That video is VERY interesting. Thank you for posting. Not really understanding what looking glass was about, I would typically roll my eyes and dismiss it as goofy fantasy science fiction and honestly anyone who brought it up was "out there" But listening to him filled in maybe some missing pieces in my current view of our reality. Particularly the part about a great awakening and especially when he brought up the chess match scenario.
Very enlightening watch. Now I'm headed deeper into that rabbit hole probably for a while.
Not to be "that guy" but it actually closed at 40,003.59
40,000 + 3.59.
3+5+9 happens to equal : 17
Crazy times...
Q 144
Patriots don’t sleep. 40,000ft. v. necessary to understand [US]/SA/global events. Paint the picture. Decrease altitude (we will not fly that high again). Higher the altitude greater the [risk] of conspiracy ST. Many cannot/will not swallow. What is No Such Agency - Q group? Who has clearance to full picture? Important. SIS is good. +++Adm R+++ What agency is at war w/ Clowns In America? How does POTUS shift narrative? (New) Age of Enlightenment. 80% covert. 20% public. What has occurred over [th]e last several months? C-info leaks? Operations (think SA + ???)? CNN sale? What co’s rec large cash injections by Clowns In America (public)? Why??? Who does [i]t hurt? Who control[s] the MSM? Primary objective from beginning: POTUS discredit MSM. [W]hy is this relevant? How is information transmitted? How are people inform[e]d? Why was Sarah A. C. attacked (hack-attempt)? Why was Op[e]ration Mockingbird repeated? Why was Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream) repeated? Think social media platforms. Who are the Wizards & Warloc[k]s? What council do the Wizards & Warlocks control? Think Snowden (inside terms dropped). Alice & Wonderland – understood. Snow White – understood. Iron Eagle? Godfather III? Speed? Everything has meaning. Disney is a distraction. Senate & Congress = puppets (not all)(power shift). For [GOD & COUNTRY]. For HUMANITY. GERONIMO. Q
I remember there were rumors back in 2016 or so that the "hush money" payment was actually POTUS paying to help her somehow get clear of her NXVIM entanglement. Guess we may find out the truth soon enough...
Also, towards the end, he includes some potential ideas for those who are looking for ways to combat the coming "Prion Apocalypse" for both jabbed and unjabbed. Really good stuff imo...
They are gonna rig Colorado again. He wouldn't have won here anyway.
Second most important book I ever read.
Rep Thomas Massie from Kentucky, is an MIT grad and pretty smart guy. Kerry is no match for him.
My thoughts are that the awakened (MAGA) crowd that has been supporting and paying to see the movie, are definitely NOT the type who would ever consider chipping themselves or their children. If it's a psyop, I think they are marketing it to the exactly wrong team for the desired outcome ie: chipping the children. The people raving about this movie are mostly the same ones who opposed the COVID mandates, vax etc. And mostly on our team.
I have seen others pushing that same theory along with the whole freemason thing. I suspect that the ones pushing that narrative are probably wittingly or unwittingly controlled opposition trying to steer people away from the movie. Or people inventing conspiracy theories because no one can believe anything anymore.
Bottom line for me is, the SOF is touching hearts in the right way, so I think it's a good thing no matter who is behind it or funding it...
Not everything is a psyop. The movie speaks for itself. I have seen nothing negative as a result of the movie yet, so I am judging it for the good message it conveys until there is evidence to the contrary.
A similar situation happened for me around 2018-2019 as President Trump was succeeding in his MAGA agenda, and even though I was skeptical of him at the time, his actions spoke for themselves. Suddenly, I started seeing all the stories about him being a secret Freemason/Manchurian candidate and other narratives aimed at dividing MAGA. But the truth was, he was doing good for America so he earned my respect by what he actually did. The results. For me, SOF is similar. I am really working on being able to tune out the noise and just observe the actual real impact of things with my own eyes.
Great points made by other frens here as well.
Now is the time to pray. We're operational. God bless the United States of America. Q
I like U.S. Mint issued gold and silver eagles. Its funny to say, but I trust them more than anyone else for content and weight.
