When this happened I just got out of the military and had about 20k in the bank, and paying rent. Sadly lawfare from a large corporation would have only bankrupted me.
Let me clarify. You're right they do have power and evil can masquerade as good. For instance the Witch of Endor that raises the prophet Samuel's spirit in front of Saul.
What I was saying (without saying) is that if the Ark of the covenant is hidden somewhere - it's not, but if it were it wouldn't matter because we have Jesus Christ the Son of God as our advocate and the Holy Spirit of God dwelling within us.
But! If this lost relic of the old times happened to survive the sacking of Jerusalem in AD 70 by Rome the one person who I would imagine would be on the view talking about it is something like a psychic.
- But in this instance they are lying. As I said above only one family (Koathites) are authorized to carry the Ark and it must be carried utilizing the gold covered Acacia wooden poles. Where the tabernacle (later temple) was placed was chosen by God. In other words the power of the ark was given by the presence of God. When the veil of the temple was torn in two top to bottom it would have revealed the ark on the other side. The priest was the only one who could go in and anyone else would die by going in. This tearing also symbolized God's presence and grace for all on the outside. We could see in but more importantly God came out. "To the Jew first and also to the Greek."
Tldr: I wouldn't believe a psychic for 2 reasons. 1.) They are making it up and have no power 2.) They have power and it's for my demise
I hope this all makes sense!
If we're talking about the actual ark of the covenant (which we aren't) then anyone who touched it other than the Koathites to move it would have died as indicated by scripture. But as I said above it doesn't matter, we have Jesus, read the book of Hebrews. Not speaking about you but scroll up and see, it's disheartening to see so many here putting their trust in the physical things of the old testament rather than the more powerful son of God Christ Jesus.
No, do you know who was authorized to carry the ark and how the ark had to travel and the requirements for setting it up and taking it down and where it was to be placed? Read Exodus and Deuteronomy. The ark is gone and it doesn't matter because we have Christ.
I can tell you one thing...a "psychic"..one of the things which God is against is not going to be telling you the truth. That's like saying a witch, a medium, a spiritist, a demon, etc. Told me where to find the ark. All this stuff is so stupid.
Well it helps our taxes aren't paying for these faggots anymore too.
Lost my job for not wanting to wear a mask at my desk. Cucks. If you got the vaccine you could take it off 🤣😂🤣💉💉💉💉💉💉🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️🇺🇦
Here's a barebones explanation:
Your friend was correct, allow me to extrapolate. Everyone in the military is at the very least secret. Then you have things like T/S and SCI which require deeper background checks and differing expiration dates. You said one would "have to legit justify it." Saying "legit" might get your clearance revoked so be careful. In order for you to obtain these clearances it will be part of your job and they don't just give them out to anyone who wants them. If your clearance gets pulled for negligent behavior or a supervisor or officer above you pulls it for reasons you could have controlled you will not be getting it back. There is nothing that needs to be done or maintained after getting a clearance other than good behavior and waiting on the expiration date to either re-up or let it expire.
Man I have been wondering the same thing as I watch all this unfold.
Exactly, screw them. You want to play hardball? Then die.
Purkiss get your butt over here! And if you happen to know a man who goes by the surname Kenee...get him over here too! 😉
Wait first....what's a woman?
You know if that moron is in the "club" it's focus is definitely not intellectual acuity.
🤣🤣 I laughed far too long at this so I had to comment. Very good!
LOL 🤣 this whole time....if that's true I would smack him upside the head with a stalk of corn.
LoL some of those planes on the flight deck look freaking awesome. Esp the sword fish next to the tower and the scramble egg B2 bomber nose over by where the helipad usually is.
You can do that. Egg shell powder has been shown to repair and increase enamel by up to 150% as well as help the tooth heal from cavities and the coconut oil is an antibacterial.
Check out making your own.
-Baking Soda -Egg Shell Powder (make your own) -Essential oil -Coconut Oil
That way you know what's in it.
Remove EGR systems and DPF's and DEF fluid from diesels and remove O2 sensors and Catalytic converters on gas engines. They cost the consumers thousands of dollars extra in (ultra gay) maintenance fees.
If you can, look up Elon's interview with the Babylon Bee a couple years ago. At the end they ask him if he accepts Jesus as His Lord and Savior. Now, I don't believe you can coax someone into that confession on a whim and that it must be from the heart a true confession of faith followed by baptism (Matthew 28:18-19) where being baptized "in the name of" is having your soul underwritten by God. But I digress, Elon's answer may shock you. I don't think he would claim to be a Christian after that interview but his answer would not be something someone so outspoken would say regarding Jesus if he was on the dark side.
I can't answer that. Same reason Epstein was allowed to be alive and operate like he did?
This is how you kick the commies out of your state when they were buying up all the land.
I really don't see anything happening to Bitcoin XRP or Etherium
I wondered why this thing was so big. A civilian contractor took her daughter to see it when I was active and was going on and on about it one day and I automatically just figured she was a commie lib because she liked a Broadway play. Was I wrong? Were they trying to push a message in it?
I agree with all you said especially your rhetorical's. As of some reddit user (LoL sometimes they act like it) is smarter than Donald Trump. Trump needs our help with action not with thinking. He knows what he needs to do and how to do it. We don't. We do t have any idea how deep down certain individuals go, he knows.
My theory is that he said Epstein list day 1 in order to see who would shift their weight and try and protect it. And now he wrecks their house. Just keep finding more and more who were left behind.
True, and thank you very much God has blessed me so richly since this happened. And I'm not talking specifically about money. Life in general has been so wonderful.