it being wrong when he should have made them prove its wrong.
i get it though, not everyone wants to take on the IRS. even i have self-doubt sometimes
air ships - the truly first flying machine (fuck you wright brothers), so cheap the oil industry set one ablaze and made sure the whole world feared them.
most people hear the word audit and cower in fear. being audited is the best time make them verify the debt (they cant).
all your friend has to do is ask the irs worker to sign (verify) it (they never do because they know its fraud, they have no personal knowledge and are relying on hearsay, they dont want to be held liable)
destroy the nexus (sociial security number). they used it to create a second class teir of citizens, one below the government rather than above.
cant have your social benefits and not pay into it.
or it took a while to adjust to your time zone.
you're definitely confusing it with the income tax. it was supposedly never ratified.
Dont try to change the topic, you didnt say anything about criticism, you said shaming and degrading.
Maybe its you who should try thinking sometime.
But to answer your question, people point out flaws in others for different reasons, they might want to help, share their opinion, or just show disapproval. Sometimes, it can lead to a good discussion, but other times (like right now) it just creates conflict.
If you want to spew your hatred, then it will benefit others to know if theres logic and reasoning behind it, or if youre just a whiny little bitch (and i think you are).
And now when your attempt to shame and degrade utterly falls flat, this is your response now?
i must have missed that part. he pointed out a fact that your not even attempting to hide, how is that either shaming or degrading.
seems like youre bothered by them pointing it out. does it hurt your feelings?
because it doesnt pose a threat... look at voat.
theyre a newly awaken
theyre a shill
they dont understand the concept of optics
i can think of a few reasons.
they (we) are, its just not what you think.
all the jews at the time died out alongside jesus christ because for them converting was not an option. the synagogue of satan stole their identity.
are you familiar with the scofield bible guide? what do you know about the guy who wrote it?
to copy paste the relevant parts from a previous comment:
Discernment is key to understanding.
Why does Jesus use this phrase to refer to those who are opposing the mission of the kingdom of God? The name “Satan” means Accuser. And a synagogue was a gathering place. If you put them together, then it is a gathering place of the accuser.
The bible gives more clues as to the identity in Revelations 3:9
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
The same language is used in Revelations 2:9 for those who are “slandering” and again “say that they are Jews and are not.”
I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
It's somewhat similar to Paul’s language in Romans 2:28-29
28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:
29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
Because they are not part of the mission of God, they are no longer to be considered the people of God. You cannot be in direct opposition to Jesus Christ, who is the true Israel, and consider yourself as still being a Jew. You are, as Paul said, only one outwardly.
Anyone involved in slander, lying, accusations or dehumanizing is aligning with Satan's work. While this passage primarily addresses Christian persecution, it extends to all who actively oppose the Kingdom of God and persecute believers, identifying them as part of Satan's work. This would make them a member of the synagogue of Satan.
Matthew 7:15-20
15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.
16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles?
17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.
19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them.
its not, its black but appears blue due to light bending through or ozone... or something like that. unless your hinting at something else
elon defending h1b != elon defending h1b abuse
too many idiots conflate the 2 and conveniently forget that h1b is meant to be temporary.
with that in mind, if they end the abuse, are you still against the program?
i dont know about you but i still call a retard a retard
there so much truth to this, i want that model hes using.
not so much a distraction but it is a good excuse to gather
they did a part 4 few years ago.
spoiler: its liberal trash and they ended up back in the matrix.
if youre going to post something that needs eye bleach, you have to include the eye bleach.