HighCountryAZ 0 points ago +1 / -1

Sex in any orifice between two consenting adults of any inclination is totally their business. Sodomy should not be against the law. That's just stupid and unrealistic. But adults with much smaller humans aka children? Different story. And kids do get hurt.

HighCountryAZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thay are all doing a big psyop to get people more tolerant of child-exploitation and abuse before the whole world finds out what evil has been carried out against children in a multi billion dollar child and child-organ-selling racket that is going to make sane but angry people turn to frontier justice. No wonder the cabal is desperate.. they are neck deep in shit about hit the fan.

HighCountryAZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Listen and watch Joe Biden while understanding that part of his desire to fund and protect the Ukraine is to protect the child harvesting there. He knows. And what do you think is happening to the 80k now missing migrant children that came across our southern border then got bussed and flown in trafficking? Joe Biden is an evil man. An enabler of terrible cruelty. He gets kickbacks from the sale of children. Do not doubt this.

HighCountryAZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's time for the White Hats to do whatever is necessary to terminate the globalist pandemic obsession. No fkg way such can be allowed to happen again. It would just be a complete absurdity. End it!!

HighCountryAZ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh bullshit. I know the family. Paul was a very decent human being.

HighCountryAZ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes it is all going to come out now that the Ukraine trafficking can of worms is open. Good Lord... get ready for the Haiti truth-nightmare. A certain high-profile political figure or three, will be making plans to move to Qatar any day now. Just watch and see.

HighCountryAZ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. That was also told to me by a Ukrainian woman friend last year. Pregnant women there are terrified.

HighCountryAZ 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is NOT a new and sensationalistic expose of this information. I have known for a year that this was being done in the Ukraine. It is the nasty truth, and only a small region. This same exact thing is happening EVERYWHERE and the worst news of all, about it being on our own soil, is the next bomb to drop. It should come as no surprise to anyone. Who first told me? Someone from Ukraine. And now the whole world is going to know, and the other locations revealed. Stomach turning. Mix in the details about packaged child parts being sold for eating or the kids being used in rituals and murdered and eaten. I'm sorry...but those who do not gird themselves with the armor of God for strength are not going to do very well with what comes to light. If its not faced, we can never hope to get past it to where our own future generations don't live in hell on Earth.

HighCountryAZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Americans who read or hear this info and continue to support the US policy of giving money to the Ukraine are as filthy with guilt as the people directly involved with the farming and death of these precious children of God.

HighCountryAZ 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have wished many times that these two men were sympatico and could work together without the urge to kill. Lol. Those are two iron wills!! DJT is always going to be my numero uno. But BK is quite high on my list of the sincerely admired. I have just the one problem with Bobby: His perception about climate change and Co2 is one giant ludicrous brain-fart.

HighCountryAZ 5 points ago +5 / -0

The cellulose they add to bags of grated cheese to keep it from sticking together, is a wood product. But the chems they use to break it down into cellulose is way more unhealthy than gnawing on a twig. Unless it's Oleander or something.

HighCountryAZ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, first off, of course be worried. We know the want us sick or croaked. Start out suspicious and gradually your cauriom will get you eating better. Did you google 'bio engineered food additives'? I'm going to.

HighCountryAZ 5 points ago +6 / -1

Me neither. And holistic heath research supports us about the salt issue.

HighCountryAZ 3 points ago +3 / -0

Of course. Good to have proof and I'm sure the Russians obtained it.

HighCountryAZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Credibility unconfirmed. But many people are justifiably suspicious of the Raytheon corporation as part of what sucks up a lot of taxpayer money for secret projects

HighCountryAZ 6 points ago +6 / -0

I went to the website. Glad to know about it; thanks, fren

by panamax
HighCountryAZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

I enjoyed this guy. Mind kinda blown tho

HighCountryAZ 15 points ago +15 / -0

Get us backed with gold so we are okay just like the brics nations will be then go ahead and destroy the fed. Absolutely.

HighCountryAZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Please tell me Kimberly did not get fricken plastic surgery. Can people just look like their real selves for a change? Maybe she just lost weight. I hope.

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