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LOL. Truth. My 4th grade teacher was a genius as it pertains to the solar system. Why don't more idiots follow the simple teachings from their public school? Don't tell me they are just teaching what their told to teach. That's more lies!
Totally agree about the sun. The moon has me a little perplexed though. It lights up like a flashlight. And sometimes earths shadow is curved impossibly. Also just how sometimes half the moon is completely missing when you should at least see an outline. And why doesn’t the sun pull it into its gravitational pull. It’s always bothered me. Also how the sun and moon are basically the same size as you look at it.
Everyone here knows it’s round, clown. Those fools who try to talk Flat Earth are banned by my man- Catsfive. He knows more about the shape of the earth than you. Plus it’s highly annoying to listen to the lies. Obviously Flat Earthers are trying to make money and gain extra advantages in life by stating this dangerous thinking.
Thank you. I wish I knew geometry better. I’m sure flatheads will argue that the flight planning software is built on the round earth model. But of course it is. Would they build a flight planning software on the back of a giant turtle? Lol.
Thank you Anon. This brought a tear to my eye. The future is ours. Rejoice in the Lord!