GQD_ 3 points ago +3 / -0

While it’s a great find, and the search does bring up a good post with teeth, I’ve noticed this is a new thing qalerts.app is doing with like searchable terms and tags.

It works out great because it lets you search for photos and context in the drop that isn’t worded.

However it’s worth noting the word “TEETH” doesn’t appear to come up in any post itself, but the tag does bring us this meme.

GQD_ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Crazy these demonic entities and their puppet militaries want to kill everyone of us, want to literally track our service members and slaughter them in their sleep if they could, wreak havoc on the daily and enslave us…

And right now US scientists are in China and Ukraine HELPING them create BIO-WEAPONS!

And WE the tax payers are funding it all! $$$

Who has to be eradicated to end the endless madness?

GQD_ 9 points ago +9 / -0

Only question in my mind… It’s going DOWN? I’m yellin TIMBER??

Edit: Oh wow then the JFK R safe “flight” connection? And is it me or is he purposefully saying “safe… fLIGHT” ?

GQD_ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Did anyone realize how self driving driverless cars went from

“Psh yeah! Those will never be on the roads!”

To driverless Uber, electric vehicles, etc overnight?

If I were a cart-boy I’d be shopping around for a new career soon. In fact a few big box stores have already created and tested such a system! Self parking, but more importantly it will drive you right to products on your digital list. Kek.

GQD_ 13 points ago +13 / -0

Never know. Is the theatre building more and more each day leading to the final precipice moment? Is it End Game?

Cmon now, First Russia/Ukraine “Europe” where they tried desperately to make every picture look like it was straight out of Normandy….

To Middle Eastern war…. Israel VS Hamas/Iran & the world

To now the hot China asshoe war?

“Cmon guyz do a World War then… OOPSIE a little social unrest & Civil War…. Sprinkle some Pandemic global WHO treaty lockdowns!”

I’ve seen this before, didn’t they try this already?

GQD_ 5 points ago +5 / -0

Used to enjoy that show, but recently those two main characters irk me.

They were in a commercial recently for some cable or internet thing with pedo Mamoa

GQD_ 1 point ago +1 / -0

So what are you saying you would stand with Hitler rather than Q+?

If that’s the case, this is not the board for you.

GQD_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Psh you should have seen this thing sweating when I tried to make it admit that when FaceBook manipulated peoples feeds “happy” and “sad” unknowingly experimenting on the public, then not disclosing how many effected users, it could very well be worse then holocaust, because it did not KNOW exactly how many could have died or suffered!

When I say you could see an AI squirm, I mean it 😅

GQD_ 2 points ago +2 / -0


I’ve had this link saved for a while, found a lot of it to be highly interesting/relevant to todays times. Talks about the finders from some different angles.

GQD_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seems to strengthen my resolve against Zelensky the Butcher, exposing the madness of the meat grinder which is war in Ukraine, makes Putin/Russia look stronger/more moral and trained.

Shows the forces being abandoned by post leaders etc, if anything I would argue it was fake and Russia put it out there, because the optics don’t seem great for Zelensky..

GQD_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Perhaps there was a little Q in between which God nudged first! Perhaps time will tell! Let’s see how this one plays out!

GQD_ 3 points ago +4 / -1


My bets still on Q TEAM + DJT 🇺🇸

You are witnessing the destruction of the [OLD GUARD]

The WHOLE diseased Temple….






GQD_ 5 points ago +5 / -0

Did anyone immediately think of the gay German politician who was licking toilets and smeared a shit Hitler mustache the other day?

Claimed he couldn’t say “who” was “making him do it.”

GQD_ 0 points ago +1 / -1

Well you would only denounce HITLER AND the Nazis (what about the Nazis?) upon my condition of accepting the protocols which I agree don’t look too good for teh joo!

Now admit Hitler was a Deep State Puppet.

GQD_ 1 point ago +2 / -1

From the gist of it, it seems to be a historically accurate document, like who is arguing this text doesn’t exist and has no merit? What is the argument it’s fake and gay?

Does that mean Q would kill a Jewish baby hypothetically? This I can’t say for sure! However my instincts tell me they wouldn’t.

Does this mean Hitler wasn’t a Jewish puppet as Q claims and that whole can is opened? Not from where I stand.

GQD_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

So all I’m getting from that is the Jews sacrificed their own? With their puppet HITLER?

Say you denounce HITLER and Nazis?

What about rest of post?

GQD_ 4 points ago +4 / -0

This was apparently in response to anon asking

“Q Was the Pentagon hit by plane on 911” ?

GQD_ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Then: SA carried out unchecked street violence against Jews and Nazi opponents

Now: [D] gov/mayor(s) carried out unchecked [deliberate non_prosecution orders 24-hour release] of Antifa rioters arrested [street violence – block-by-block takeover(s)]?

[D] gov/mayor(s) release of violent criminals [many thousands] from prison(s) under guise of C19?


Use of propaganda by Nazi Germany

Use of propaganda by MSDNC / Social Media (control of narrative – terminate opposing message


Soros history

Assault on America.

Ask yourself, why are [D] party leaders refusing to condemn the violence?

Ask yourself, why are [D] party leaders refusing to seek a unified republic?


Was the Nazi party ever truly destroyed (eradicated)?

Did the belief carry-on [re-deployed]?


Background of Soros?

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