For those without fb: (From Black Man Thinkin’)
Okay, Li'l Miss Sunshine here is 26 years old; does her age matter?
Well, I asked Google, six ways from Sunday, for the average age of a commercial airline pilot (including regional); EVERY response was north of 43, so...
...ask me again: does her age matter? I believe it might.
If SHE was piloting that now Wreck of an aircraft, how did SHE get that opportunity?
I'll say this: can't recall the last time I saw a 26-year-old MALE commercial pilot, and I believe the next time I do, it'll be the 1st time I have.
So, what am I getting at? The better question may be: what part of DEI do you not understand?
It's well-established the greatest beneficiaries of DEI and "Affirmative Action" programs are white women, and Delta Airlines has been doin' the DEI since at least 2020 (, to the loud applause of the knee-grow (as opposed to the real black) community in Atlanta and elsewhere.
Unsurprisingly, Delta has doubled down on their DEI commitment, saying it had nothing to do with the Toronto crash (, which totaled the plane but caused no loss of life.
But, in an odd twist, Delta has offered $30K in compensation to passengers on that flight, who lost little more than their luggage, if that, even before the investigation into what caused the crash has completed (
I get the feeling SOME-body is looking to avoid a lawsuit, one in which Discovery, which might include deposing Delta execs about hiring policies, which allowed an "underage" female to sit in the left hand seat of a commercial aircraft, would prove embarrassing, hurt market share, and @ $2.3M ($30K times 76 passengers) is a more palatable price to pay if that can make it all go away.
Prove me wrong...
6667 sealed indictments 666=evil/Satan 7=good/God
Dark to light
And I read somewhere (no sauce) that Hanks posted a tweet about 'road kill' on Route 66 a day or two later.
You could certainly eat any chicken but "meat birds" (certain varieties of chickens) are raised for their meat and usually culled within a few months as they grow so big they can barely walk. There are hybrid types that are good layers and big enough to eat. But most good egg laying varieties are hardly worth butchering as they don't have much meat on them.
My chickens all had fowl pox this year. I'd never even heard of it before but suddenly they all had these really gross pox all over their faces. Anyway, I looked it up and it is apparently spread by mosquitos. They quit laying for a time, and I lost one bird, but the rest recovered nicely. They aren't meat birds so I'm not worried about eating the meat but it was very weird. I have to wonder if this is how everything spreads... the damn mosquitos.
Just took it this week. Limited what would have normally been a 6-10 day cold to a day and a half. Only took it two days in a row (24mg) with one tablet hydroxychloroquine (400mg) along with zinc with quercetin, vitamin C and D. My nose was running, I was sneezing constantly and congested the first day and felt great by the end of day two. Amazing! I think the trick was to take it at the first onset of symptoms.
This is me👆. Add pastors/clergy, educators, and law enforcement. No one who fell for and enforced covid policy gets my respect. I’m still waiting for the pharmacy’s to take down their “free covid shots” and the hospitals to actually treat people correctly. We have a ways to go, I’m afraid. But at least we’re on the right path now.
This made my day... thanks for
I really don't wand to pay taxes this year...I really don't. And I won't be getting a refund, so I'll be waiting til April to see if anything is done for those of us needing immediate relief.
I was groped just a few weeks ago. I'm a 58 year old full busted grandma. The lady, which my husband called a butch (not to her face), had to search the mid section and undersection of my bra because the area 'lit up' there ion the screening. I wanted to ask if she was having fun. Does every woman with an underwire bra get searched? For the love of God....
Many times I feel like I'm part of the 'black sheep' crowd or considered 'rebellious' because I dare to question what I see and hear.
They probably have tunnels to each other homes. Nothing but a bunch of sickos!
I feel like I remember that lots has been happening on the 8th's of the months?!?!? Lahaina fire was Aug 8. I know there have been other things. Does anyone else remember this 'coincidence'?
Massie voted “other” rather than Republican. Ralph Norman voted for “other” too. MSM is freaking out. I just need more popcorn. 🍿
That link isn't opening a website for me. Is it down?
This deserves a post of its own. This is a nice dive on the word precipice. Great thoughts to share! Thank you!
Paper straws at that!
Tears of joy and thankfulness to God today for this victory!
Almighty God, you know our hearts. We love You. We love goodness and mercy. We love Jesus who saved us from our sins. We thank you for all You are and all You do. We ask this day for your angels to protect us as they fight the invisible demons that seek to destroy us. Give us strength and courage during these trying times. Give us discernment to know and see the truth. Help our families and loved ones who are blinded to the truth to open their eyes. Help us to know how to help them navigate the new enlightenment that will come. Help those caught in the evil who are being hurt. Help the children and those trafficked. Protect us all from the evil that seeks to kill, steal and destroy. Protect Trump and his family. Give us victory! Thank you, Lord! We have faith! We love You!!! Amen!