GhostOfReeeev 1 point ago +1 / -0

Studies also show that Erithritol is causing myocarditis. They are desperately looking for the heart attack increase in other things. It's not the vaccine!

GhostOfReeeev 2 points ago +2 / -0

May God help us all in the times to come. Even if we are to be raptured before the tribulation, I think we will see the beginning of the birth of pains.

Not going to deny that I prefer pre tribulation rapture. However, don't hang your faith on the timing. If things don't go down the way we expect, temptation to abandon our faith will be around the corner, and many will give in due to disappointment.

GhostOfReeeev 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's more than one school on thought about the rapture, pre, during, and post tribulation. Not one idea is radically more accepted than the other, as revelations was highly allegorical, there's not much to say in regards to the chronological sequence of events described around the rapture itself. I think this goes hand in hand with the second coming before the millennial kingdom and the idea that his coming would be like a thief in the middle of the night, but who knows but God really. Maybe it was left to interpretation because God does not want to reveal the day or the hour. We are warned though to live life as if he was coming tomorrow and also to pay attention to the seasons.

GhostOfReeeev 12 points ago +12 / -0

Ahahaha well I'll die standing that is inevitable. Let the sheep be sheep.

GhostOfReeeev 7 points ago +7 / -0

That I agree. The pandemic is being used as a test run, which we failed miserably at. So buckle up. Fucking boomer groomer "leaders" are going to implement the bullshit to enslave people. I hate these assholes, wish they would just disappear and the world will sort itself out.

GhostOfReeeev 7 points ago +7 / -0

I see, it's good you avoided that poison. While I am not jabbed, I don't think the vaccine is THE mark of the beast, not until we get to the point where we will not be able to sell, trade, work, or buy at least.

GhostOfReeeev 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lol not an argument. It's a statement of the fact that AE coined the phrase. That statement is not the actual definition of insanity.

GhostOfReeeev 2 points ago +4 / -2

As per Albert Einstein, that is insanity.

GhostOfReeeev 6 points ago +8 / -2

Chances of this happening is Zero.

GhostOfReeeev 2 points ago +2 / -0

I read TW6BOYS, this is what I found for TAUG


Means rope or cable in old Norse.

GhostOfReeeev 3 points ago +3 / -0

Take a closer look on the second frame where the word illuminati looks as if it was scrambled. Bottom left corner you will see something, "TW6 Boys". I was curious to see if anything would pop, it's an escort site in the UK. This might mean they are having little boy escorts in that place. Something ain't right.


GhostOfReeeev 3 points ago +3 / -0

The useful idiots of the communist movement. They will be the first to be executed when shit goes sideways and Canad becomes outwardly commie.

GhostOfReeeev 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was digging on Fiona Barnett, she seems to have her testimony heard by the ITNJ (international tribunal for natural justice). Here's their link, I will look for her testimony. This International Tribunal was founded sometime around 2018. Eyes are needed around this. This is all new information to me.


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