by Quelle
GeneralDLC 1 point ago +1 / -0

They have us all right where they want us... smh

GeneralDLC 8 points ago +8 / -0

I mean Trump did talk about grabbing her by the pu$$y. I think that was their highest win. I still do not even care. All guys talk smack..... And girls talk worse smack.

GeneralDLC 2 points ago +2 / -0

Can we use the recall signatures to help with the audits??

GeneralDLC 2 points ago +3 / -1

It’s not good. It’ll likely be more bad. We’re not hurting enough yet. I think we’re at about 65%.

GeneralDLC 3 points ago +3 / -0

The ballots you fill out are sketchy!!! My husband and I filled out and put our ballots in the same box on the day of election. The only difference was that while I was at the location, I was informed that signatures must match your drivers license or it wouldn’t be counted. The way I signed was totally different so I took a new one to fill out and placed it in the box. My husband had his little code to show he voted and then verified within a couple days I’d say. Mine was taking forever so we wrote McCarthy and ONLY THEN did it finally show up as counted. It just shouldn’t be that complicated.

GeneralDLC 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sisters and friends are trying to refuse and trying to go religious exemption route. A few nurses are about to give in because of the inconvenience. DO NOT GIVE IN!!!! That means they’re winning and whatever psychopathic end game they have will actually occur! They won’t lose us. We’re too valuable and not enough of us any ways. Remember pilots won and some sheriff stations won. Do not give in.🖐

GeneralDLC 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well..... it was humiliating. And horrendous.

GeneralDLC 2 points ago +2 / -0

We’re at about 40%.... we’re not hurting enough yet. Turning point has to be pretty dramatic and uniting. When 90% of everyone you know is on the same page, I’d say we’re about 99% done and the end is right around the corner.

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