Gammmadorf 2 points ago +2 / -0


It's Christmas as a kid style anticipation. Exciting time to be alive!

Gammmadorf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wars are costly and their economy is crumbling in on itself. Evergrende is a big deal. Massive unrest at home including the kidnapping of Evergrende officials. A "war with covid" that's shutdown huge swaths of the country locking people in their neighborhoods without food and further fucking the economy. Massive floods and all the controversy and loss that came with them.

They've got their hands full. There is no PLA waiting in cargo containers. There is however a rather large effort to scare patriots into a place of making poor irrational choices because the situation seems hopeless or like an impending doom at every turn. Next will come the cries of "if we don't do something now blah blah blah". It's bait. Its like covid/environmental fear porn but made for the right.

Gammmadorf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Those pageants are absolutely disgusting as is the culture and people that surround it. I can't think of a worse extracurricular activity for little kids.

Gammmadorf 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've got all the vitamins I need and I've already bought gold.

But in all seriousness it seems if you have a conservative show those are the only 2 things you are apparently allowed to sling. Aside from that I wish that Next News didn't sling tacticool nonsense and that their videos were not half ad. It's a tough balance to keep the lights on which I do get and I do exercise that forward button but if I'm fast forwarding through 50% of your video to skip ads then im not watching the news..I'm watching a cheesy infomercial. It also gives the impression that you are desperate to chase money or just outright greedy which then makes people question your paytriot status and ultimately your credibility. It's getting harder to use their videos to share info because of it.

Gammmadorf 1 point ago +1 / -0

service guarantees citizenship

Gammmadorf 3 points ago +3 / -0

This right here. Reddit is an incredibly easy platform to manipulate. Really anything with a "like, upvote, etc" where info is then moved to the top can be manipulated via bots upvoting whatever they want you to see and hiding what they don't. It's why a common shill tactic here is to load up the feed with nonsense and then have your bot net or fellow shills updoot pushing other posts down. As is crying about wanting a sticky on your own post 3 minutes after posting it and getting all your little bot accounts to come in and say the same thing. Never understanding that people can tell when something is "hot" and when something is just forced nonsense. Thats part of why it was super trendy for a few weeks here to post low effort screen shots of cringey asf t-shirts. Its just to clog shit up. To manipulate the feed.

by Quelle
Gammmadorf 6 points ago +6 / -0

Looks like a bottle with literally one drink poured out if any.

by Quelle
Gammmadorf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Dude buys his clothes strictly from the matrix apparently.

Gammmadorf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fucked around with grandma and found out.

Gammmadorf 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't think that's going to happen and here's why: it's crucial to the DS just much as it is every other person in the world.. If it goes down it ain't gonna be for long. Why? Because it's hard to suckle the teet of a country if the countries entire financial system is shut down. Individual sites going black? Totally. Entire thing? Nah. I know this is everyone's favorite omg topic but I sincerely doubt anything to that magnitude is happening pretty much ever. Again, it's too crucial to all sides involved. It's also damn near impossible. Russia has tried. Here's a clip from an article:

"The first problem they have acknowledged is they are not perfectly certain they know how to shut down the Internet in Russia. They have been working on this idea for more than a decade and they are still not sure they can kill the Internet."

Here's another article on it explaining why and how it's so difficult to do.


Is it possible? Maybe. But the US has an insane amount of internet infrastructure and is 100% reliant on it for everything from money to medical etc. In turn the DS is reliant on having a system to suckle from where the worker ants are working. Is it likely? No. I'd be more concerned for our ancient power grid. and even then we go back to the argument of them being just as reliant on it as us.

Gammmadorf 5 points ago +6 / -1

Because begging for stickies is fucking lame and a surefire way to guarantee it doesn't happen. People post shit then run to the comments of their own post to shout "mods sticky this" and that never once has gone over as intended.

If your so concerned about the updoots your in the wrong place.

Gammmadorf 4 points ago +4 / -0

Just stop using your phone for work and force them to give you whatever phone it is they would prefer you have. With everything as it is I think it's wise to keep your work life and your personal life as far away from each other as you can. But I'm just some asshole on the internet. You do you.

Gammmadorf 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ain't shit in our future but the fall of the cabal and the rebuilding of our country.

Gammmadorf 0 points ago +1 / -1

DUMBS destruction.

Gammmadorf 2 points ago +2 / -0

Getting a flu shot and then still getting "flu like illness" lol ahhh pharmaceuticals.

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