HenryBowman1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

And why isn’t sharpton in prison for tax evasion and fraud?

HenryBowman1984 3 points ago +3 / -0

Marinate alive? That’s bug abuse!!!

HenryBowman1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

Calirado governor poleass is on the list.

HenryBowman1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

And the word is murder, not kill. Because there are circumstances where killing may be justified and necessary. I believe this was changed in the KJ version some point in the past.

Two very different but important words.

HenryBowman1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

Grow up!!! As I’m laughing out loud. Glad my wife isn’t nearby since she’s ask...

HenryBowman1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

There was a show on that talked about two planes would fly along the eclipse path one following the other to extend observation time. The planes can’t keep up with the speed of the eclipse which is around 1500 mph.

HenryBowman1984 7 points ago +7 / -0

Bad choices. McDonald’s was never intended to be a career to buy a house, support a wife and feed a cat. It was meant to supply a kid with walking around money, buy his first beater car and save up for college.

HenryBowman1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

Brings to mind a book my neighbor loaned me

‘The Attack’ by Kurt Schlichter.

It was (is) all too real of a scenario. Think a Tom Clancy novel turned into a movie, times TEN worse or more!!!!! It has SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME !!!!!! Reading about it is one thing, but to be seeing it in reality would be much much worse.

This event is told from the viewpoint of the participants/survivors, some 5 years after the fact. Without giving everything away, it’s a fictionalized nation-wide coordinated terrorist attack scenario by 10,000 terrorists (!!!!!!!!), aiming at the destruction of the very “center of power” in America—the morale of her people. Islamic Fundamentalist TERRORISTS had been either admitted as “refugees”, or just walked across an open and unprotected Mexico/USA border—sound familiar?

It occurs over a 3-day period at the end of August 2024 based upon the calendar days-of-the-week which are specified and other events, such as a demented and decrepit POTUS running for re-election; other current political figures who are identifiable (a VP and her word-salad speeches, a “DOCTOR FLOTUS”); a vicious pet POTUS dog; and a drug-snorting addled-brain POTUS son.

There are three (3) separate targeted attacks; a different one each day.

Day 1–multiple small cell terrorist units (mostly 4 or 5 terrorists per cell) acting independently of each other, attack “soft targets” (schools, shopping areas, hospitals, etc.) all at the same time (12Noon Eastern) nationwide. They are called “soft targets” because of minimal security around them. Law enforcement responds to “active shooters” scenarios but are quickly overwhelmed, as there are multiple shooters and multiple locations in each city that is targeted.

It is now no longer a “law enforcement issue”; it has become a “war” fought on the homeland, far exceeding “9-11” and Pearl Harbor combined. And then, many ordinary Americans decide that they aren’t gonna put up with this shit and take a stand too.

Day 2-the FedGov and StateGovs order people to stay home (as in CoVid lockdown) in case there are such repeated attacks. But different terrorist cells have new targets; they ATTACK PEOPLE IN THEIR HOMES. What happened to Israel on October 7, 2023 is the scenario, but on a much larger scale but with equally horrific results.

Day 3-the targeted locations are infrastructure (electrical systems, communications systems, petroleum refineries, transportation networks, etc.), by specialized terrorist cells (trained in explosive and chemical operations), and that big bugaboo—CYBER systems. But the internet and news media are left untouched, as the terrorists want their “message” to get out and be seen in order to demoralize Americans; but they guessed wrong on that.

The Operation Payback/Retribution by determined and thoroughly pissed-off Americans that is visited by upon those who planned, aided, abetted, and those who had given tacit approval and encouragement, is “Biblical Old School”; Ancient Roman vengeance retribution; “Carthago delenda est” annihilation. Deservedly so too, considering the casualties numbered over 172,000, more than the total number of casualties (combat and non-combat) suffered by the USA in the Great War/WW1. The Nuremberg Trials were kids’ play compared to the expediently summary courts martial justice meted out. And lots of newly-created glass parking lots in a certain troublesome MidEast country, which resulted in a “regime change”.

Additionally, “crisis management” forced a 25th Amendment constitutionally-followed “regime change” to occur in WashDC, and within the blatantly political governing bureaucracy; which was a “good thing” in the long term. What’s that saying about “greatness being thrust upon a person”?

HenryBowman1984 5 points ago +5 / -0

GEOTUS isn’t afraid to call out dicks when he encounters them.

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