We don’t know the extent of the deals.
His execution date could already be lined up.
Look out for Bill and Hillary rapidly deflating health perhaps.
Things like this.
Q told us, if you pressed a button and released EVERY TRUTH and EVERY CRIME and prosecuted them….
USA WOULD COLLAPSE from the TRUTH….. and while we were on our knees CHINA, RUSSIA, AND THE AXIS would come and and clean up the mess.
Not every name will be destroyed, not every name destroyed will be connected to an execution etc…
Thanq OP this is an important topic clearly.
After a LONG hiatus, Q came back and left us with the DNA topic as last post for some time now…
Some debate whether the “real” Q made these posts, but it’s pretty obvious it is. It’s right on par with Q taking a 2 year hiatus and leaving us with the Twisted Sister cliffhanger “We’re Not Gonna Take It!”
(Another vaxxx reference? This just occurred to me. Many believe this referred to the vaccine or double meaning of not putting up with the system anymore. Then comes back leaves us with this very spiritual cryptic feeling post about DNA, hidden powers, spirituality, being oppressed. Ascension etc.)
The Epstein Mexican Ranch DNA seeding thing is pretty wild stuff to wrap the brain around as well. I remember posts here about Biden installing one of the potential “researchers” hired by JE installing into White House Cabinet as well, many were connected to this “research” (operation)
And of course, as all roads lead to Rome, so many roads seem to lead to Racine which others have referred to as the “root”. Always good to keep an eye on.
I have a feeling the subject of DNA and Racine play an intricate roll with eachother. X Marks the Spot!
One thing you can count on that we DO KNOW for SURE….
For things to have gotten THIS FAR…. For Technology to have advanced to THIS STAGE…. For bloodlines to carry on an EVIL agenda for generation after generation….
It HAS TO be coming from the HIGHEST order of PURE EVIL
I love when Il Donaldo talks in first person perspective
It’s such a troll, like yeah could be some basement nerd.
But it’s OBVIOUSLY NOT and then they’ll just casually assume first person mode.
Like think about it, they put Orange warnings on Trumps Twitter then FINALLY banned the COMMANDER IN CHIEF from Twitter at precisely the worst time……. And what did he do?
IL DONALDO TRUMP with a Mexican Mustache 😂
Cultural appropriation, hilarious edgy memes, straight to deep truth cutting texts and messages…..
Had he used HIS ACCOUNT for any number of things stated supported and posted on Il Donaldo they would go scorched earth!
Not only did he boycott Twitter, make his own platform circumventing them entirely, he THEN STAYED BEHIND ON THE PLATFORM TROLLING THEM HARDER THEN HE COULD BEFORE!
I recall board posts relating some Q posts to the little known fact that Trump was supposedly in Vegas that night?
Apparently they ditched one plan or another and began firing in propane tanks at a runway across the water where he was.
The most damning video I saw in a compilation has numerous police body cams from all over the city, AFTER Paddock is dead recording FULLY AUTOMATIC GUNFIRE!
Time stamped after suspect is declared dead, numerous calls on radio stating suspect is dead….
Yet still the sound of rapid auto fire gunshots are reported by numerous officers and captured on cam!
The few times I run into some little news crew on the streets in city or our and about…. I’ll hesitate and think “eh they don’t know any better….”
I’ll check the logo, some local branch…. But there’s that insert Illuminati logo of an eye, or a hypno swirl, or a rising phoenix….
Sure they may not be inserting the ritual dagger into the sacrifice….. but IF I KNOW better…. Then SURELY they should know better.
They know at the VERY LEAST they work for an organization that can, and will purposefully mislead a population of people on ANY wide range of subjects. Costing peoples money, stress, all the way up to war genocide famine and geo politics…. Covering for elite human trafficking and satanic murder and abuse….
So yeah I’ll put a little more throat into my murmuring of “Fake News” under my breath 😂
How he keeps trying to slip in “real world consequences” and when he finally says what he is trying to get out…. The only example he can go with is….
“People commit violence! Someone walked into a pizza place and fire a gun!”
Out of all these dire horrific acts of violence the conspiracies have encouraged…. ALL he could muster up was the ONE that conveniently smeared the entire PizzaGate Theory!
(Nobody was injured and suspect calmly walked out for the photo-op with the black woman DEI police coming at him gun drawn!😂)
THIS IS IMPORTANT BECAUSE….. THIS INCIDENT was supposed to be their end all be all! Their JFK “grassy knoll”
the term FAKE NEWS was put into overdrive by the MSM! I personally rarely heard the term before then.
