The Ultimate False Flag.
Look up Sku: 4R6Y3RE4 Seems to be a match to this guys head in a bucket.
In that case, my wife should live forever.
My 2 cents: The msm "Snubbing off" Vivek actually gives him credibility in the eyes of many normies. I'd say the msm are doing it with just enough kid gloves to put on a show but not so hard that they actually 'damage' him.
Normies don't realize jist how big this really is. If this stands, it means ANY state can also remove ANY of their senators or representatives ... .even WHILE IN OFFICE. Just use the word insurrection to describe their behavior and there is an excuseto remove them. NO evidence necessary. NO jury required. All you need is one rogue judge.
Not limited to presidency or candidates. IF this stands, that means that ANY state can remove ANY senator or ANY representative WHILE IN CURRENT OFFICE for any reason whatsoever. All they have to do is use the word insurrection. NO evidence necessary. NO jury is required. All you need is one rogue judge.
Pay-Per-View goldmine: Let Derek Johnson to debate Michael Flynn.
Regarding Flynn's comments about Q....
The reality is that Flynn would have long been forgotten to the pages of history if it was not for Q community continuing to discuss him one way or the other.
That segment about blindly following orders makes Mike sounds like a Hannity style of conservativism/patriotism. Say lots of buzzwords to make you think he is on your side... (Notice the big talk about trivial things and low hanging fruit like DEI,.etc).... But when something serious and meaningful comes up,.. Like military actually following their oath as if it really is at the core of our country .... and he suddenly retreats to a position more in line with the establishment and lets not rock the boat.
In short: Say lots of things to sound tough but retreat right on the edge of change.
It would have been great for Dave to say: , "So they should ignore their oath?" Or even "So if the they are required to follow orders of their commanders, then there really is no hope for change whatsoever."
My only hope is that Mike is trying to throw off the cabal. Or there is some other 5D chess move happening. Who knows.
Just like the mug shot.... Trump MUST take advantage of this moment!!! He should hire a Trump impersonator... And stand right next to him silently while the person says whatever it is that Trump wants to tell the public. IT WILL GO VIRAL... AND MAKE THE COURTS A LAUGHING STOCK!
Coffee house security cameras.
I don't agree with the sentiment , but I do agree with their right to say it.