I don't think the deep state that we have now is the real problem. The real problem is the possibility that the deep state can exist at all. The Great Awakening is not about getting rid of the deep state (or any other evil). It is about exactly what it says... The Great Awakening. We can wipe out the deep state and over time a new one will grow in it's place.
We have to wake up from our sleep. The truth is the only way
Read the Book of Revelation. It talks about the Apocalypse.
People think Apocalypse means something really bad. Apocalypse from the Greek means lifting of the veil. Revealing the truth that has been kept secret. In other words the Apocalypse is the truth coming forth. That truth will destroy the lies that we all believe today.
It looks like Johnson is there to make sure Biden is not removed.
I agree. He is the father of lies. Nothing more.
I don't know if we were somewhere else before. I think it is more like a person born blind. They don't know what it is that they cannot see yet they know something is missing. We were here before sin but sin has blinded us to what is true and real. Satan said to Eve you will be like God. We want to be our own god. In doing so we have created a false world. Jesus has been pointing us to reality. He claims to be that reality. Our choice is to trust Him or trust ourself. There really is no other choice.
More like winning while avoiding war
What does whatever she has to say have anything to do with hush money payments?
Nothing that's what. This case is not about if there was any sex or not. It is about payments only. This is nothing more then trying to take votes away.
If government prints the money, why does it even have to tax? That's why income tax to pay off the Federal Reserve is a scam.
Q drop 142
...The Truth will put 99% of the people in the hospital
Maybe something like this post is the reeason so many will go to the hospital. https://qagg.news/?q=&q2=142
(about 5 lines from the bottom)
So? The documents were declassified. Just because the documents were marked classified means nothing. The President has the authority to declassify any documents he wants.
You may not like that and people in the FBI or CIA may not like that but it dosen't matter. That's the law
Now it turns out that some classified documents were slipped into the boxes mixed with other items sent to President Trump after they passed through Virginia (CIA) Those documents may not have been declassified. That's a whole different story with a whole new set of people that will be going to jail for an attempted setup by the time this is over.
Nice try but the documents President Trump had were all unclassified documents. The Intel guys did not want those unclassified documents to see the light of day because they were being exposed by them It's BS to think that President Trump had some documents that were dangerous to the American people.
It is freaking ridicluous to believe that nonsense. If he really wanted to he could have made copies, or memorized them. Then just returned the original docs. problem solved. If the original docs proved that the intel agencies were trying to destroy his presidency. That would be a major danger to them. They would need those original docs out of his hands.
It was never about how much money someone had. It was about how much the money had you
Spirit beings affects the mind. For good or evil. The mind translates that into the phyiscal world. "Poltergeists"= from the mind.
Spirit does not = energy. Spirit is spirit We were created to be temples. A temple is the place where the spirit world and the phyiscal world come together. A spirit cannot do anything in this plane without a human "temple". There is the Truth and there are lying spirits. Whichever one we allow into our temple is the one that will control us. LIke bob Dylan sang, Gotta Serve somebody. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wC10VWDTzmU
"If the evil ones can operate thru a piece of wood and a marker",
They can't do that. They are spirit beings not phyiscal. They can and do operate thru willing people. At least that is the way I see it
Mine is on the list. Awesome
Future job protection for the Biden family and their supportors
The DOJ has a policy that they do not interfer with an election. This shows you that the DOJ has fallen.
I don't know about presidential escort but a CIC escort for sure
If no election happens each state will select their EC reps without the help of a popular vote.
Preisdent Trump wins if that happens. Marshal law will not give Biden one more minute of power.
President Trump was a war time president. Treason during wartime means a rope or something that produces the same result.
We are not going to have a civil war because we are already in a revolutionary war. The first revolutionary war may have been seen as a civil war during the time. That was also in many cases brother against brother.
I think it is more like it dosen't fit their narritive so they don't know what to do.
They were born that way, act on that, they will die that way.