Voted early here in Idaho, got (1 of my) sisters to vote early too. I was blown away how many people were at the polls on the particular day that I went. Further, it was reported in a local paper that early voting in our particular county had hit a historic amount.
Thanks TaQo. Kind words. Her ego can get in the way. I have tried to give her my perspective on research and why I do it multiple times. It is what it is. If she was jealous for my time, I would certainly make more time for her, but she is way too busy with dog and cat videos on instagram to be bothered.
Doobiedoo, yes, I do remember what it was like in the beginning. Sadly, my wife is a complete and utter ostrich when it comes to wanting to put the head in the sand (Hmm, did I just come out with a new moniker for people unwilling to wake up,... "Ostriches").
That part is hard for me. I have tried to "show her the information", but she doesn't want to do the research and feels everything I read is biased. When she does research, it is usually to debunk what I am telling her and she backs it up with MSM BS. Hard to steer that ship in the right direction.
And I certainly would not want to still be niave to what has been happening around us. I much prefer knowing what I know now. It just seems isolating at times, but hopefully we are nearing a point where many will come to the light.
I relate to so much of this. I have one sister that "understands" what is going on and one that is as oblivious as can possibly be. My sisters and I have together strong through the loss of both of our parents, but it doesn't seem the same now. The small talk is so tough to sit with at times.
Liz Cheney can eat a bag of dicks.