Pronounce it like " Cau' dem" or "caught them" is how I read it.
Time MAGA-zine :)
The thief doesn't get to keep the diamonds he stole.
Maybe even in the colon.
My bad, restart the video to watch from the beginning.
It could be because of the 100 percent death rate in humanized mice due to a newly made corona virus SARS 2.
Here is a list of people with some people asking the same questions:
@ 0:26 Rosey says the decision came from higher up and we have to stick with it.
I own them all. I like the original the best but the second one did have to two "opposing" companies end up being owned by the same company story.
Tucker Qarlson.. kek
I read the article but I can not find the "Speech will hit 3.5 billion people as China and India will broadcast it live" part. Sauce?
I'm having difficulty finding the sauce. Many "fact-checkers" with BS stories. Any leads on resources regarding pilot death rate between 2018 and 2022?
We'll find his secrets in his garage So many secrets we can make a collage We'll find his secrets in his closet Chinese examined them after they made a deposit
I never heard of them but I watched the whole video you linked. I was enthralled and have some research to do. Makes me want to play my guitar.
Pride Pox....Bahaahahhaa
All great advice fren. Dehydrating applesauce makes pretty good fruit leather too.
Reminds me of a chameleon...