Interesting that they use the word... "spell". Very interesting.
Home. If you take, you are the homeboy.
Poor guy. Testicle never dropped?
Yep. The wife told me she was going to get it. I gave her the info and said, you do what you want, but I highly recommend you do not get it for the sake of our kids and your health. I told her I wouldn't say anything about it again if she decided to go through with it, but I am completely against it. A week later she got it, the second jab is set for next week. I'm mentally preparing myself to look for a new mother for my kids.
Wow. Sometimes even demons are forced to speak the truth.
Moon wobble. Just looked it up, probably Bill Gates fucking shit up.
I call it a jab because I hate the word jab, and it reminds me every time that it is not a vaccine and I will not be jabbed voluntarily.
He could have been one of the worlds greatest stand up comedians if real estate didn't work out for him.
Looks like a fat low testosterone man to me.
He does a lot of interesting videos. Good find.
Just using sheer pattern recognition, not any evidence, it seems to me a matter of "them" needing a fall guy. A sacrificial lamb. Much like Bill Cosby, or any of the other "me too" sacrifices, they find someone who is guilty of whatever it is, then they take the weakest guilty party and offer them up as a sacrifice, hoping we will forget about the sins of the other bad actors.
You can't stop a lefty feel-thinker from projecting. They just can't stop themselves.
This has already happened, and just like the music industry most new indy books are shit. But there is the odd gem.
Read old books, the older the better.
Well yeah. They are "all in" right now. They think they are about to win biggly, but we all know, they are about to lose it all. God wins in the end. The truth will prevail.
There is no order of operations when you add 1+1+1+1.... idiots.
So it was hand drawn? Why didn't they just say that? Going back to old school.
A non- whaty what bison?
There is an English site as well. Absolutely creepy as fuck. I notice the English site does not have the golden cow emblem anywhere.
The only weapon they have left are illusions. How do you know those people are in charge? How do you know what is truly going on behind the scenes?
And a little stuffed parrot.
The apocalypse.
I find it interesting how much truth his is actually saying, but just like a demon he twisted it to lay the blame at the feet of truth, liberty, and God loving Americans.
Almost like Someone is trying to tell us something.
We need to March for wizmonsens rights! And monsmensesns rights. And millismiinnes rights. And and and....