Right, you do. But they are trying to punish constitutionally-protected speech under the guise of sedition. And they are succeeding, because the entirety of our justice system has been perverted into protecting evil and punishing good.
There will likely end up being thousands of years in prison spent among the people who entered the Capitol on J6, and hundreds spent for people who didn't enter. And there will be zero minutes of prison time for the people who went in last week to protest some Palestine something-or-other. That is intentional- they are punishing wrongthink. Trump had the chance to clean house in the FBI, and he did nothing. The current asshat who is actively pursuing Americans and turning a blind eye to Hunter Biden and Co. was Trump's guy. Q said to "Trust Wray". How has that turned out for the people spending decades of their lives for peacefully protesting obvious corruption while firebombers and murders from the "summer of love" walk free?
The trial in GA is obviously a farce, but the wealthy and connected can afford to fight it. Any normal schlub who wants to make a big deal about obvious fraud he sees is going to think twice before doing the right thing because the consequences of speaking out against corrupt system include being crushed by the corrupt system. The courts do not protect us, the DAs are out to get us, and the media prints precisely what their masters pay them to print.
Your first mistake was participating in a first interview. Hopefully that does not ruin your life.
"I don't answer questions."
Right... but he said NOTHING about the fundamental debt slavery incurred by the American people by the simple act of using the US Dollar. And it does not seem like he has any intention to do so.
If the American people really understood what our money actually was and how it worked, the scam would end tomorrow. The only reason it persists is because literally everyone in the public eye is in on the scam.
The whole point of all this crap is to terrify the rest of us from asking questions about elections.
The people leading the charge aren't on our side either. Note that Trump didn't shut down the Federal Reserve or do anything about unfettered money printing. He was a vaccine salesman and a shill for the banks, dropping the reserve requirement to zero and leading to insane money printing through the American Rescue Plan and all the loans. Biden isn't solely responsible for hyperinflation we've been seeing these past couple years. The money was created under Trump with all the paycheck protection loans- it takes a while for new created money to generate velocity and cause problems and it doesn't show up during a recession.
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” -Lenin
Jordan Peterson is represented by CAA. Hard to be forthright when you're laying with vipers. Peterson says many, many helpful and good things. But it's bereft of love and bereft of the name of Jesus and the message of Jesus. So ultimately, it is nothing.
By the way, JP Sears, the comedian who has long red hair and a beard, is also represented by CAA.
Oil is definitely not a fossil fuel. That's just a marketing name to create artificial scarcity. The Earth creates oil. Here's geologist Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty talking about "Peak Oil". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hu_R3gp84TY&ab_channel=beckderm
We are lied to about everything- the planet also creates water, called Primary Water. Here's an hour on Primary Water with its pioneer, Dr. Stephan Riess. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3_HUTvPmDk&ab_channel=calfotogal
The crazier thing is that dinosaurs did not exist either.
The source below is a summation of the sources of fossils, who controls them, and the timeline of the idea of dinosaurs. Don't take my word for it- don't take anyone's word for anything, verify yourself. The biggest red flag is that only Paleontologists find dinosaurs. Not construction workers, not petroleum engineers, not geologists, not normal people digging holes all over the planet for millennia- ONLY PALEONTOLOGISTS FIND DINOSAURS, and only since their existence was theorized AFTER Darwin's theory of evolution.
It's just another hoax from the Father of Lies to try and convince us that we are not Sons and Daughters of God.
That's not at all the point. The point is that the money is fake- it's just paper and 1s and 0s based on nothing and created on demand with every credit transaction. And the debt is fake too- the debt is to banks simply for their creation of the money.
When you buy a house (let's call it $200k for example), you get a loan the bank pays the seller $200k. In return, the bank gets the deed to your house, the seller gets the sale price of the house minus fees, and you get to live in your house, providing you pay 30 years for the house plus interest.
The problem is where the bank's money comes from. They give a loan BASED on their reserves, it does not come directly from their reserves. The reserve requirement is generally 10%, it has dipped a low as zero in the past few years with all the "relief" bills passed by Congress. What we are told this means at 10% is that if the bank "holds" $10B in "assets", they can "loan" $90B based on that $10B. What it really means is that if they "hold" $10B, they can CREATE $90B that doesn't exist. And when they create the money on the spot, you still have to pay it back with real earned wages.
Back to the house- the $200k didn't come from the pooled money of depositors. It was created as a liability on your behalf, created on the spot and paid to the seller. It was not drawn from any account, a fake new number was added to the bank's accounts receivables that is then filled up with real money from your real wages. This is why it is called "Loan Origination". They actually create the money.
But it comes from nothing, they invest nothing, and they exchange nothing for real assets. It's like we have exchanged our birthright of this planet and its riches for a bowl of soup- like how Jacob tricked Esau.
