Taking it out on the people reminds me of the movie Under Siege
CNBC Reporter - Isn't that going to make booze more expensive?
BC Premier - The people never liked me anyway
CNBC Reporter - I bet they fck'n love you now
Illegals infiltrating the country, gangs killing people, drug cartels killing people with fentanyl, a stolen election, drugs found in the Whitehouse, and they choose to focus on investigating Trump. Time to flush the FBI.
Has something changed? I used to listen to the SGT Report POD cast. He was interviewing child sex victims of politicians back when it was just getting exposed by Q.
I haven't listened in a while - some of the stories were too heartbreaking and some of the ghostbuster guests were too far out for my tastes.
When does the frog marching start?
They fixed the glitch - the problem will work itself out