Fuck all these scum makin people afraid of losing a job... If i was in position id str8 up tell em to go fuck emselves. There are SO MANY people hiring by me that isnt complying with the tyranny bullshit that pay very well...
Nice decor! But im wonderi g when this moment everyone keeps saying noone can stop is actually goin to happen cause i know a ton of people suffering through this "plan" and its goin to be too late very VERY SOON. I feel like i will look like this skeleton before it does.
Lmao if all this bs thats goin on right now is part of the "plan" i think they needed a beyter fuckin plan... If someone sits back amd just watches the bad happen and has the power to stop it but doesnt... Then they r no better then the people doin the bad...
Any "church" that goes along with this non logical bullshit, is not a real church. Just like the pope they are wolves in sheeps clothing. I have a relationship with the LORD JESUS CHRIST and i know whats right and whats wrong. Dont give into to the devil pretending to be a follower of the lord