I posted this meme with personalized messaging to around 10 creeples on X, Felt Good!
Great Meme!
Yahoo has been the censor extraordinaire in their comments to their news and opinion articles.
I won't Cry if Fauci dies, tribunal or suicide weekend, as long as it as painful...
Look in the Fucking Mirror Whoopi, talk about a pig... A garbage Human that probably committed crimes against children.
If you are married to a liberal divorce her...
Both sides did not fight admirably.
Our foes are not valiant.
This political lingo BS is exactly what created this mess...
Bitch (Mitch) McConnell needs bitch slapped...
Learn to wash dishes and asses (CNA is A dirty Job) Kek
Trump has a new commodity-backed dollar in the works according to all The US Debt Clock Org. on X...
Good news on the neuropathy, the ED hasn't cropped up yet. Heh, I'm 66 so it may come in handy later on tho'
Reduction in price would increase consumption
My #1 Stop the rape, murder, and harvesting of children
Tampon Tim brand Tampon with Ghost Pepper juice soaked in.
🎶Two out of three ain't bad🎶
Sick those 87K IRS Stormtroopers on their asses!
Google needs to be smashed to bits like AT&T decades ago.
In the Philippines they say fall in line. Kek
More than 250 across 15 states? Underwhelmed...
You can make one here...Easy!
Jews seem to float to the top of every cup of coffee... Plenty in Biden's Admin.