GlobalOrcs 8 points ago +8 / -0

The thing that frightens me most is that up to now, the largest vax victim group seems to be people of European bloodlines. I fear the mass extermination of whites before the vax companies get around to trying to kill everyone else. Some media has been saying for many years now that the near future will not have any white people. This would be a genuine holocaust.

GlobalOrcs 2 points ago +2 / -0

I grew up with parents who didn't know they had been inundated with Communist ideology. They thought they were just hip libs in a square conservative town. They were right and the "rednecks" were wrong. Our family was sent by infiltrators to a Communist indoctrination training center in Chicago which was disguised as a global Christian organization. After that experience, my mother marched her kids into church wearing Communist red clothes from the training camp, topped with black berets a la the Black Panthers--the uniform of the Communist Christian group. I'm sure the local church people were shocked, but my mom got a kick out of the thought she was bringing the "liberal" revolution to small town America. The Chicago trip was way way before Obama's (Communist) community organizer days. You don't have to join an officially Communist group to end up brainwashed with Communist ideology while you are clueless and naive. Long before the Communist plandemic, America had already been infiltrated and brainwashed at all levels of society. Even now when I tell conservatives that the Dems are Communist for the most part, they don't believe me. Dems are joined at the hip with RINOs, too. Yeah, so go out and git yer Communist kill shots. When Communists get control, they always start out with a blood bath--the jabs are just a "cleaner" and more deceptive way to accomplish the same ends.

GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I bought one of those BK soy burgers for tofu loving Japanese husband. He didn't like it. He also picked up a bag of fake soy sausages by mistake one time. Didn't like those, either. I think it is safe to say that fake meat soy products are mainly for vegans/vegetarians. Japanese people like real tofu, not the fake meat soy products.

GlobalOrcs 5 points ago +5 / -0

Vegan fake foods used to mostly be sold in American "health food" stores. Due to the fact that tofu is part of Japanese cuisine, my J family loves them some tofu burgers and soy milk. It's also cheap food and considered to be low fat and "healthy." Hubs is brainwashed to believe meat is unhealthy, so even though he happily scarfs up beef, he gets to feeling guilty sometimes and nags me to buy tofu. I haven't told him yet that Japanese housewives feed their husbands tofu when they want to decrease their man's libido.

GlobalOrcs 4 points ago +4 / -0

Now if they would just wake up to not accepting poison shots.

GlobalOrcs 5 points ago +5 / -0

I told my step daughter that i had learned from some veterinarians that wet food is better for cats, so I always made sure my cat had wet food. Without it, she was prone to bladder infections and once almost died of constipation. SD ignored me and fed an expensive dry food to her cat recommended by a vet. After many years, another vet told her to give her pet wet food. "Why didn't you tell me?" she asked me. (I did. In one ear, out the other.)

So even though I warned my family to stay away from the Vax, along with reasons why, the media, gov and medical cartel had all the "authority" and I had none. So if they start saying "Why weren't we told?" it's going to be a big shoulder shrug moment. My in-laws vaxxed. Husband vaxxed to go see them. He said they looked really old and tired. I don't dare hint it could be vax side effect. I get the evil eye and anger voice if I do stuff like that and a big "just shut up."

They chose for themselves what they believed to be right. I don't think many of them can be de-programmed.

GlobalOrcs 2 points ago +2 / -0

It was the back view of the shoulders that initially convinced me we had a First Gentleman.

GlobalOrcs 3 points ago +3 / -0

Started to go downhill shortly after husband/manager/handler died of cancer. Lost so much weight, she aged 20 years. He groomed her since she was 12 or so. Her earnings supported him and paid for his gambling habit. At first I thought she couldn't handle life without him and maybe had anorexia and depression, but the photos got worse around the time celebs' previously private activities began to be revealed. Not touring now due to reported severe muscle spasms. It sounds like vax damage, since they didn't announce a disease process. Now she looks like end stage cancer or advanced AIDS/VAIDS. I admired the range and power of her voice and enjoyed some of her recordings, but after celebs start flashing symbols showing their allegiance, I can't be a fan any more, no matter their talent.

GlobalOrcs 2 points ago +2 / -0

With a winter storm on the way, just what I needed to batten down my hatches. I was sittin' here goin':

How deep will the snow get? Are we gonna have an ice storm? Will we lose our power? Will we freeze to death? Blah-blah blah-blah . . .

It is good to be reminded God is in control of the storms as well as provision in the midst of storms.