Debt is fake. Created by Central Banks for the right to print money given them by Congress.
Many Jews consider Christians idol worshippers.
Megacorporations are just proxies for the Banksters.
I literally posted about this on FB and YouTube like 2 days ago. Apparently it's been picking up steam- I've known about this for a while now, but almost nobody else does.
You forgot the caption:
"Synagogue of Satan"
I hate to break it to you...
Trump constantly crows about how he is the best friend that Israel has ever had.
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” -Lenin
That is an interesting perspective, that the "Urstaat", the Platonic Ideal of an organized society, is part of human nature. Primitive societies have divisions of labor, almost exclusively based on the differences between men and women, and they all have male leadership. Women cannot survive harsh nature conditions without men, they do not have the strength, endurance, or disposition. We are social and have fairness and justice built into our conscience, and building relationships to solidify those things is useful.
The organizers of the state are almost always those who gather more than their neighbors- initially by virtue of excellence- but then are replaced by those who hoard through lying, cheating, stealing, intimidating, and murdering, followed by the corrupt hoarders setting up a system to protect themselves from retribution. Benevolent kings last as long as their own lifespans and are usually replaced by covetous murderous descendants within a few generations, particularly if rulership is passed down by birthright and not selected because of strength and leadership.
One of the main things we have been learning is that in nearly every situation, when asked to pick a side, the answer is "No".
In great part because the two sides we are often presented are actually on the same side. Hegelian Dialectic. Almost nobody on the "Right" or "Conservative" side talks about God, about Good and Evil, about Satan, and literally zero people in the public eye talk about the Synagogue of Satan. Republicans and Democrats serve the same masters.
Plausible deniability for a split vote. Like Ross Perot in 1992. Although the alternatives are just as garbage today as they were in 1992. And Ross Perot might have actually been a good President, whereas Kennedy is just another swamp creature.
There is right and wrong though.
Usually that isn't one of the answers presented, but recently there is a lot more of that. It was wrong to get jabbed, it was wrong to wear masks, nobody should be dying in war, transgenderism is a destructive mental illness, and homosexuality does not follow God's design for our existence in this reality. The problem is that the wrong options are inverted and presented as truth.
For all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. -Romans 3:23
Guys, didn't you know? Islam is a religion of peace. George Bush said so.
You're missing the point.
Our "debt" is fake. It's fiat, based on nothing, manufactured, created out of thin air. We "owe" interest to the banking members of the Federal Reserve System simply because Congress gave them that right and promised our country to them instead of printing money through the treasury as intended.
It's not real debt. It cannot be repaid by design.
The real relevant question is to whom do we owe the $33T?
The banks. Congress is SUPPOSED to create our money supply and WE THE PEOPLE are SUPPOSED to own it. But instead with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, Congress abdicated their responsibility to private banks that make up the Federal Reserve System and gave money creation powers to privately owned banks. They create new money out of thin air based on "reserve requirements" (if they "hold" $1B, they can "loan" $9B, which is a fancy way of saying they can lend money that they don't have and doesn't exist) and give giant loans to their buddies to buy out whatever they want, transferring 1s and 0s into real productivity and real assets. Fiat money/fractional reserve currency is created in all credit transactions- they create a liability in your name and you pay them back with real wages AND interest. This is why banks don't give a crap when someone steals your credit card and makes a bunch of charges. It's not their money at risk- in fact, it's nobody's money at risk, it's just a new liability they can write off as a loss that cost them literally nothing to capture.
It's pretty wild that this is the world we live in. But nothing can possibly change until the entirety of the current money system worldwide is eradicated. Because as long as Banksters can create new money out of thin air and exchange it for goods and services, nothing holds any real monetary value.
There is something going on in Ukraine. Who is responsible, how widespread it is, and to what extent this is manufactured versus organic is the real question.
I have a whole team of remote coworkers who fled the country when the war broke out and are now living in Poland and Romania. The school that one of my coworker's children attended was destroyed by mortars. I asked her about exactly this and she sent me before and after pictures.
There is a real feel of "Wag the Dog" in Ukraine. But there are also real humans with real lives who are being impacted.
It's just for 12 hours. Nothing is happening, and nothing is going to happen because our corrupt court system is rigged against the Goyim.
They cannot turn in their people to be punished by any authority, so they packed the courts, DAs offices and legal system with their own or sympathizers who do what they are told in order to prevent them from being punished for wrongdoing. These are instructions straight from the Talmud. It is true that nobody has any standing in these cases, because the Goyim cannot be allowed to win in court.
I doubt it's less of a "loose end" and more of an "occult sacrifice ritual".
Personally, I would be shocked if he was still alive. That doesn't mean he died on camera in the way we were shown.
Heavy vaccine uptake in North, South, and Latin America
Plead the Fifth!