His Telegram channel was hacked as well a few days ago ...
All the way to the Mars Attacks thing for sure, her eyebrows are now on top of her head ....
So we are all supposed to leave Tele ... crap.
Exactly, people are going crazy on TS trying to figure it out.
Was surprised by that as well, I’d like more information 1st.
I have heard the same, several Dr.’s have commented the swollen fingers could be a symptom of heart disease.
More Champannnna ...
Wow I take a few days away and .... dang.
Me too all of it right there with you!
I just tried it, it’s playing ... the Denver news did not offer it of course. One of the conservative radio shows with Dan Caplis on KHOW said they would post it on their news page however I could not get the link to work. Your right to me this is all Dem crap ... Also a Republican Legislator tried to get Polis’ business dealings , annual sales earnings etc. made public for the election it was scrapped by the Dems ...
Start with talking with family local and out of state, on what frequency you are going to all use, a good start is 3 3 3 plan. Here’s the link very helpful ... https://radiofreeq.wordpress.com/2013/07/15/3-3-3-radio-plan-for-shtf-communications/
God bless you as well ❤️🌎❤️
I’m so sorry, you and your family are in my prayers God bless ❤️
Soon .... 🃏⬇️🚮
Every time I’ve seen this since yesterday it makes me snicker... he’s a twat ... plain and simple, he may be king but he won’t get the crown.
We call him Gov. Mc FeeMe gots to go ...
Time to get rid of them all, plus that SOS G S crap thing ...
Ewwwwww .... 🤮
I agree that’s what I have heard too that it could be a sign of cognitive heart disease but not a Dr.
Exactly... actually liked seeing the companies who donated to past and present d e m crap was nice ...
Sorry but CNN no matter what they do is beyond the point of return it’s a sinking ship a slowly sinking ship because no advertising will buy if no one watches, but none the less sinking within a year it will be underwater gone ...
I saw a post that if your pronoun is them/their those “people” should be paying $16.00! I totally agree ....