HamBanana 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree with OP. We're in this til the end no matter what.

The only thing that may have been bigger than this 11/15 announcement is when he emplored all patriots to come to the capitol on Jan 6.

We all know how that ended.

HamBanana 0 points ago +2 / -2

I don't know who that is but it's not Kanye. Actors red pilling like it's their job!

HamBanana 7 points ago +7 / -0

White supremacy is turning into an all blacks club. My days are numbered.

HamBanana 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've seen enough the past two years to know most of what we're watching is a movie. If Trump was arrested I'd continue to sit back and watch the show.

However, the entire point of this operation is to avoid civil war. If he were to get arrested, I'm pretty sure it would provoke a subset of our movement to start taking matters into their own hands.

HamBanana 6 points ago +6 / -0

If Covid has taught anyone anything is that it doesn't have to be a real nuclear fallout...only perceived that it is.

HamBanana 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lame. You're telling me black hats leaked actual incriminating child rape porn on Joe and Hunter Biden and they're going to use the FBI to round up a 1000 or so patriots for viewing it? lol, come on man.

It's not like Trump would personally release it on 4Chan. In fact, it's kind of convenient it ends up there anonymously at this specific time. The laptop has been known for several years now.

If the content is verifiably real the good guys are behind its leak.

HamBanana 3 points ago +3 / -0

Behind the loudness and arrogance of their stances they are an incredibly feeble people.

HamBanana 3 points ago +4 / -1

Have we had RED1? Simply states POTUS removal from Twitter, not Trump's @realdonaldtrump.

HamBanana 4 points ago +5 / -1

There are normies watching this too.

The snake venom theory is a good juxtaposition.

it's opening normie eyes to the use of remdesivir/ventilators.

HamBanana 1 point ago +1 / -0

Need some more information. I had two brother's go through this. How long have you stopped drinking for and how much were you drinking per day?

PM me if you like. Its very dangerous and difficult to quit cold turkey if you have been drinking a lot of alcohol a day.

HamBanana 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trump knows she's alive.

Could you imagine the parent's faces when a president of the US comes to offer condolences and you continue to perpetuate the lie?

HamBanana 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remember white hats in control. The person that is chosen is the one who will wake the most people up.

HamBanana 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's 100% coordinated. All the sudden POTUS is praising the vaccines and pushing for them. Meanwhile, Biden and friends are praising Trump for making them available.

The big question is, when the media turns on the vaccines and puts blame on Trump, what is Trumps strategy to deflect this?

Will be interesting to watch this play out.

HamBanana 2 points ago +2 / -0

So heres the rundown. I'm a 41 very fit male. Never took a vaccine nor PCR test ,ever, for that matter.

  1. I got a cough which turned into full blown sickness on Wed 12/22. This included
  • Really really bad cough. Some coughs you feel in your neck or chest. This cough started from my sternum
  • Body Aches and lethargy
  • Chills
  1. By Thurs 12/23 it I kept the previous symptoms and gained these:
  • Fever - highest it went was 100.5
  • Headache - not really a headache though more like head pain around the crown of my skull. Very weird.
  1. Thurs 12/23 10:30AM I took 200mg of HCQ and 30mg of Zinc (borrowed some from a friend). Was really hoping this was gonna do something but by 5PM that same day symptoms got worse.

  2. Thurs 12/23 5PM, took second dose of HCQ and Zinc.

  3. Miraculously, the 12mg Ivermectin I ordered a month ago arrived at 5pm. Took one 12 mg tablet.

  4. Today, Friday 12/24 I wok up at 6AM, had a much better night of sleep. The symptoms were as follows:

  • Fever: completely gone
  • Headache/Head pain: completely gone
  • Chills: completely gone
  • Cough: still had it but went from dry and tight to loose and productive. This was by far the worst part of the sickness.
  • Lethargy: Still had lethargy but was halved.
  1. Today, Friday 9AM, took the second dose of 12mg Ivermectin. Didn't take HCQ/Zinc.
  • I'm guessing around late afternoon I'll be 90% better!

I should also note that I have all the good shit here and was taking these daily for who knows how long based on their recommended dosages. I really thought I'd be able knock out this sickness just from these supplements and vitamins but they didn't appear to do a damn thing:

  • Vitamin D/D3
  • Zinc
  • Quercetin
  • Black Seed Oil
  • Artemisinin
  • Spirulina/Chlorella
HamBanana 2 points ago +2 / -0

I ordered it from SafeGenericPharmacy.com. You can ignore doctor/prescription section.

Couple things to note:

  1. I ordered it on 11/19. They let you know it can take 3-4 weeks.
  2. A separate email is sent to pay via paypal. Seems sketch as fuck but its legit.
  3. Once the order is shipped they'll send you a tracking number where you can track via USPS (see image)
  4. It takes a few weeks but its the cheapest option I found. I got 200 12mg pills for $180.


HamBanana 1 point ago +1 / -0

Liberals having to side with Orange Man Bad. Love it!

HamBanana 6 points ago +6 / -0

My analysis of downtown Chicago:

  • At least 30% people here are still literal NPC/Sheep. These people wear masks like its their job. Currently, the most overheard liberal conversations revolve around when their booster date is.

  • Surprisingly, the hatred for Lori Lightfoot is shared across the political spectrum.

  • There is an ever-growing silent Trump supporting population. People like myself have adapted to using sleight-of-hand verbiage to determine who the sleepers are. It's fun to hear and partake in these conversations at bars.

  • As a white male dating is particularly fun. Covid always makes its way into the discussion which inevitably leads to being or hovering around a political conversation. I've had girls call me a racist, an idiot, a privileged white male. I've saved a lot money on these dates :)

HamBanana 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm pretty sure most agree that the vaccine is the precipice. This is a GOOD thing.

We want the vaccines, mandates, boosters, travel restrictions, to be pushed as HARD as possible.

People are waking up with each and every hoop they're made to jump through.

I also have a personal interest in seeing how hard some people will allow themselves to be played.

Some of these arrogant liberal fucks are gonna be lining up for their 8th and 9th boosters, guarantee it!

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