LOL They teach in schools that it is all about the relationship of the numbers, not the final sum! My granddaughter was playing school and she was the teacher. She had 9 +2 on the board. I said 11. She said but what is the relationship of those numbers and then started drawing a lot of nonsense on the board. I sat there and laughed! We have a lot of damage to undo!
That's a really good one! So True!
It's good to see her smiling! The tides have turned, and those crooked evil DOJ puppets are running scared! WINNING!
I love the gator comments! They need a pit of Crocodiles at Gitmo.....just throw him in it. It would save money.
It reminds me of some of the bullshit performances at Christmas time in the White House with Jill Biden.
Yes, and I seem to have heard that a very famous young minor was a victim of those guys. I think they are all going down because there are many videos. Now that Trump is president, their protection is gone.
My My My...looks like Chicago is between a Rock and a Hard Place! If they want their funding, they have to let Homan remove their pets!
I don't think the housing market will crash that much. There are so many buyers who can't get their foot in the door because there are so few homes for sale. It may slow it down, so buyers have time to get their homes sold. I think it will normalize it more. It's an artificial market right is being manipulated by?? Blackrock? and others. Oklahoma had to make a law against corporations buying homes. We will have a price adjustment...but we are heading that way anyway.
We need that meme to have 17 start on it. That would be soooooo cool!
This is good. I listened to an interview from a guy named Cody who explained a lot of that. He say McVey was a patriot. Bomb specialist said no way did that truck do that kind of damage. He also said the evidence from an investigation into the Clintons had been moved to this building just prior to the bombing. Plus all of the evidence over the investigation about the Veterans getting sick after coming back from Iraq ( Gulf war syndrome) was in the building. It was all lost. The FBI, instead of having their budget cut, got a budget increase. The Clintons lucked out because all of the evidence from the Whitewater scandal disappeared, and the Goverment didn't have to pay a fortune to the soldiers and their families for the disabilities from being in the Iraq war. And last but not least, the BBC actually did a program on the bombing. The one thing that really stood out, was that not one FBI agent had a child in the daycare in that building that day.
Beautiful and Bone chilling! Those people have been through so much! God Bless them and their loved ones!
FAFO Good news. step at a time.
Warns? I took that to be a promise! I fail to see the problem. They are actually reporting the truth for once.
It's that new math. First you need a mob run city, then you need corrupt politicians who become desperate to stay out of jail. Add those together and you get "Harris wins" even when no one voted for her.
They don't deserve deals....but there are a lot of brainwashed libs who would wake up faster if they hear the truth from these I'm guessing they will still have to pay the piper, but it could be forestalled if they cooperate. I'm just thinking out loud.
Trump, the first 17 Star General! That would be awesome! I love it!
Good News! I live in a state that is a Sanctuary state. People who need housing can't find affordable housing. The prices have skyrocketed, and the rentals are still few. When the government is no longer subsidizing these invasive squatters,the prices should settle down.
That is Very Funny!!
They haven't safety tested vaccines since 1986.
That's great! Get that Canola Oil off the shelves. It is really bad stuff!
Maybe they are cleaning the toxic crap out of their foods before they serve anyone else.
Red shoes. Nice touch.
Doesn't the mayor own a bunch of rental units that he is getting over inflated prices for, when he rents to the Haitians? They apparently are bringing money into the community via high priced rents to the mayor. This is allegedly of course, I could be wrong.
Now they can enjoy a real Thanksgiving.
This is great!