Immysteryman 4 points ago +4 / -0

That is a battery - plain and simple. Only a judge can declare him incompetent to make medical decisions after due process, I.e. a hearing where he gets to put on evidence of competency. That was outrageous and a disgrace.

by Restore
Immysteryman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Private money helping the government ? Oh my!

Immysteryman 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wonder if anyone from Chin-Na is on that list?

Immysteryman 1 point ago +1 / -0

I did read the article. The title misstates the facts - badly so. It says he was denied being placed on the transplant list at one facility. Two others were willing to put him on the list.

There are multiple transplant regions in the US. You can only sign up with one transplant facility in one region. He wasn’t “denied” anything. Two other facilities were willing to place him on their list.

That doesn’t means he’s going to get a kidney. It just means if an organ becomes available, his criteria will be applied to it and he will be ranked for compatibility. The fact that one transplant team denied putting him on the list should tell him he doesn’t want those doctors managing his health care.

I don’t assume to know what anyone on here knows or doesn’t know, but I can spot and call bullshit on exaggerated facts when I’m knowledgeable. I would wager I know more about kidneys, dialysis, kidney transplants and the transplant system in the US then 99% of the people on this board. The title is over exaggerating the article and who knows if the article is even accurate. THAT’S my point.

Immysteryman 2 points ago +2 / -0

Good stuff. Great find.

Immysteryman 1 point ago +1 / -0


Immysteryman -4 points ago +1 / -5

This is the stupidest misinformation I’ve seen yet. I love this site but people Puhlease.

My wife had renal failure. Her options? Dialysis or death. You go on the transplant list. It’s not a waiting line, like first come first serve. It’s best on her match to an available organ versus everyone else’s match. Top 4 matches race to the hospital and 1 and 2 are evaluated to see if they can do the transplant. If not 3 or 4 may get an organ.

Transplant tells you not to get the jab BECAUSE THEY ARE GOING TO INFUSE YOU WITH MASSIVE DRUGS TO KILL YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM SO IT CANNOT REJECT THE ORGAN. The jab is pointless and potentially more dangerous due to the spiked protein but no immune system.

So spare me your wild-ass stories about refusing THREE kidney transplants. Getting ONE is a miracle and anyone on dialysis would never refuse a kidney.

Dialysis is like one foot in the grave. People die in the dialysis clinic all the time. If you don’t believe me check it out.


Loving husband of a wife that endured four years of dialysis.

Immysteryman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Uhhh, I would not call that desperate, more like Bugs Bunny ridickerous

Immysteryman 1 point ago +1 / -0

I want one!! Two in fact, one for the back door too!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Immysteryman 12 points ago +12 / -0

Why doesn’t someone point out the simple truth: unless “fact checkers” have access to the same information that the people auditing the Arizona election results studied, counted, checked, recounted, rechecked, etc., THEY HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT THE FACTS ARE.

I find the whole notion of “fact checking” an issue that remains FACTUALLY UNRESOLVED to be moronically ludicrous. And I say “factually unresolved “ in the most generous of spirits.

Clearly, many intelligent elected representatives heard from their constituents and voted to study what happened. It’s like “fact checking” whether OJ killed Nicole IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FREAKING TRIAL.

Ok, that is all.

by Restore
Immysteryman 1 point ago +1 / -0

Simper ubi sub ubi!

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