GQD_ 8 points ago +8 / -0

Wow big Q references

“Whole Diseased (Infiltrated) Temple….. Biblical”

“Never bring an arrow [in a quiver] to a LOSBR missile fight.”

We are getting to the good part! The Final Battle!

Epstein = Tale of Two

The Island (human trafficking) &


Part Two coming soon?

Enjoy the show!

GQD_ 5 points ago +5 / -0

Last I heard they archived and only post on Twitter under same handle.

GQD_ 1 point ago +1 / -0

He said how many of the coaches are Christians?

I wasn’t sure either, but I think he’s implying they are all Jewish.

GQD_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ve gathered a bit about branch jokes over the years, never seen anything of this caliber though.

This is from the official psyop page that does all the really ominous cryptic stuff?

I’m not so sure I understand the advantage of trolling the Navy THIS hard, from another branch. Wouldn’t they want to encourage an equal playing ground for recruitment? Or is it just an effective way of recruiting towards the army group, while not really having much of an overall impact on Navy?

Seen a lot of faggotry and gay agenda specifically in the Navy, and they always got ragged on it, but what is the over all message here? Am I missing something?

I’m sure this has something to do with that strange gaff or comms with the Navy holding the rifle all wrong with the scope caps on?

Also wait wtf is the creepy goat man? Reminds me of those gross photos of men in bunny costumes Q posted, which were apparently tied back to Eichard Branson hotels? And it’s a creepy goat?

GQD_ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Never bring an arrow [in a quiver] to a LOSBR missile fight.

Time to shine a little light on the em! Best is yet to come!

GQD_ 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m not confirming or denying, but it would appear something is up with the containers with the police presence in that video, the odd eagle logo, and his apparently allegations.

GQD_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

When CHANDLER died I said woah!

When it turned out he had posted cryptic Batman bat signal references and other cryptic posts, then his last post shows him in the dark under an ominous moon in the very pool where he then mysteriously dies? I said HERE WE GO!

Looking back in retrospect people were pointing at that moment to P Diddy who apparently seemed ontop of the world running around flexing as THE JOKER!

Mathew Perry > Chandler > Batman > P Diddy as Joker aka The DIDDLER (Riddler)

(another Batman character which had been primed in the public’s head recently think gen x “Rizzler”)

Interesting…. RIDDLE ME THAT!

GQD_ 3 points ago +3 / -0

“ Keep digging, Anons.



This photo Q posted of Chandler is nightmare fuel.

I agree that there is DEFINITELY something strange going on with her genetics and or lineage…

(Epstein and or Maxwell genes? Lab project of sorts? Epstein had big money and researchers on his New Mexico farm where he was “researching” how he could effectively seed the entire population with his sperm and genetics…. What the….)

Clearly a victim turned criminal, from young age, likely born bred and raised into this matrix of conspiracy…


(Note the cocked eyebrow “slant” above the right which is said to be an indicator of mind control abuse type issues and or bloodline)


GQD_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes they certainly did. Like Epstein, you didn’t think Q team highlighted [RACHEL CHANDLER] for no reason…

One leads to another, leads to another. One leads to MANY.

Q told us just that ONE modeling agent Child HANDLER, is ENOUGH to take down most ALL politicians, powerful elite and wealthy, and celebutards….

Let that sink in, there’s MORE like her out there. There’s MORE Epstein Islands out there.

Eminem pretty vocal these days on lot of topics, yet how come he doesn’t get called out as much for pics w underage Chandler on jet (Epstein jet? Not sure if confirmed)

Heck, I believe I’ve seen the Diddy ones circulating the gram.

Very well connected modeling agent from SUCH a young age!

Surely her clients and workers are highly successful in the industry? Where are THEY NOW?

GQD_ 1 point ago +1 / -0

You could very well be on the right track, as he says they are popping up all over, but he does claim in other video below he’s seen the ones in his community come in on huge mil trucks, and then lots of equipment like humvees, ammunition etc is being unloaded.

GQD_ 1 point ago +1 / -0

I found a couple other vids from account, don’t have TikTok though. He gets upclose to them. And besides what’s with the police they’re guarding it and his claims of them being aggressive?

He says they’ve been there for weeks come in on huge military trucks and then they unload all sorts of equipment. Also says lot of others claiming to see them all over.

GQD_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well if you check the closer videos it appears to be Uncle Sams American Bald Eagle, like you’d see on the other side of the bill, hence the mil equipment.

However anons know this symbol to also be the Iron Eagle, which Q used numerous times, many times in connection with Hunt for RED October (nuclear subs/October surprise?)

GQD_ 1 point ago +1 / -0


Curious I looked it up, look at the logo up close. I don’t know if this is different container? But the photos you post make it look almost like they painted squarely over the logo… While this video shows the logo is actually detailed and stenciled on, IE there’s no questioning what it is. Now the question, is it Uncle Sam White Hats bird, or Black Hat Iron Eagle?

He also details the heavy equipment and ammunition coming out of the containers and where it is heading.

GQD_ 7 points ago +7 / -0

Just spitballing a bit..

IRON EAGLE > https://qalerts.app/?q=Eagle

A lot of posts using this term contain movie reference

IE Jason Bourne (Dream/CIA/Deep Dream = Twitter), Snow White, Alice in Wonderland, GodfatherIII,

The Hunt For “RED” October (October surprise leading into Nov?) (Russian Nuclear Subs/threats?)

Also will see Hunters become hunted (coincides with Red Oct ref)

Red Oct and Iron Eagle seem to go together in a lot of posts, specifically this one where it appears to be the main context.