Pizzagate exposure > label conspiracy + “REAL WORLD CONSEQUENCE” = “DANGERS OF FAKE NEWS”
Surely they had us now!
But you may ALSO recall it was this exact moment Trump really spun it around on them and forever gave US exclusivity to Fake News!
Trump said who are you calling everything Fake News? YOU’RE the Fake News and you cause more damage to Humanity than ANYONE!
So funny, at the end he really puts them on notice.
“Corrupt operation….illegal arm of the dem party”
“Forced to pay vast sums of money for damage done to country”
Really leaves you with a feeling of
This same thing happened first time around.
Trump refused to move right into White House and stayed in NYC hotel I believe.
They said they needed to “FUMIGATE” for “BUGS”
Q told us CLEARLY that not only were there devices that could go UNDETECTED planted in the WH….
But that they could also cause PHYSICAL HARM while remaining hidden!
ShitPort - drugs gangs crime and corruption. Poverty.
Next do
Gun Wavin New Haven - Ivy League Skull n Bones 223, the supposed cutting edge in medicine and education! Streets filled with propaganda, Asian exchange students, yuppies, druggies and junkies the worst homeless of homeless.
Then do ShadyHook SpookTown - Only a mere 20 mins from Fed Infested Owl Butt Fucking New Haven!
Town rewarded millions, fancy shopping center, BRAND NEW state of art police department, and even more so militarized (they always did have a heavy police force, lots of unmarkeds etc, even more so now)
Police Chief dei hire promoted.
Where is Lanzas father? Who was he?
Who was the “HUNTER” spotted “FLEEING” between the school and the FREEMASON BUILDING. Wearing NO high vis. Seen in police car passenger seat, caught and released, never mentioned again. Find name and career!
The school then born from the ashes was actually used as the “model” for the locked down prison style education center across the globe. Think contracts for one way bulletproof glass, cameras, security, double entrances. Heck I’m sure why not connect it all with 5G while they’re at it!
(Same model used across Vegas the anon warned us would happen afterwards, metal detectors and more high security in every hotel.)
A “NEW TOWN” for AMERICA you could say.
BE “””KIND!””” *️⃣
“The Natural Economic Order
(German: Die natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung durch Freiland und Freigeld,)
(in short NWO; published in Bern in 1916)
is considered Silvio Gesell's most important book.”
THIS PART is overlooked even more so! If anyone can elaborate on this/these posts a bit more I love a good Q lesson!
Anon - “Anyone mention NWO referencing Natürliche Wirtschaftsordnung, the National Economic Order?”
“We went too deep.
Attempted a pullback.
Not ready.
Real quick I always think of these angles but maybe I’m a bit too red and blue.
In the sense that I just assume that these forces would always default to convincing you “they” were God and that “God” was False and deceiving us? Heh it’s too late right now for this topic.
Food for Thought…. COVID had to happen - For RFK TO HAPPEN.
COVID I believe was the last ditch effort to force vaccinate.
I remember the days before we were hit, I specifically noticed the intense uproar of “anti vax” “yoga mom” type stuff which always circulates Facebook and makes its rounds. I made note and even thought the momentum was too strong to stop. One of the first connections I made was seeing this landscape totally shift.
I hear you, most likely I would say they are private fleets of jets that “look” commercial.
The infamous COLBERT episode with Harvard “scientist” he says that if “they “WERE” to do it it would “only” take handfuls of small fleets of G6 type aircraft to pull off putting however much C02 into the atmosphere.”
Now, he is saying that they would like to “pollute the air” to refract and counter the sun. (Of course, if that were the cover they aren’t going to say they are also poisoning and population controlling or spraying nanotech)
From what I remember the FLYNN (again a major Q topic) Tweet
At the first FEW SECONDS into the video on NANOTECH they, display that jetliner with streams coming out, and explicitly state
“Anything the NANOTECH is in can be manipulated by 5G. The nanotech is in EVERYTHING…. “They” (whoever is spraying the nanotech/allowing it) SPRAY IT IN THE AIR…”
the video then goes onto more of the subject of nanotech and 5G.
That recent video where the lady actually tracks down one of these what seem like “PRIVATE” companies actual pilots, and confronts him with the spraying was pretty jarring. Logically I would say the US Mil in conjunction with “private” companies pull this off with various covers of climate change, rain water, weather etc.
China openly brags about their militaries weather manipulation, it’s just another weapon in the ever growing field of exotic mind blowing tech.
