GetsTheNogginJoggin 7 points ago +7 / -0

Fever in HFM normally breaks quickly because it’s the precursor to the sores? At least, when I got it in college, I had a 103 hallucinatory fever for about two hours and it broke without me doing anything. The sores showed up the next day.

Having the sores completely gone by Monday seems like the greater proof of IVM working against parasites/viruses in this case.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 14 points ago +15 / -1

It was a Mossad/CIA on Hamas/CIA false flag with innocent civilians used as cattle for slaughter.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 3 points ago +3 / -0


I firmly believe we choose when we come to this existence, who our family is, and why we come to be.

We chose to be here to serve His divine mission.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’ve seen suggestions Jenna Ellis is part of Julian Assange’s DMS files.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have a family member who once met the man responsible for keeping tabs on the Chester County GOP voter registration database.

When did they meet? On the golf course.

What happened during the round? The main responsible for the database received a call asking for specific information that hadn’t been handed over when due.

Because he was playing golf when he was supposed to be at the office.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think they’ve released the next plandemic.

This is about the time the WuFlu started popping up in 2019 in China.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 2 points ago +2 / -0

That’s not the point I am trying to make.

If you are Biden, or any other person in power that knows incriminating evidence against you and the entire Politboro exists on the blockchain, a system you can’t access without large amounts of effort due to its encryption process, wouldn’t you try to censor that information in some way? Try to keep it out of people’s hands?

Like, I don’t know, taking over the internet?

GetsTheNogginJoggin 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’m now curious if they’re going to use the whole direct deposit clearinghouse snafu from last week to justify this

GetsTheNogginJoggin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Prosecutors said on Tuesday they were investigating concessions awarded for lithium mines and hydrogen production.

They said detention warrants were issued for five people including Mr Costa's chief of staff, Vítor Escária.

Apparently the chief of staff has already been detained.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Apparently the unemployment rate is around 15% even in cities like Shanghai.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 12 points ago +12 / -0

The biggest news is:

This directly involves the Clintons and Tony Blair.


AUSA Sassoon: Did you have a dinner with Bill Clinton and Tony Blair?

SBF: Something like a dinner.

AUSA Sassoon: You had invited them, after meeting Bill Clinton through Michael Kives?

SBF: Yes.

AUSA: Play GX 1559 [Video of SBF and Clinton, Blair, etc

AUSA Sassoon: And that was you, at the event with the Bahamas Prime Minister, Katy Perry, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair and Orlando Bloom?

SBF: Yup.

AUSA: And you allowed the Bahamas PM to withdraw his funds?

SBF: Another member of the government, I think

GetsTheNogginJoggin 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you Jesus.

I’m currently pursuing graduate education because I thought I could make a difference. I’m pursuing it at a top 20 school. It was my dream to get in.

I now spend my days trying to help hundreds of younger students manage stress and overwhelming expectations. I spend my days subtly trying to draw attention to the propaganda the administration feeds everyone and the exorbitant, unnecessary planned pressures it places on all involved in the education process every day. All of it is by design, no matter what the administration may say.

These kids are going into massive debt to have their self-esteem crushed for an education that poorly serves them. It’s time to completely re-invent the system.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are we able to prove connection between Penta Investments and the Penta Group in more than just name?

GetsTheNogginJoggin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ahhhh yes, the PentaGroup. A name totally chosen for a love of geometry and not anything demonic whatsoever.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, but it’s not like we can’t trim the weeds in the process.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 17 points ago +18 / -1

In order for the world to stop killing itself, we have to get rid of all tentacles that create the Cthulhu of the CIA.

ISIS = Hamas = CIA.

Until we remove the root of the evil, we will never be free.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 1 point ago +1 / -0

That would be awful, but if we’re talking Pearl Harbor, we’ll have to see escalation at home more than at sea.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 1 point ago +1 / -0

We didn’t enter WWI or WWII without it, though.

Congressional declaration seems to be a large piece of the puzzle TPTB was going to use Hillary Clinton for/has used in global conflict in the past.

GetsTheNogginJoggin 1 point ago +1 / -0

Idk, my mother is already convinced that we are going to war with Iran.

Most people I know are frothing at the mouth for one side or the other of the Israel-Palestine situation.

We’re basically already there in my circle of things.

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