I just listened to our state's chief epidemiologist on a local radio show. She suggested that we will need to have kids wear masks in class forever during flu season to protect the immune compromised kids EVEN THOUGH those same kids go sit in the lunchroom unmasked with their friends. She also said we have scientific evidence that masks definitely work, but no real evidence that ivermectin works. I hope the cunt enjoys her conversation with Jesus on judgement day.
I would love to know this info. Our state legislature has been asking questions of our state health and education officials and apparently nobody is tracking the efficacy of the quarantine policies in schools where kids are sent home for two weeks simply for being "close contacts" or the masking policies which many of our school boards have forced on our kids again this year. I listened to some of it yesterday, and it is appalling to hear these officials tell blatant lies about "data driven policies" and then admit they don't actually know because they aren't tracking the data.
I always use this to check for interactions between any meds my family takes.
Probably the same thing that happens when vaccine truth literature is passed out at pro-life rallies, they'll look at us like our crazy is contagious and scoot away as quick as they can. It turns out most pro-lifers don't actually care that babies are murdered to make products for them, just like "my body my choice" only applies to the "right" to murder the tiny, innocent person borrowing a woman's uterus temporarily.
I had to have one last July to be induced. I was told I could go into labor naturally and refuse, but nobody would assure me that a) my husband would be allowed to be there and b) my baby would not be taken away from me if I refused. So, we decided to let them swab my brain a few days prior and have our baby in a controlled situation.
Most of the normies I know would just laugh at me and tell me that's not what their doctor said.
Example...my mother in law had covid last fall and then a her hair started falling out. I asked if she was taking a zinc supplement and she looked puzzled and said "no, I don't take one when I'm not sick." I told her that hair loss can be a symptom of zinc deficiency and she laughed and told me that her hair isn't falling out because she needs zinc, it's falling out because she had covid, duh. She also told me that she believes the doctors who told her that the chest pains and subsequent bypass surgery her husband experienced a week after his first coof shot weren't related in any way to the shot. His blood stopped flowing to his heart and slowed to a trickle. It was PLAQUE that caused that, not a vaccine, don't be dumb. It is so frustrating talking to people like that.
Clarification on AR...we never went into "lockdown," but our kids lost the last 3 months of the 2020 school year, restaurants were restricted to carryout only for awhile them then restricted on how many people could eat inside for months (many were forced to close because they couldn't afford the restrictions), some nonessential businesses were ordered to close temporarily (my brother in law was one of many who lost his job), kids sports and camps were canceled, churches were advised to close or limit how many people could attend (most complied), we were mandated to wear masks in public (and the vast majority complied with no question), small businesses were terrorized and fined by the dept of health for allowing the exemptions laid out in the mask mandate (Wal-Mart and Home Depot never got a ticket, at one point a bar was fined because people were dancing), our kids are still in masks, our health dept doesn't allow our doctors to prescribe ivermectin (at least one Dr is currently under investigation by the board because he has been giving it to inmates at one of the jails), and we are inundated daily with vaccine bullcrap from every direction (the state is holding vaccine clinics at high school football games). So yeah, we never "locked down" but we sure as hell haven't been free and Asa is doing his best to embrace the New World Order from every direction much to the chagrin of many of us rednecks.
Some people are waking up slowly though, so there may be hope that a few will accept info like this. My daughter reports that her libturd step mom now regrets getting vaccinated and has also realized that masks are useless (even ignoring signs on stores that still require them). So, yes, thank you for putting this together; as jaded as I am, I would never withhold info from somebody who actually wants it and I'll def be noting this stuff to be passed on if it's ever requested!
"In a recent study, we reported that certain anti-spike antibodies of COVID-19 and SARS-CoV viruses can have a pathogenic effect through binding to sick lung epithelium cells and misleading immune responses to attack self-cells. We termed this new pathogenic mechanism “Antibody Dependent Auto-Attack” (ADAA)."
Isn't that similar to what happened to all the animals in the mRNA studies through the years? 🤔
This. When my kid's principle kicked us out, he got up in my face and puffed up his chest in an obvious attempt to physically intimidate me. I guarantee he would not have done that if my husband had been there with us.
Quercetin is freaking amazing. I started taking it a couple of months ago at half the dose it says on the bottle (wanted to make sure I didn't overload my breastfeeding little one). Even with a small dose, I have been able to cut my arthritis medicine in half. After a little research, I learned that it functions similarly to some of the biologic arthritis meds (which i refuse to take) out there by regulating the funky parts of a broken immune system without immunosuppression or terrible side effects.
Sorry, not sorry, but no. I won't help people who asked for my advice and then went ahead and did it anyway. I won't help the people who are stealing my children's future because they're too stupid to look for info past what their biased doctor and the news media told them to do. Screw those people. I'll gladly care for their children when they're gone, but, no, i will not help these morons who chose the wrong path.
I'm keeping an eye out for ideas too! I'm really starting to think and research seriously about next year's garden; I'm thinking cut flowers and farmer's markets. I'm also bulking up my chicken flock to hopefully be able to sell free range eggs at a farmer's market. I would love to do something like soap making too, but with a one and three year old, I'm terrified of having lye in the house. Also, I'm praying I can get my bees through the winter, because next year, I think they'll actually make enough honey to share with me.
Another idea I have had recently is t-shirts. There are many print on demand places out there, so I'm currently working on figuring out how to get an estore set up. I may start with etsy, but I strongly suspect that they will ban me immediately because of my t-shirt designs (anti mask, anti lockdown, freedom shirts).
One thing I am concerned about is taxes. I don't know how much pedo joe is going to penalize people who want to start their own businesses. I know that a big chunk od anything I make will be put aside until tax time, but I also don't want to force us into the next bracket and screw us over.
Anywho, sorry for the word vomit! TLDR is "go for it!"
Thank you! This isn't said out loud nearly often enough.