She’s shopping for curtains.
I really wish people would be stop referring to what amounted to a self guided tour, as a riot.
One of the seven deadly viruses.
You are correct. Of course I would have noticed, and don’t call me Shirley. The scary part is, I don’t know what I would be doing differently. It’s easy to get on here and go all keyboard 1776, but I know I wouldn’t have done anything violent or dangerous so I would have still had that helpless feeling that I have anyway. Pray and redpill as many as possible, and pray some more. So, exactly what I do now.
Can’t he just shed his skin?
Your property tax dollars at work.
Sorry but that’s another new term that I don’t understand. When I was growing up, if I would have said I was pansexual, I would have been told, don’t cook anything in it until it’s washed.
I’m right there with you. I’ve basically not found anyone willing to open their eyes to the truth. I know several people who are awake, but they’ve been there with us all along. I try to share the truth everywhere I can, but I don’t actually know anyone who has recently seen the light. So many don’t want their comfortable little lives disturbed by the truth.
Wonder if she has to return to work for them to receive the settlement. I would think taking the money and moving on would be the best case scenario.
I posted this comment once before but, I can’t help dooming sometimes. I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for this but, I’ve been onboard with Q for a good while. Not day one, but a few years. My family thinks I’m nuts, my co workers think I’m nuts, and I basically no longer have friends. I’ve accepted the “it had to be this way to wake up the normies” and “you’re watching a movie”, patriots are in control etc…. I’m holding on through November, but if ‘24 is stolen, we have to at some point admit that Q is the Great Pumpkin, and we are the ones being cheated out of tricks and treats. A fantastic operation to keep us complacent while the world reaches the point of no return. I pray every day that we are going to see this through, but it is difficult to keep the faith.
That’s a who’s who list of a listers. Might as well hang it up. We’re done.
I actually read it that way too. Having said that, he’s still a lying pos.
Got the recipe from Mitch’s old lady.
I’m sure I get downvoted for this but, I’ve been onboard with Q for a good while. Not day one, but a few years. My family thinks I’m nuts, my co workers think I’m nuts, and I basically no longer have friends. I’ve accepted the “it had to be this way to wake up the normies” and “you’re” watching a movie”, patriots are in control etc…. I’m holding on through November, but if ‘24 is stolen, we have to at some point admit that Q is the Great Pumpkin, and we are the ones being cheated out of tricks and treats. A fantastic operation to keep us complacent while the world reaches the point of no return. I pray every day that we are going to see this through, but it is difficult to keep the faith.
You’re probably right. If I knew how to think like those people, I’d probably have to shoot myself anyway.
Just my opinion, but I never thought they would make kh the sworn president before the election. I thought it would take away the first woman president, historically significant dei voter base.
The dumbest lowly bitch of the WH.
I had a doctor refer me to a surgeon for a colonoscopy. I went for a consultation and the guy was arrogant, blunt and not at all pc. Apparently while I was under anesthesia I called him a cocky little bastard. No masks in their offices during Covid. His wife is his receptionist, and just as blunt. I went back to have a hernia repaired. Best doctor experience I’ve ever had. Btw, his online reviews are awful. Everyone hates his disposition. People want to be coddled. The truth doesn’t always make you feel good.
New curtains.
Minute Walz.
And Boris Badenov.
Although, I agree with your statement, I live in Massie’s district, and President Trump is more popular than ever here. Massie’s lack of endorsement isn’t hurting DJT with TM’s constituency.
Deep cut for sure. Probably my favorite on Night at the Opera.
I dumped AT&T for Starlink last week. My speed is literally averaging 200x more than my poor old dsl.