Godknowstheheart 4 points ago +4 / -0

don't you mean John G Trump? Fred is POTUS's father.

Godknowstheheart 1 point ago +1 / -0

oh my gosh i feel your pain with the liberal know it all's. i have many family members that are like this. the biggest question i have for the libtards is this, do you believe in my body, my choice? of course every single one of them say YES. then i bring up the jabbs and say ok, if it truly is my body, by choice then i shouldn't get shit from anyone when i say no to the jab. all of a sudden i'm selfish and ignorant because my choice to not jab affects many, where their choice to kill a baby (my words, not theirs) is that is one person's personal and private decision. you cannot argue with stupid. you have to plant a seed and walk away. the Bible talks a lot about NOT arguing with a fool.

Godknowstheheart 1 point ago +1 / -0

sorry inspoken, i had to delete my response to this because i thought it was a response to my second post to MommaTried. it wouldn't have made sense to you with this first response.

we know Hilldog doesn't joke when talking about murdering someone.

Godknowstheheart 4 points ago +4 / -0

"The complexity of this leads me to one question: Was this Information Chaos a goal of the Cabal and thus by design?" of course it is. i believe that is why Q came in to play, to let us know that we need to question everything. there is a war on for our souls and mis, dis information is a huge part of it. it pretty much started in the garden of Eden when satan twisted Gods words to Adam and Eve. it's 'their' play book, has been since the beginning of time.

we need to pray and ask for discernment and that God lead us to the truth.

Godknowstheheart 3 points ago +3 / -0

i'm very surprised the leftards of late night BS and the view, haven't put this project 2025 on blast? not that i watch them, but i see clips of some of 'their' content on the internet and haven't seen anything about project 2025. first time i've heard of this.

Godknowstheheart 3 points ago +3 / -0

this is the first i've heard of this as well. does anyone know where it originated from and who the author is?

Godknowstheheart 5 points ago +5 / -0

will she even go as far to refuse to agree that at least the economy and NO wars under Trumps 4 years was better?

Godknowstheheart 1 point ago +1 / -0

The conservative website True Pundit cited anonymous “State Department sources” in a report on Sunday to claim that Clinton in 2010 suggested to some staff members that the U.S. “drone” Julian Assange of WikiLeaks, whose website had embarrassed the U.S. when it published diplomatic cables, among other documents.

“Can’t we just drone this guy?” the website claimed Clinton had said.

Godknowstheheart 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ok Ukraine, Israel, illegal immigrants, and all other shitholes that the American tax dollars are going to, we are gonna need it back. seems we have a few issues of our own to deal with.

Godknowstheheart 1 point ago +1 / -0

it is times like this that i'm so thankful that the internet is forever! Thank you Lord!

'they' are going to try and gaslight their way out of all the evil shit they have done.

Godknowstheheart 3 points ago +3 / -0

they (republicans) go along to get along. this needs to stop. you can't play nice with snakes.

Godknowstheheart 3 points ago +3 / -0

NP. this is the first i'm hearing about this myself.

Godknowstheheart 5 points ago +5 / -0

Sources tell DailyMail.com that the mayor’s first official trip last year, to Vietnam, was co-sponsored by the Vietnamese American Business Association, which was formed by a member of the Duong family, leading to speculation that the FBI may be investigating allegations of influence peddling........

Vietnamese maybe? i'm just grabbing parts from the Daily Mail.

Godknowstheheart 4 points ago +4 / -0

i sure hope we get some kind of justice for all the evil 'they' have done, but i do know Trump said it would be terrible to go after Hillary, being a one time FLOTUS and sec of state. i wasn't happy about that. i'm hoping he's just setting the stage that it's not right, but it needs to happen kind of thing.

Godknowstheheart 2 points ago +2 / -0

the hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds. we want porn books removed from schools and they accuse us of book banning but they remove these books from the entire public.

great post JD74!

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