I'm sorry, but you are incorrect. The Catholic Church was started by Romans about 300 years after the real Church began at pentecost. These Romans brought in many pagan beliefs. This Roman Church changed the 10 commandments, turned Mary into a deity, instituted praying to ancestors, made confession (to a priest) necessary for salvation, declared the Pope to be equivalent to Jesus, declared papal mandates to be more authoritative then the Bible, made it illegal to own a Bible, etcetera etcetera.
God is awesome, Jesus is awesome, but the Roman Catholic Church is an evil that God has used for some good throughout the centuries. It is not the mother Church.
I thought so. I was eating cereal in my colleges dining hall, watching the first building on fire when I saw the second building get hit by a plane. If it was CGI then they tricked me. I questioned every other aspect of that day, but not that.
Maybe you're right, who knows anymore. I was watching live when the second plane hit. It's burnt into my memory, but maybe it was live edit CGI. I've questioned everything else, but I thought the planes were a fact. Possibly drones full of explosives, but still planes. Maybe not.
I've been a truther since day one, but no one can deny planes flew into buildings one and two.
Deny who was behind it, deny that jet fuel can melt steel, deny bldg7 and the Pentagon, but you can't deny planes flew into those two buildings.
Jesus is gonna clean house soon
Good thinking, you might be right
Yeah, we know. And it's not plagiarism, it's subservient lock step with the masters orders.
Does anyone know why I still see the Georgia Guide Stones as the top post in my ”Hot" feed?
The Mayans weren't worshipping the true God of all creation.
Exactly. UN Agenda 2030 got moved up to become Agenda 2023. "You'll own nothing and be happy" comes from a WEF article about life in 2030. AOC said we only have 12 years left in January 2019, assuming she heard that from her handlers in 2018 means they believe it all ends in 2030. They have big big plans for 2030, and the real pandemics and the real wars and the real food shortages and the real economic collapse starts next year, in 2023.
2030 will mark 2k years since he died on the cross. When he died, he spent the rest of Friday, all of Saturday (Sabbath day of rest), and at least some of Sunday dead before resurrecting and eventual ascending. So, 2 full days gone. I am hopeful this is a pattern he will repeat. 2 full days (millennium) gone, then returning.
Whenever he returns, he will reign as King of Earth for 1,000 years (aka 1 day). If that happens in roughly 2030, then that 1k years comes 6k years after creation, making 7k years total. This completes the pattern set in Genesis of 6+1. Six cycles done one way, one cycle done a special, set apart, more Godly way.
After the 1,000 years as King on earth, he resets creation, and we live forever with him in a new heaven + earth that will never experience sin.
Hosea 6:2 says "He will revive us after 2 days, and on the 3rd day he will raise us up so that we can live in his presence." I'm reading that as saying 2 days (millennium) after the cross is The Day of the Lord, which includes the resurrection of the dead. Then 1 day (millennium) later we get to be with him in his full heavenly presence forever.
Praise God
My belief is that the 7 year countdown to the return of King Jesus starts in 2023, and His return is 2030. All corruption is done in '30.
What other trips? I see no trips is the 2 quoted posts.
But the mother is not breaking any law when she hires someone to murder her baby? That seems wrong to me. Am I misunderstand something?
Please expand on "Same time." Are we talking within minutes of each other, or literally they collapsed at the same moment?
I think modern Christian music is very good. Zach Williams, for example, or Elevation Worship. I can't stand Christian music from the 90s and 2000s, but current stuff is real good.
Ahhh, that way all the Dems can vote in the Republican primary without risking anything on their side.
I only kneel for King Jesus
Why are some people so evil?
I bet you will. I've been wondering what money is propping up the "Great Resignation", like, how do all these people buy food? In hindsight, crypto could be the source. I bet there will be a "Great Application" after the crypto crashes.
Choose God's side and you live forever.
Please explain
I'm interested in this revival, I'm not familiar with it. If you have scripture passage references, I'd appreciate it
Go with Jesus. His kingdom will be one full of justice. No darkness, only light. The only political structure that won't eventually be corrupt is the one where God is king.
I think not!