But to the point - I don’t see what threads are banned, but rarely do I ever see a thread or even a comment where the entire basis is
“Every commercial jet is outfitted with chemtrail fuel that never runs out!”
Where are these threads and theories that warrant such reminder posts, and at times very strange name calling and taunting?
The only time I’m seeing chemtrails brought up here is
“This state just passed laws to ban chemtrailing.”
“Another state just passed laws to ban chemtrailing.”
I compiled that Flynn post as a solid example and tie into Q/GA for chemtrails.
If Flynn is a verified Q topic, and he is out here posting a video in first few seconds that says not only are they spraying chemtrails, but then goes off into the whole 5G thing which is something I’ve never latched onto. Mainly BECAUSE of the amount of fringe content around it and vaccines…. (Which I believe it is all being manipulated now for sure!)
Not only that, but I’ve just NOW found the article thread where checks cards
RFK JR is posting Chem-Trail “Whistleblowers”
LOL I love this timeline…. mid 2000s I stared at the obvious geoengineering like clockwork 24/7 365 and wondered if anything could ever wake people up and make them look up….. this is what kept me up at night, pre Q. 9/11 chemtrails false flag shootings and truth about aliens.
(RFK I’d say at this point we know is on the Trump team/few months ago I would have questioned his intentions. Now we see how his role played out and flipped, and the entire can of opportunities that opens. Suddenly the oppressed cures for diseases Q mentioned seem closer than ever on the horizon….)
Maybe their was an influx of bogus chemtrail threads idk, but I’m just looking at this article now and it’s almost like a strange slap in the face.
Just read this article and then read it AGAIN. GLORY!
My guess is it won’t be long before there won’t BE a choice to allow or not allow chemtrail discussion….
I can’t answer your questions with science…. but I will be quiet on the subject as I have been…. And let the 40K foot View Picture begin to paint itself….
However I WILL ask you a hypothetical you can choose to answer or not!
Would it be appropriate for you, or say any of these said Moderators to…..
I’d pay a lot of shillings to see that on ppv!
Wait WHAT so much is slipping by me I need to keep up….
And here I am still posting this direct confirmation from Flynn! Flynn is a direct Q topic. https://greatawakening.win/p/16an0knRg7/gen-flynn--fair-warning---anythi/c/
Gates - by proxy of Epstein Covid Vaccines and Clintons is a direct Q topic.
Gates (along with others) laid out for all to see the “plan” for large scale spraying and desire and funding to do so.
“If we WERE going to do it… here’s HOW! In the name of CLIMATE CHANGE!”
The video Flynn posted did go a step further and explicitly state Nano tech > controlled by 5g > in everything > they spray in the air
I understand their desire to keep the “fringe” limited and be this hardcore research center…. but at the end of the day it’s an aggregator and forum. If we can’t aggregate major chemtrail news as it breaks, more now than ever, because it’s “not Q” then a lot more will be slipping by.
I fully expect a direct nod from Q, or his team out there now ie RFK, Elon, DJT in the near future.
This is a global and military issue, no one country can simply stop even if they wanted for risk of falling behind tactically and defensively.
One of the MOST FRUSTRATING things for a while was the media writing things like this and spending MILLIONS of dollars energy and man power….
When ALL THEY HAD TO DO from Day 1 was ask Trump!
“Q says you are part of Q Team - Y / N”
But it worked out for the best! Because after they dragged it out for FOUR YEARS, they had numerous terrorist attacks they blamed on Q, and the election was days away….
They FINALLY decide “NOW we will ask Trump! If he condemns it Q is shot! If he claims it he’s a terrorist!”
Here comes our moment! Q promised he would answer the Q all they had to do was ask! (But they “just ask”…. They primed the Q bomb and we’re pulling the trigger on it! Surely they had DJT+Q now!)
And in a stroke of GENIUS he just SHRUGS IT OFF! 😅
“Q? What’s Q? I actually don’t know much about them…. Except for this this and these specific details…. And besides is THAT SUPPOSED TO BE A BAD THING? Saving the world from elite satanic pedos? Seems like a good thing to me! AND WE ARE! We are saving the world from the radical left agenda!”
BOOM they were left stunned and speechless, once again outmaneuvered, and knew they just amplified and affirmed the message once more!
Only Q could make plausible deniability the ultimate badass troll move!
Hard to pull up now I might have even linked here a while ago, but there are some strange coincidences about the smoke from 9/11 that day.
The other “satanic” smoke cloud seen that day looks exactly like this Iranian God of chaos??? Who also happens to look like George Bush.
There was a book that went along with the iranian demon and a famous clay sculptor that went along with it….