I usually start by going here:
Search what I am looking for, and if you click into the search results, it will show you a list of the more common dealers prices and what their premium is. Then you can decide who to buy from. I have bought numerous things from Apmex and JM and a few others as well. Never had any issues with anyone listed there though. I prefer Apmex if their premium isn't crazy out of whack. But that should help you get started hopefully.
Finally a real controversy! Lol, I grew up on Bryan Seltzer, I actually started duck tailing my hair with Dippidy Doo in the fifth grade because of Stray Cat Strut. He too (Seltzer) is a great guitar player, but I have to disagree, Brad Paisley is a SPECIAL guitar player. I hate his politics, but love his playing. I'm not really even a country guy, mainly grew up on EVH, Nuno and Yngwie, but still, Brad is really really good:
One of the great guitar players of our time. He was really good until he married into Hollywood. Too bad...
JH is a badass! He also did a pretty good rundown of this during last night's Devolution Power Hour with Patel Patriot and Burning Bright. All three are badass and their Wednesday show is well worth your time.
A new special discount code for 66% off at checkout?!?
That is a good question. One thing I have been noticing is, there so far has been some distinction in reporting between either stating that the docs are "classified" as opposed to "marked classified"
I could be making more out of it then there really is, but I will be listening for that distinction and paying closer attention to who is saying it one way or the other as we get more light on it.
As with all of this intrigue, hard to tell if it's a keystone cop thing and all these guys are bumbling idiots or if there is more to it like some aspect of a devolution or CoG. Honestly, from my perspective, it's really hard to imagine a reality involving "devolution" but Trump has been involved with all these same players since at least his supposed Atlantic City informant days, so, who knows?
If by some crazy miracle our government has been devolved, then Pence would still be part of a devolved administration so he would have every reason to have classified information at his "devolved location"
Again, not saying I believe any of that, but that is another possible lense to view this all through.
I wouldn't trust many of these guys, but I will still take Chris Miller at his word that Pence is a Patriot.
Small point just for clarification of terminology in your post: many of the docs in question were reportedly classified/marked as "TS-SCI" at least in Biden and Trump's case (haven't heard details on Pence docs yet) but you describe them as "confidential" which is actually another lower level of classification way below TS. Not a big deal, but using correct terminology in this area is pretty critical. Your main point is well made though. One question I would ask regarding Pence situation is what level of clearance did his lawyers have when seeking and finding the docs for turning over. I suspect they also may have already been declassified by Trump so Pence knew they were able to access them without clearances. I may have missed some of those details in the reporting today though so I'm still not making a judgement until we know more.
" One unfounded claim making the rounds on social media..." Lol. These clowns...
Many of the Good Lion films are also available through the Burrow channel through a Roku device. Lots of other good stuff on Burrow. I just discovered it a week or so ago. There may be other ways to access Burrow, but Roku is the only way I know of currently.
IMHO, this may be the best proof yet. There have been some pretty convincing ones to date, but this one, damn!
Apologies, meant to include it was House/Trump/ Q related in title...
Absolutely. The craziest thing for me was that it seemed like everyone all the way up my chain suddenly stopped caring about regs or laws. I never experienced that phenomenon in my 26 years.
I was practically shouting from the rooftops the reg and my legal argument but nobody wanted any part of it. EVERYONE I knew in the Army just complied, no questions asked.
It was definitely a long, stressful last couple years on alone on my island. As of now, it looks like I will be allowed to retire (coincidentally another obscure reg I had to bring to the JAG's attention.)*UXV2NzR4aEl4Q0xIbkFWcVRLSHZoNzNnc3Fkd2UyTllLbVYwM0U5dkwwQ3JfYzRjSjMzcGFGR2FCSVcyd0hfLQ..
That is a link to the relevant section. I don't want to spam the board by copy/pasting the whole thing. But basically, the president must authorize it and SECDEF must follow notification requirements listed.
Anyone who ever deployed with the unit can choose to wear that patch on their right arm. If they are currently assigned to the unit, they would wear the patch on the left arm. So, depends on how many you saw and what arms they were wearing it on.