GlobalOrcs 4 points ago +4 / -0

When I was young, I didn't grok Clint Eastwood. Now that I'm an old fart, I've grown to appreciate what he brings to the table. He's not a believer, as far as I know, but I hope he's one of the gooder guys. . .

GlobalOrcs 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can see why young ladies would write to Mr. Cute Curls. In defense of patsy CC, BM was a live drill exercise, total FF with Hollywood smoke bombs, Hollywood fake blood, previous amputees with Hollywood prosthetics, bad acting from crisis actors in cheesy looking distressed costumes, a guy with his legs supposedly blown off who was being ignored by EMTs--he would have bled out if it were real--and when they finally picked him up with cowboy hat guy in a WHEELCHAIR, no trail of blood, uselessly fake tourniquets, running around posing for photos, some of which caught them laughing, a show trial for the patsy, etc. etc. with a LOCKED DOWN city (practice for the plandemic?) I guess no one should be surprised they fooled the world with a virus hoax/scam.

GlobalOrcs 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's all going to be OK. God told me who the enemy is, and he told me the enemy is going to lose. Read Psalm 37 and you'll get a similar message. Faith and patience are the two primary necessities. Sometimes I forget to apply them, but when I do apply them, I notice they bring peace in the midst of the storm. Last night I watched a true story movie about a girl who lost her vision. She had a lot of faith and said, "It's OK. The Heavenly Father will restore my sight when I reach Heaven." It reminded me that the greatest gift anyone can receive here on Earth is restoration of spiritual sight. The plandemic has revealed that many are asleep, blind. We should pray for them that they might receive their (spiritual) sight. If many awaken, the plandemic falls completely to pieces. The enemy loses. So, may it be so, Lord, according to your will. In the name of Christ, amen.

GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do they believe they can fool anyone? Only those who are already fooled. Although one might be tempted to think the fakery should be enough to wake some people up. Some of them know this is lame, and they are just following orders. For them, the masks hide their ashamed faces.

GlobalOrcs 4 points ago +4 / -0

wonder how he did that. he looks like a different person. and it's been just a year?

GlobalOrcs 4 points ago +4 / -0

In certain ways, animals have better sense than humans.

GlobalOrcs 9 points ago +9 / -0

Korea, which is very close to Japan, was approaching Japan by sea, but a strong wind/storm prevented their attack. The Japanese called this a "divine wind," or "kamikaze" in Japanese. That was the name given to the Japanese suicide pilots who dive bombed the wooden decks of US ships in WWII.

Spain wanted to reclaim Protestant England for Catholicism during the time of Elizabeth I. One could say a "divine wind" wiped out the Armada.

Maybe a different sort of "divine wind" is going to blow away the plandemic. The ones pushing the plandemic are enemies of God.

GlobalOrcs 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah we heard that, right? No real test. How can they claim variant this and variant that unless there is a reliable test that identifies? Anyhoo I watched a media clip last night that claimed 100% of the positive samples testing now at a large lab in the US are Omicron. However can they know that? In any case, several individuals/organizations/countries are claiming Omicron is gonna wipe out Covid in 2-3 months. Well something needs to stop this hideous scam or almost no one would survive. If it turns out to be "Omicron" then yay. One clue that this could be so is that some countries are trying to double down on restrictions and pressure to jab in an attempt to stop the spread of Omicron. Now, what should happen if this is gonna work is that "Covid sickness" would disappear by spring, and the vax companies wouldn't be able to sell anymore jab doses. However, I don't see how that would stop the heart attacks and blood clots, etc., unless the spike proteins of Omicron do battle with the spike proteins manufactured by the jab ingredients and wipe out this particular toxic effect. That still leaves the other toxic ingredients in victims' bodies such as graphene oxide and what not. We shall see what happens. The Cabal is not permitted by God to wipe out everybody. That's a solid for me. The ending of this world is a lot different than the Cabal's notions of depop and a Great Reset that benefits only themselves.

GlobalOrcs 1 point ago +1 / -0

Someone has to survive this plandemic. I'm not putting my money on the vaxxed unless they come up with a cure for the toxins in the jabs.

GlobalOrcs 13 points ago +13 / -0

it was extremely irresponsible to mandate vax for pilots. all who fly planes of any size should have been forbidden to vax. i knew these kinds of vaxxidents were going to happen. plain common sense. which is lacking in the vax pushers. i realize they wanna kill, but for people in certain occupations it's too hazardous with that junk in their bodies. Question: how do they feel about a vaxxed pilot flying their private planes?

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