Goth_Mom 5 points ago +5 / -0

Very convenient. Here in the UK we don't have 100's of TV channels. Currently there is 24 hour 'news' style coverage on Freesat channels 1 -13. All normal programming has been cancelled. Folk are losing their minds because they can't watch Masterchef or Tipping Point! Hilarious. And, as if by magic, all news of convid has disappeared!

Goth_Mom 20 points ago +20 / -0

Interestingly, the few veterinarians I know are more clued up about the experimental v@x and are hesitant. So, if we end up with no medical staff left, at least we can turn to the animal doctors ;)

Goth_Mom 2 points ago +2 / -0

The fact that the BBC are ignoring this story makes me think that it IS a WH op.

Goth_Mom 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, UK gov should be sh!tting themselves now, they're complicit in the election fraud too. Tick tick.

Goth_Mom 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seat number behind him. . . There's that pesky number popping up again!

Goth_Mom 1 point ago +1 / -0

It struck me as odd, as here in England there was a very quick announcement saying that the current programme was being interrupted so that 'we can go to the Presidential inauguration, which is starting now' or words to that effect.

This was BBC 1, which is the main channel in the UK, not a hidden away down the list kind of place.

The BBC always make such a fuss about these things it did not sound right that they would have got their timings wrong?

TBF I can not vouch for Spain, other than some my Twit followers who volunteered the info after I mentioned the BBC scrambling to broadcast the Bidan thing earlier than scheduled.

Apols, I do not intentionally post "unproven claims", just trying to add pieces to the jigsaw.

The BBC very rarely slip-up, timings wise, remember the premature announcement of the collapse of Building 7 whilst it was still standing behind the journalist' who had announced it had fallen?

Goth_Mom 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cam 4 - defo billowing smoke rising up at side of ATC tower.

Goth_Mom 3 points ago +3 / -0

Steve Jobs was HIV positive, according to Wikileaks. I always felt something was 'off' about how/if he died. Look at the direction Apple went, following his death.

Goth_Mom 4 points ago +4 / -0

Always felt he was a good guy - he loves his country & the people and doesn't give AF.

Now, where have where else seen this type of behaviour . . .

Goth_Mom 2 points ago +2 / -0

Senario: Phil 'dies', Brenda abdicates, parachuting Big Ears into the staring roll.

Chaz is a pal of Kill Gates, so I expect the 'green agenda' will get a boost, pushing to speed-up the GR even faster.

But, I pray that The Truth will be revealed soo, before it's too late.

Goth_Mom 7 points ago +7 / -0

Totally! He's been gone for months. We actually couldn't care less about the RF. Just wonder who our armed forces swear allegiance to now?

Goth_Mom 18 points ago +18 / -0

As a Brit, we suspect he's been dead for a while.

Will be wheeled out at time when most needed - ie. low uptake of the v ax, so now it is our patriotic duty to get v axxed, as it's what Phil would of wanted.

Goth_Mom 2 points ago +2 / -0

I totally agree with this & we understand that this is what 'actually' happened BUT the spin (and I can only talk of the UK here) is still very much "Trump is a criminal, lock him up, his tax returns are a fraud, he borrowed 75billion against Trump Towers" etc, etc. In terms of the impeachment, it's all "move along, nothing to see here now." or "I told you he was a criminal and so are all the Reps - they 'let him go free'" - mental. For those of us in the know it's just so boring. It will take MJ & Princess Di landing on the lawn of The White House in an alien ship, carrying BO's real birth certificate and a bucket of thermite before the normies will take notice and ask if they might of been lied to for their whole lives!

Goth_Mom 3 points ago +3 / -0

Morning! UK here: happy that DJT has been acquitted, yet again, but wondering, if this is all part of The Plan, what has it achieved?

Absolutely no (useful) info reported here, so no normies getting access to the facts, as MSM is still pumping out garbage. Orange Man still bad, they want to lock him up.

We are running out of road here, we are still all crazy & dangerous for our beliefs that Bidan did not win the election, etc, etc. Has it started to change the narrative in the US media yet?

Goth_Mom 4 points ago +4 / -0

At this stage, I'm expecting 'deep fake' vt footage of DJT doing all the things we know the demons have done. This is going to be a tough and testing time.

Goth_Mom 1 point ago +1 / -0

UK gov told us today that there will be a need for booster shots in the autumn.

Goth_Mom 2 points ago +2 / -0

This was tweeted & deleted, then retweeted again. I couldn't get screen grab in time, so may of missed something about the 1st tweet? May be something & nothing?

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