Haven’t looked for delta or dates, but in fact pulling up the “Eagle” search term brings up imo, some of the hardest hitting, deepest rabbit hole Q posts. I myself only scratch the surface of most of this, but it’s all so awe inspiring stuff. Lot of reference to Iran next and info which seems more pertinent now then ever.

Also worth noting the condition of the trailers, big weird painted over looking logo aside.. They seem tattered and warn down, yet such heavy guard? Are we that hard up for money to be using such run down units for whatever is important enough to guard? Or are they purposefully trying to remain inconspicuous and camouflage/hide in plain site?

GQD_ 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Deep State illuminati NWO globalist kabal, and all of their bad actors and puppets throughout history.

Would you like me to name some of these bloodline puppets?

GQD_ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wonder how long?

He just told you….. SOON!

Buckle Up!




“My Fellow Americans….”

GQD_ 5 points ago +6 / -1

Well that’s essentially exactly all it is, some of them, from our stand point.

This is your most basic simple form of a delta, Trump can’t be more clear than that.

The Q post says a few words including “Buckle Up”, Trump says it, and they know we are going to circulate it. The Hive Mind is Alive & Well…. 5x5 message received.

For all we know this could also be a “marker” or “go”

But it’s intention is to tell us “this was accounted for”

Also take the words for face value. BUCKLE UP. Strap down! PREPARE! It’s coming! You didn’t think this was for no reason did you? Buckle up!

Again, the media spent 4 years pouring resources into Q beyond comprehension, for a larp. Thousands of man hours, money, documentaries, docu series, media energy…. Before ever asking Trump…. ONLY at the 2020 election did they try and FRAME him for all the negative surrounding Q THEY just created!

Now 4 years later, still general crickets surrounding the Q question, as if this is big foot we are talking about…. Yet STILL the media energy/resources spent into defacing and framing it! [KNOWINGLY!]

At the crux of the Q “conspiracy” it claims that essentially TRUMP and others are leaking and whistleblowing on the anonymous boards 4/8Chan….

They didn’t ask him or confront him about it in any reasonable manner.

We have Trump now dropping a spoken word that was the only words of a Q post delta….

What does that tell you?

……. IT’S ON!


GQD_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

One of my favorite posts…


DQ+ 17+ Q+

GQD_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Has it been ongoing? Was wondering why this sounded so scripted and forced.

“Ok now start asking him about Kamala!”

GQD_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Quick reply - I meant I don’t believe in the “every jet/flight” myth.

I think it would be some sort of private fleet/military operation to create the “chemtrail” op I believe to see everyday, taking over the sky in hours into a total washout. I mean from 0 > 100% coverage from 8-noon.

Also I agree with you and mods on needing some control, I don’t want to see random hour long YouTube’s on irrefutable proof they are going to blue beam us and do an alien invasion (I mean cmon I’m sure it’s on the books somewhere).

Threads like this Tucker segment and the Flynn post where he highlights a video which outright claims 5G is sprayed in chemtrails will always peak my radar, as I trust these sources, and I take it as a wink and a nod as much as a Q proof.

I think the “chemtrail” psy op you speak of, and the smear campaign that follows is simple and one of their most used tactics.

Smear as crazy/conspiracy > put the idea out there > soft disclosure “yeah of course we’ve been doing that!”

We’ve seen it time and time again “that’s crazy we aren’t doing that/won’t do that!” “Yeah we actually are doing that/we weren’t but now we are!”

See the Harvard scientist Keith Raneri on Colbert report where the skit is literally them doing this. “How do I know they aren’t already doing this like the conspiracy theorists say? Highly unlikely? That our government would do something and not tell us?”

This doesn’t mean we can’t take it back and reverse it on them, there is no greater time now now apparently.

GQD_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

So if the gassing weren’t real and not as many Jews died as claimed, but a lot of Christian’s and fighting aged men of their respective country IE US, Germany, Russia etc

Doesn’t this out Adolf Hitler into the controlled opposition bloodline family as Q has suggested?

Create the war, play both sides, profit?

GQD_ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can you break this down for me, a bit confused.

So if WW2 was a massacre or Christian’s, which I believe it was through the war on ALL sides, young fighting aged men of their respective country, ripped from their homelands…

doesn’t that put leaders like Adolf Hitler on the controlled opposition/bloodline family side as Q has suggested to us?

As in, he wasn’t killing so many Jews, yet ends up dragging us into the war, and then after it becomes all about the Jews and Israel? Isn’t that what the bloodline families and the Jews want? Even if they did lose some Jews to this plan doesn’t the ends justify the means for them?

GQD_ 1 point ago +1 / -0

I understand what you’re saying, but there’s no other word to use. Geo-engineering, cloud seeding, whatever they are doing it’s happening and more public figures are talking about it as the Great awakening marches on, much like any other topic.

They are poisoning us in every direction, one of those being the sky. Blanketed and covered in a veil. Especially here on the East Coast.

I’m not sure what you’re getting at.

No, not every jet liner is doing it. Not every passenger plane is doing it. Heck they even spray from the ground, from the sea, however it’s being done something is being done. Again I’m not sure what you’re getting at and I don’t wish to continue trying to prove it here, I think the video should speak for itself, as it’s just another topic Tucker covers who happens to be in the midst of covering everything we are about, and is in the center of the media Storm of censorship disinfo misinfo etc.

No way to know for certain if Elon, Tucker, et all, heck I’d even go as far and say Trump or Q from a logical standpoint, we can’t trust anyone.

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