I think the last time Egypt did something like Harper's idea it was the Jews doing the pulling on the ropes. Why are the youngest kids having the most logical ideas.
Check out Thomas Sowell as well, calls out a lot of false narratives from the Dems.
For anyone interested the OP left the link so you can see the location the ship in real time by using https://www.vesselfinder.com/?imo=9811000
You beat me to this link, I remember looking at vesselfinder years ago looking at fishing boats off Norway, just couldn't remember the name of the app.
It's refreshing to see some politicians putting it all on the line, for too long these weak willed, self serving bureaucrats have ruled OVER us, not SERVED us, while covering up the crimes of "colleagues" that would put citizens in jail for life.
How many of these unaccompanied immigrant minors end up in foster care, a know way of procuring child sex slaves that is subsidized by the tax payer. Is anyone checking up on these kids once they are out of the cages? ..... https://medium.com/the-true-crime-edition/children-placed-in-foster-care-to-known-pedophiles-for-over-30-years-19dd1fc13fc4 .............. https://blog.youhaveachoiceministry.com/child-human-trafficking/data-dump-of-pedophilia-and-human-trafficking-in-foster-care-systems-and-orphanages-part-1/ ........ https://medicalkidnap.com/2018/02/06/arizona-foster-care-system-revealed-as-pedophile-ring-former-foster-child-tortured-for-years-sues-for-15-million/ ....... https://neonnettle.com/features/1602-under-obama-us-became-world-s-number-1-for-sex-trafficking-and-pedophilia
Now I'm only a high school drop out construction worker, but isn't there more to health and wellbeing than gender, like did they have vitamin deficiencies, co-morbidities, did men wait a lot longer to seek medical help, I know I have to be near death to go to a doctor. Why are they constantly trying to find NEW cures, we already have a bunch of things that would knock Covid out if the MSM would just tell people. Tonic water, Zink and vitamin B. Studies show just a higher than average vitamin B level makes it about 90% harder to get covid.
So glad to live in Queensland Australia, only saw a few people early on last year with masks when they went shopping. But on the other hand if it wasn't for finding Q and the community of researchers it would be VERY easy to think nothing much was happening, we like to keep to ourselves up here.
Sorry, I forget some people have no sense of humour, only a fully brainwashed lefty, or paid news anchor would say something as ridiculous, as what I wrote. I read through only 150 VAERS reports, very sad, so many older people dying for nothing, just in that 150, about 10 dead within 30 min to an hour, many found dead on the toilet within 6 hours after the shot. And the Government has given the Vaccine companies immunity to liability, so if you sue the Vaccine company, the Government, and by the Gov I mean the taxpayer will pay. Your life insurance wont pay out the death benefit because it is EXPERIMENTAL not approved medicine.
As long as you don't die in the 15-30 minute observation period, it has nothing to do with the vaccine. These people are all dying from totally unrelated blood clots, every single one of them, no really I saw a youtube "doctor" say "no one had died from the vaccine", so there you go, debunked.
I know basically nothing about cryptos, but I have a gut feeling that Bitcoin's "security" and "decentralised" attributes are being pumped right now so everyone will put their stimulus cheques and spare money into bitcoin or the market, and at a time of their choosing when it hits that sweet spot the Central Banks will have massive sell off and crash it, showing how unstable money is when the public is in control and try and get the Gov to let them "regulate" it just like the failed fiat currency. I'm going to stick with my gold, silver and uranium stocks, Investing in what I can understand.
I agree, knowledge but also skills, start practicing some of that knowledge now and turn it into skills, that will be useful to your local community.
I agree, we all need to do the work and use many sources for information, and then bring it back here for the group, we can't get lazy and expect "others" to do the work for us, if everyone works together, we can do great things to inform everyone that wants to see.
