You know what fren? It't time for them to wake up and stop living in fantasy land. If they get scared? Good, they should be. Its not easy but still alot of people are children still mentally and that has to go. No more safe spaces. If a treath comes down on you DEAL WITH IT.
This. They have done everything in their power for several decades to degenerate and weaken the west. Full of liberal cowards and degenerates. Women should be men, men should be women, children are attacked by these nuts in early years so they become trans etc.. Destroy the nuclear family, mix,destroy corrupt all part of life. Take away religion and replace it with socialism .This is infiltration at is finest, they have weakened us from within. This is why i am disgust with socialist cowards and liberals. They are the weapons used to destroy the west. Lesser men..We must fight back, stop excuse worthless cowards and filth. If they wanna go? lets fucking go..I'm so sick and tired of this.
Hang them. Hang them all. And the useful idiots protetecting them i I’m more then fine with having their faces smashed in as well. “Muuuh but they are good people” No, they are NOT good people, willfully ignorant cowards and sheep. Worst people in our history. Greasy weak minded They are a dangerous to all humanity. “Muhhh I just wanted to travel and follow the ruuuuules” FUCK U YOU LIBERAL FILTH
You could be right, and i can be wrong, Dosen't mean we should not act on what we see nor hear. The thing is, commiting yourself blindly to a plan you don't know makes you no better then the sheep. As far as im concerned,words and games don't change the reality we are living in.No matter what you and i belive or think don't make it truth nor reality. You must always be on your guard and prepare for the worst..Don't be a sheep. You are better then that mate.
This post is spot on..This is all a game to get control of the big masses ake the sheep..The middlemen, the masses..Coming from a guy who couldn't care less about the sheeplings acceptance. Stop being a sheep, this is the true game of thrones and we have first hand access.We are what Tolkien thought of the Dunedáin (the men of the west). Most people are nothing more then livestock. We are the last souls of humanity, of conscious,honor and dignity which has been all but spent in the west. We are the few that will make it all count. Most people living today has no soul, but the few people on his board are blessed with enlightenment and a invaluable overview,a road map to the universe, to god. Does that make us better then the sheep? Ofc no, we are not better then maggots in the ground if we not CHOOSE to be better, and accept death as a part of our journey. fear it but accept it,life comes before death. To live truly without fear for 3 decades is better then live in fear of death until a 100 year old. That is why in my mind Christianity is the superior religion. Its not about technology, advanced civilization,extreme order,specific life rules for salvation nor degeneracy..Salvation lies with in us, we are the masters of our own destiny do what is objectively right no matter the cost nor reward, no matter the suffering, no matter how great sacrifice...That is why Jesus forgave all those who followed him but in the end betrayed him, they played their parts.Because Jesus Christ is the face of "the end game".. Jesus knew the best in man shows in the redemption journey, and for that journey to start it required forgiveness and sacrifice. This notion is what sets us apart from all other living beings on this earth. Our will to redeem ourselves, that is when humans becomes greater then life itself. Jesus died, sacrificed himself so people could find strength to save themselves and defeat the impossible...Not saving their skin, but their souls. We will all die, but if we give up on our souls, well that is the true horrible end i think. And his is no a fact, this more importantly my belief. Most people on this board is more "real" to me then the majority of people i've met IRL. Life is no always what it seems. Hold the line and god bless patriots!
Yes these peoples have no morals. No morals and no understanding of freedom. They would cheat and steal in every part of life if they could get away with it. What a majority of young people would do for 1 billion dollar makes me more concerned and afraid then the DS. People who thinks this is only about brainwashing is fooling themselves. They don’t want to know nor understand that majority of the younger generations would sell out their countries for far less without hesitation. That is in my mind our biggest problem, how do we solve that? My answer is crashing it all,people must suffer
Dude they will trash talk us no matter what. This is war and i say that people should take a fucking stance for once. The fools still listening on media, i couldn't care less about at this point. If they haven't noticed what the media is all about now with all their lies for years i don't know what will. At some point, people will have to decide what kind of person they are. They can't hide behind "oh but they told me to.." Cowards.You have to understand as well mate that a lot of people don't care if they are free or not if they have it nice, they simply don't care..That's the greatest issue here. Say that "oh but they are brainwashed and don't know what they are doing" that's true to some extent but a lot of people is willfully ignorant and they know deep inside a lot of this is WRONG..But as long they get shit easy they don't give a fuck if coming generations will live in slavery. As long they had a good run they don't care..I will not forgive people who want's to control me, silence me and even put me in chains..Forgive them because their communist leaders got caught and now will pay? Many of them (not all) but especially younger people should ASHAMED for the rest of their lives. To say that you didn't know in a time when internet exists don't work in my book. Typical young, liberal women quote "Oh i didn't know the vaxx was bad.." Ok so you are a complete ignorant retard..And you dismissed everyone who tried to warn you and also tried to put us who refused the poison to shame? Or even worse, to be rounded up?..Fuck them. Showing love and forgiveness to evil corrupt,money grubbing maniacs is what has caused the west great harm. This ends now, a new attitude must emerge from this. I have more in common with a rock on the ground then i have with a new age, one world government loving liberal who has put their greatest effort in silencing people and try to destroy our countries and cultures. I'm so sick and tired of people of today,. Weak,stupid,greedy and low cunning. No honor, no courage,no patriotism. Stupid sheep and their media handlers.
Yea i take back what i wrote about Jenna. I'm easily triggered these days and sometime the anger makes you blind and jump to conclusions a bit to fast. But people like Jenna should also have some indulgence and understand that, many are at a breaking point and many wouldn't mind a arm conflict at this point to wipe out the commie scum once and for all..
Exactly, they don't seem to understand.the situation at all. The world has been attacked with a virus, and we know the deep state rats stole the election..And she talks about the law no one follows? Fuck them all to death..
The law in the United States seems to be demorats walks no matter what. How anyone can care about the fucking law at this point is beyond me if they let this shit slide.."Mmuh they didnät brea the law.." Are you fucking kidding me?
Jenna Ellis is a fucking moron. These people are traitors. I understand a lot of liberal women like her, in this day and age don't understand the gravity of the situation. These people..What they have done is the greatest crimes ever comitted in the US. If they don't face the consquences, why even have a justice system? Why should you and me be on trial for breaking the law if stealing a election just can slide? She is a fucking laywer, how can she even say that?