I hope Trump makes the stock market fair and silver it's true price. Also end the fed. Please.
I noticed a week after I put up my flags and signs that others around me started to.
Same in my area.
I always took this as not being able to make art.
Ya, I think so too. As much as I wanna believe Trump had her executed. But there definitely have been body doubles of her out there for sure.
Ya, i want to believe this isn't Hillary. But I just watched the video zoomed in. I don't see anything. That speech and that crowd is disgusting though.
Ya they always use the same plain block letters. Red white and blue and stars. Always white lettering. It's just what stands out best for cars driving by.
Hahaha, you should see our democrat headquarters here. It's embarrassing. One sign says truth over lies on their window. 😆
I have some viles of this. Doyou just rub the oil on the pox or digest it? Bottle doesn't say
I never ever liked RFK. I don't know how anyone on here could have ever trusted or liked this guy.
I put multiple trump signs and a flag in my yard in a busy traffic area. I get lots of thumbs up and fist raises. Best I can do besides preparing for the worst.
I hope this is it. This is exactly what I believed awhile back. I guess I'm just getting nervous.
Does anyone actually think the election won't go our way this time? I hate the dooming, but I got a weird feeling. I'm a little worried.
Wow, are they really passing this off as real? Hahaha
Ya we don't need cbdc
What wallet can you store xrp on? I have some on uphold exchange and want to transfer them somewhere safe.
I'm all In on precious metals, but what happens when that is what our money is backed with? If everyone has to store piles of silver and gold at home, we will al be targets to be robbed. Crime isn't going away. And we can't trust to turn in our physical for a digital currency. We also can't walk around with silver coins to pay for shit. Silver and gold will be so valuable it will have to be measured in tiny fractions of an ounce. Digital currency solves this problem. But once again, we can't just turn in our stacks of metals for a promise. What do we do hahahaha. I can't wait!
Because he's one of them. He's not a good guy.
Ya these clown stars are not on our side. They all seem like they are, but they aren't.
How can we tell from that picture? That could be 7am before things open up.
Physical silver only. No stocks