That moment when you hold something of enduring value instead of currency
Little bit of digging... the photo is from 2017 Deep from the Heart: One America Appeal Concert. One America Appeal is a sub charity of George Bush Presidential Library Foundation, which has a 501(c) status so that "100% can go to the people" except that according to charitynavigator.org only 45.9% actually goes to the programs, in total "they" raised by the way of donations from 110,000 people $41M, so about $19m went to disaster relief, a drop in the bucket compared to the $5B of taxpayer money that Congress approved just for Puerto Rico alone. Remember the warehouses full of emergency relief supplies from 2017 discovered in 2019 when Puerto Rico got hit with an earthquake? 100 semi truck loads of supplies in this video, in this single warehouse. https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2020/01/18/wow-puerto-rico-governor-fires-emergency-response-director-after-massive-warehouse-of-unused-aid-discovered/#more-181275 .Other things the George Bush Presidential Library Foundation pays for is a CNN "documentary" called 41ON41 produced by Mary Kate Cary, a former speechwriter for Bush, and a bronze statue of Bush at Texas A&M for $50,000. As for the concert, all the musical guests and ex presidents will write off the million dollars they would usually get for appearance fees as a tax deduction, which is legal, I guess. These people profit from disaster and war.
I know the ex-presidents are sitting because of G.H. Bush, but her body language is projecting power, she has studied under Marina Abramović. "Abramović said Mother Monster went even further than anyone expected. "She is a hardcore student," Abramović said. "I had to blindfold her and she was in the forest for three hours, eaten by mosquitos and spiders, scratched by the bushes. It was quite incredible." I have a gut feeling that Gaga is being groomed to take over from one of the Rothschilds as a Dark Mother.
Full list of Issac Kappy - The Lost Tapes #1 - #44 https://tora3.com/search?q=ISAAC+KAPPY%27s+DEAD+MANS+SWITCH+%E2%80%93+The+LOST+Tapes
Downgrade is a massive understatement.
Great list I'd like to add Amazing Polly videos to the list She has great way of analysing events and connecting the dots, very smart lady. https://amazingpolly.net/videos.html
Edit: DEA agent Joseph Rosati responsible for Seth Rich Murder not Shaun Bridges
While Ulbricht admits to creating Silk Road, he claims to have passed the operation onto someone else, leaving him to become a "fall guy" for that person. An appeal against his life sentence was rejected in 2017...https://www.techspot.com/news/88011-report-donald-trump-could-grant-clemency-silk-road.html
Definitely a stich up, they only go after you this hard if they are afraid. The family asked Trump for a pardon, but if he knows the users of the worst part's of Silk Road he will be in danger until they get taken down, similar boat to Assange.
So all of this leads back to the Seth Rich Murder by MS13 ordered by Shaun Bridges. "No mention of Carl Mark Force IV made it into Ulbricht’s trial. Neither did any mention of Shaun Bridges, the former Secret Service agent charged alongside him. The spree of crimes they committed as Silk Road investigators was under the seal of grand jury secrecy at the time. Bridges used the credentials of a Silk Road moderator-turned-informant to rob Dread Pirate Roberts, administrator of Silk Road. Force posed as a hitman and took money from DPR to kill the informant. Force and Bridges then faked the brutal murder of the informant. In actuality, according to White, the men were thrown under the bus by Rosenstein, because Rosenstein was actively selling classified intelligence to foreign governments on the side, including Russia – a treasonous act, in and of itself, but doubly damning for someone who was supposed to uphold the law at the Department of Justice. However, as the Trump administration came in, the tenor of DC changed, and Rosenstein became increasingly spooked and nervous. According to White, Rosenstein wanted to stop selling info to foreign governments, but the memo didn’t quite make it all the way over to Bridges, who kept accepting foreign money on Rosenstein’s behalf. This outraged Rosenstein, who then used his position and connections to lock the men away on charges related to the Silk Road. In other words, Rosenstein went after his own guys who had previously worked with him on various nefarious dealings – Bridges was, in fact, a forensic computer expert known for his ability to run circles around all kinds of electronics, and even, according to White, able to plant evidence on machines – for doing something which displeased Rosenstein, and which would have potentially exposed Rosenstein to legal scrutiny. And it was from this betrayal by Rosenstein that Bridges started talking to White. White says Bridges spilled to him all the details about the murder of Seth Rich; revelations which shocked, but didn’t surprise White."
Look who popped up in a DDG search our friend Shaun Bridges, this time connected to none other than Rod Rosenstein. "A former U.S. government agent has admitted participating in the illegal government surveillance on then-CBS New investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson. The insider has identified former U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein as the person responsible for the project." "At the time Attkisson was targeted by the illegal surveillance, she was a CBS News investigative correspondent who was uncovering news about the Department of Justice's "gun walking" operation known as Fast and Furious."
"They" are going to keep bringing out victims every time the story dies down, like throwing another log on the fire, to keep the normies distracted.