I just read Biden's executive actions on gun control. They literally do nothing. They just instruct the DoJ to take note of things. The only big one is the one advocating for a federal red flag law, that states have the option of participating in. This is all optics. Now the left can chalk this up as a W, but in reality, it's a D.
I can give you that. Transgenderism has become a cult in and of itself (see also "Rachel" Levine giving Rand Paul non-answers about transgenderism).
My issue with the group I was part of was the mentality more than the message. When I was much younger, we used to celebrate Neewollah in church. When I asked why we did that instead of Halloween, I was told something about safety and a Christian environment. That's cool. Fast forward a few years, I end up going to a reformation day party with a homeschool group. When I asked why not just Halloween or Neewollah, you would have thought I punched someone's kid right in the mouth. It was such a repressive mentality in that group that questioning anything was strongly discouraged or occasionally punished (not me, thankfully).
I do find it a bit odd that I haven't seen a donate button anywhere, though. I do like not being constantly pestered about donations, but at the same time, considering how much I'm on this site, I would like to give back a bit.
Did I mention anywhere in that post that people do not have the right to teach their kids whatever they want? I was using "they can go to hell" in the "I will not associate with them" sense, because I thought "they can go f themselves" sounded a lot more rude and "I will not be a part of it" sounded far too polite.
And yes, people who celebrate Kwanzaa can go to hell too. Racial holidays are creepy.
This. Keep in mind that even if you're unable to personally homeschool your kids, there are homeschool groups you can join.
Also keep in mind that some of these homeschool groups are very ... strange. Cult-like even. I'm not a Christian personally, and I generally have nothing against them, but there are some people who take it way too far. If you want to teach creationism, go for it. If you want to teach that all holidays are satanic because they have pagan origins, so you make up new holidays to mentally flog children for attempting to have any semblance of fun, you can go straight to hell.
-sits in the back of an ambulance, wrapped in a blanket, sipping hot cocoa-
I was a homeschool kid. I've seen things. Horrible things. Even my "church-secretary-let's-move-into-the-room-in-the-back-of-the-church-that-no-one-uses" mother was weirded out by these people. Needless to say, I was pulled out of that group.
The main answer. Fantastic.
"Name calling, name calling, name calling, broad assumptions."
"The evidence is incontrovertible."
"More name calling, vile vitriol, orange man bad, spit flying through clenched teeth, no evidence presented, everyone's an idiot except me and people who agree with me."
Gotta love the geniuses who will wade through the vast waters of conspiracy facts to call the newest government scandal a "conspiracy theory"
There's no outcry because the black community is a minority in the "woke" crowd as well. You don't see waves of blacks destroying half of Portland because "black lives matter". It's white liberals that do this shit.
They put on their hoods and masks and run through the streets burning crosses--
Wait, wrong hooded, masked racist organization.
Yeah. That's obviously a porcelain doll head on that. Human faces have a tendency of looking really ... rough when exposed to extreme heat. The face looks too perfect.
Also, last I checked, human babies don't have wings.
Gotta fact check this real quick. Dr. Pepper is not owned by Coca-Cola in the US. It is owned by Keurig-Dr. Pepper. I think Coca Cola has distribution rights in Europe and South Korea, but unless you live there, Dr. Pepper is safe.
Texans have their loyalties. ;)
Unfortunately, the vaxhole argument will be the same as it ever was, "You obviously don't know how vaccines work." This simple phrase will be shouted from the rooftops, while they feast on fine foods and partake in libations, in honor of their "intellectual prowess." None shall question their logic, which is not held up by any facts, but rather by a snarky tone and a condescending look. All will revel in the glory of, "science is right because scientists say it's right."
And scene.
I don't completely disagree with her.
Evil? Fuck yes. All politicians are evil, except the Rand Paul and Tulsi Gabbard types out there.
Soulless? Absolutely. Mitch McConnell is like two braincells away from becoming a complete zombie and devouring other senators. On the other hand, I think I saw one of Nancy Pelosi's ears fall off.
Bigots? Nah. We haven't seen any bigots in congress since Strom Thurman. Right, Hillary? -raises hand to high-five her, but she is not amused-
I'm just saying, one OBVIOUSLY LYING accuser was enough to attempt to destroy Kavanaugh (who I believe is under threat, along with the rest of SCOTUS), but 9 accusers is enough for them to hem and haw over in the case of Cuomo.
I opened up this picture and laughed out loud.
Thanks for the laugh, pede.
Edit: does anyone know what book this is? I need it.