HenryBowman1984 5 points ago +5 / -0

Starring Alex Baldwin...

Bring your plate carrier...

HenryBowman1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

Always need to check what I’d have typed is already posted...though this one is crazy obvious...

HenryBowman1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

What the motherfucking fuck. Apologies...but an accurate response.

by BQnita
HenryBowman1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

Haley is ineligible to be president. Find posting here detailing why and spread it like a Canadian setting wildfire to the forests near his house.

HenryBowman1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

Must be an armless Boeing employee assigned to tighten nuts and bolts...

Gives a warm fuzzy don’t it? And if you’re not warm...maybe the engine will start on fire to toast you up.

Boeing Issues URGENT Inspection Alert

In late December, Boeing urged airlines to inspect the rudder-control system in their fleet of 737 Max aircraft for a possible loose bolt or missing nut after one airline discovered a missing nut during routine maintenance, the New York Times reported.

According to a news release from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), when the unnamed international airline notified Boeing of the missing nut, Boeing also found an improperly tightened nut on an undelivered 737 Max.

Since 2017, more than 1,370 737 Max airplanes have been delivered by Boeing worldwide. The company urged that all of them be inspected to look for possible loose hardware. Boeing said it was also inspecting the aircraft it has yet to deliver.

Boeing said the improperly tightened nut that it found on inspection has been “remedied” and urged all operators to inspect their fleet of 737 Max airplanes “out of an abundance of caution” and report the findings of the inspections to Boeing.

The inspections involve the removal of an access panel to visually confirm that the rudder-control system bolt has been properly installed. According to Boeing, each inspection should take about two hours.

In its news release, the FAA said it was “closely monitoring” the inspections of the aircraft and if there were additional instances of the problem, it would consider further action.

Boeing said no “in-service accidents” had been caused by the loose hardware. It also said that flight crews should conduct checks that would alert them if there was an improperly working rudder before leaving the gate.

A single-aisle aircraft designed for short and intermediate travel, the 737 Max is used by several major US airlines, including American, Alaska Airlines, Southwest, and United. The airline companies each said that the inspections were not expected to affect normal operations.

HenryBowman1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ever since peanut man created the dept of the education to grift votes off the teachers union the USA crashed from 1st in the world to shithole status in education.

Why Do We Have a Department of Education? Jimmy Carter's Debt to a Teachers Union. Public education existed well before 1980, but an unpopular President Carter wanted the nation's largest union on his side before an election.

ANTHONY FISHER | 2.7.2017 1:15 PM Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on RedditShare by emailPrint friendly versionCopy page URL Large image on homepages | ABCNews.com (ABCNews.com) School Daze Malaise ABCNews.com With Betsy DeVos just confirmed as the new Secretary of Education, it's worth taking a look back at the events that led the creation of this cabinet-level department.

Public education (including federal involvement in public education) was a thing in the United States for a couple hundred years before 1979, when Congress narrowly approved the cleaving of a new Department of Education (DoED) out of the already existing Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. But the newly created federal bureaucracy was more of a favor to a large and powerful special interest group on behalf of a beleaguered president than a necessary reorganization to allow the federal government to "meet its responsibilities in education more effectively, more efficiently, and more responsively," as then-President Jimmy Carter put it.

Upon signing the Department of Education Organization Act Statement in October 1979, Carter said:

Primary responsibility for education should rest with those States, localities, and private institutions that have made our Nation's educational system the best in the world, but the Federal Government has for too long failed to play its own supporting role in education as effectively as it could. Instead of assisting school officials at the local level, it has too often added to their burden. Instead of setting a strong administrative model, the Federal structure has contributed to bureaucratic buck passing. Instead of simulating needed debate of educational issues, the Federal Government has confused its role of junior partner in American education with that of silent partner. Essentially, Carter's argument—similar to the argument President George W. Bush used to create the bloated, expensive, and ineffective Department of Homeland Security—is that because of all the "bureaucratic buck passing," a new bureaucracy must be created.

Creating the DoED was Carter's fulfillment of a 1976 presidential campaign promise, when he earned the endorsement of the largest labor union in the United States—the National Education Association (NEA). As the Washington Post reported in 1980:

The NEA gave its first presidential endorsement ever in 1976, when Walter Mondale promised them, at an NEA annual meeting, that the Carter administration would form an education department. At the 1976 Democratic National Convention, more delegates — 180 — belonged to the NEA than any other group of any kind. They've endorsed Carter for 1980, and were a major force in getting delegates to the Iowa caucuses…

Is the department, then, a creature of the NEA?

"That's true," says NEA executive director Terry Herndon. "There'd be no department without the NEA." By the time the bill calling for the creation of the DoED had been passed in Congress, President Carter's approval rating was at its nadir—below 30 percent—in large part thanks to an international oil and energy crisis contributing to a tanking economy and a national "crisis of confidence."

A study of the DoED's creation by Georgia State University found that although the department "was fairly low on the list of priorities," President Carter's "Domestic Policy staff did its research, sent people to testify on behalf of the department in Congress, and hoped that their endorsement of the Department would help ensure the backing of the NEA and its members for the 1980 election."

A section on the DoED in the Cato Institute's Handbook for Congress includes a passage about the lukewarm support from even congressional Democrats for creating the DoED, who were more motivated to keep a Democrat in the White House than to create a new federal bureaucracy:

According to Rep. Benjamin Rosenthal (D-N.Y.), Congress went along with the plan out of "not wanting to embarrass the president." Also, many members of Congress had made promises to educators in their home districts to support the new department. The Wall Street Journal reported the admission of one House Democrat: "The idea of an Education Department is really a bad one. But it's NEA's top priority. There are school teachers in every congressional district and most of us simply don't need the aggravation of taking them on." Just today, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) has introduced H.R. 899, a one-sentence long bill which would eliminate the Department of Education in its entirety by the end of 2018. Check back later for more Reason coverage of Massie's bill.

HenryBowman1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t remember the city that mothballed their battery plow trucks.

Now talk about a bonehead woke buying spree that was!!

HenryBowman1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

LLV...haven’t heard that term in a long time. One of my first jobs was a product engineer for the lighting company that designed and produced the angled lights for the LLVs. At a seven degree angle on the rear and fenders so had to adjust the lens photo metrics to meet the FMVSS108 vehicle lighting standards.

Those vehicles are old. 30+ years!!

HenryBowman1984 8 points ago +8 / -0

It’s amazing that Soros is still breathing. A quick payoff to his pilots and he could be dropped in Russia for trials.

Everyone has a price...

HenryBowman1984 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is happening in calirado. A news article had denver bragging that while school enrollment is down overall in the state that Denver’s is up...

Well no shit Sherlock governor poleass invited Mexico and South America up to camp over winter. The illegal alien kids get meals and heat school days.

HenryBowman1984 3 points ago +3 / -0

Learn from the master...GEOTUS!!!

HenryBowman1984 6 points ago +6 / -0

The interpreters are overwhelmed working on election ballots.

HenryBowman1984 6 points ago +6 / -0

And be careful what you pray/wish for. Crazy how it works if you’re sincere.

HenryBowman1984 2 points ago +2 / -0

Add in television, mobile phones with brain sucking content, broadcast sports and the intelligence vacuum is completed.

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